Human Life...

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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
...It's been a long day. I just got home from a attending the death of a patient. Lung cancer finally did him in. Four generations were there, a lot of support from friends of the family too. I stood there blinking back tears as he passed, even though it was the first time I'd ever met him or his family. But I never get used to it...If you do, there's something wrong.

In hospice you treat the family as well as the patient, and each time I am with a patient and their family when they pass, it reminds me of just how precious a thing life truly is. Good night all...And peace be with you.
I worked for a local Hospice organization a few years back. That sure is something you never get used to. Those that are your patients long term you certainly get very close to, the patients and the family. Needless to say, I didnt last in that job too long.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...It's been a long day. I just got home from a attending the death of a patient. Lung cancer finally did him in. Four generations were there, a lot of support from friends of the family too. I stood there blinking back tears as he passed, even though it was the first time I'd ever met him or his family. But I never get used to it...If you do, there's something wrong.

In hospice you treat the family as well as the patient, and each time I am with a patient and their family when they pass, it reminds me of just how precious a thing life truly is. Good night all...And peace be with you.

Sorry to hear this Bully! I am sure this was quite hard for you! I know I could NEVER do this, since I know I would be the biggest baby of them all - I am just too damn emotional and your right, I don't think you can EVER get used to this at all!!!!!! cheer up! have a good night!
I am sure you could never get used to that and just remember he is no longer suffering and he is in a much more peaceful place.
Sorry to hear about the loss, Bully. It scares me every time I hear about lung cancer too. I'm quitting these damn cigarettes.
My grandfather died of lung cancer, and my mother (his daughter) still smokes, though she's down to only two or three cigarettes a day from two or three packs.


Originally posted by Big D
At lease that guy got to say goodbye to his family and die a somewhat peaceful death. If you want to cry for someone, cry for someone who dies like this:

Big D - the link didn't work - also, I don't even think it's a matter of being able to say goodbye or how bad the death was, it's the FACT that a death happened, and more so, the fact that Bully has witnessed death on more than one occasion. No matter how one dies, or whether they got to say goodbye to someone or not, it's still death and it's a hard thing to grip when you watch this person die.
Link works
My grandmother lived to be 98 and she wanted to die because of all the pain she was in. When she did die I was happy for her.
My Grandmother is 88 she is still pretty spunky but in the last couple of months I have noticed a big decline.. I think she is dying of sadness . My Grandmother has remarried since the loss of my Grandfather in 1982 and she is terribly unhappy with the old kadger she married 12 yrs ago . I know she misses her true love and I think she will die of a broken heart soon.

This woman has smoked since the age of14. Like I said she is still a healthy 88 yr old but I do beleive you can die from a broken heart. I will be incredably sad when she dies but I know she will be happier. I am just blessed that my children should all remember thier Great Grandmother. I never knew my Great Grandmother.
I have had alot of passings on in my family, seems like all my life. we are not a large family but death comes to see us way to often. A person who dies of old age usually is ready to go. All they are familar with is gone. When they do pass on their life is celibrated and while its sad they are no longer a part of our lives they live on in our hearts and by way of desendents. What gets me is when young people die. They are suppose to be burying us, the older generation not the other way around. On a passing note, its a good idea to document on video or tape recorder of what they know about your family tree, and their lifes experence's. Once they are gone so is what they know. Bully and I may be on different sides of the fence on some things but I am sure that if I ever meet him or someone like him that tend the dieing I will do what I can to make their day a better one.Heres to you Bully for what you do......:beer:
Originally posted by Big D
If you want to cry for someone bully, cry for this girl:

Not for some guy becuse he was a glutton for cigarettes.

A person can show compassion of a person they witness dying in front of a family and as well as a crime victim. There does not have to be a choice! Why discount an elderly man that may have done much in is life because he smoked?

And btw quit crapping on peoples threads, your'e stinking up the place.
Originally posted by MtnBiker

And btw quit crapping on peoples threads, your'e stinking up the place.
Sorry, to see that you think me pointing out the horrible death of this girl is crap and is stinking up the place.

Thats why this girl died is because of people like you who are afraid to say anything and shout down others that do.

Maybe someone in your family is next.
I don't want the last post to be one of hatred. So I must post.

Bully, no matter what our disagreements are, my hat's off to you for your work. I never used to cry but then I had a child. Now I cry all the time. I could never be around sadness, hell, I even cry at commercials!

I'm sure the families of those you care for appreciate your efforts even if they never say so. Sometimes it's better if they don't, you know that you are providing comfort but they are able to still focus on the important- their relative or friend.
Originally posted by Moi
I don't want the last post to be one of hatred. So I must post.

Bully, no matter what our disagreements are, my hat's off to you for your work. I never used to cry but then I had a child. Now I cry all the time. I could never be around sadness, hell, I even cry at commercials!

I'm sure the families of those you care for appreciate your efforts even if they never say so. Sometimes it's better if they don't, you know that you are providing comfort but they are able to still focus on the important- their relative or friend.

well said....:clap:
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