Mara: A Capitalism Dead-End?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Isn't it cool (is it?) how commerce-culture of the modern age generates its own 'brand' of adventure-storytelling?

This yarn (most likely my last one) was inspired by G.I. Joe comics and the wartime-meditation film Three Kings.

Signing off,


Kurt Wilde travelled across Nepal and completed his meditations on the path to destruction created by a warlike mind. Wilde was interested in democracy-defense, so he joined the secret American team of paramilitary-crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' and became known as 'Snake-Eyes.' The Joes contended with a nefarious under-water team of super-terrorists known as 'Cobra.' During an undersea battle between the Joes and Cobra, the Joe leader Duke ordered ninja-assassin Snake-Eyes to apprehend the villainous female Cobra war-counselor Pythona, and when he did, she told him to let her go in exchange for the life of a secret sea-nymph mermaid Cobra captured and kept hostage as a guinea-pig for genetic experiments. The mermaid's name was Mara, and Snake-Eyes immediately fell in love with her flowing black hair and lamented how she was forcibly donned in a Cobra uniform. Snake-Eyes took the deal and rescued Mara and let Pythona free.


Duke was infuriated that Snake-Eyes made the deal, but the loyal ninja-assassin explained he was in love with Mara and that Cobra was performing inhuman genetic experiments on her, and soon Duke conceded and blessed their marriage. Snake-Eyes and Mara went on a honeymoon to the Swiss Alps, and everything was wonderful, until Duke got the phone call from U.S. President Donald Trump that Cobra was planning a terrorism-initiative in the Himalayas to extract nuclear weapons from Pakistan. Snake-Eyes was ordered to join the mission, and as he found himself thick in the battle of a full-fledged terrorism-driven hysterical 'engagement,' Snake-Eyes asked himself, "Does capitalism society warrant a sacrificial defense that would drive me away from the arms of my Mara and into a 'ego-explicit maelstrom'?" There was not much time for brooding, since North Korea had now declared anti-capitalist nuclear war on America (and Cobra Commander kidnapped First Lady Melania Trump and was holding her hostage!).

joe-cobra (2).jpg



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