Many Republicans hoping Sarah Palin runs in 2016



A GOP cure: Sarah Palin for president in 2016 -

Palin can more than keep up with the Democrats in appealing to voters' emotions. Hardly anyone could be more blue collar than Palin, out on the fishing boat with her hunky blue-collar husband, Todd. Palin is "View"-ready, she's "Ellen"-ready, she's Kelly-and-Michael-ready.

A Palin "war against women"? Hah! Not only is she a woman, she's got a single-mom daughter, Bristol, to help with the swelling single-mom demographic. On social issues, Palin, unlike Romney, has been absolutely consistent. And let's remember that most Americans, whatever their view of choice, disapprove of most abortions.

Gay marriage? Palin opposes it. But she is also a strong advocate of states' rights, and I'm betting she'd be fine with letting states and their voters grapple with the issue on their own. Remember that all of America didn't swing toward approval of gay marriage on Nov. 6. Three reliably blue states and their voters did. If she were smart, Palin would recruit a member of her impressive gay fanboy base — yes, she has one — to help run her campaign. I nominate Kevin DuJan of the widely read gay conservative blog HillBuzz, a Palin stalwart since 2008.

Furthermore, looks count in politics, and Palin at age 48, has it all over her possible competition, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, who will be 69 by election day 2016 and who let someone talk her into adopting the flowing blond locks of a college student, making her look like Brunnhilde in a small-town Wagner production. Men love Sarah Palin, and she loves men.


Wow, her biggest "qualification" is she looks good. She's "hawt". That makes me want to vote for her.
She even wrote a book all by herself. It's called, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
A GOP cure: Sarah Palin for president in 2016 -

Palin can more than keep up with the Democrats in appealing to voters' emotions. Hardly anyone could be more blue collar than Palin, out on the fishing boat with her hunky blue-collar husband, Todd. Palin is "View"-ready, she's "Ellen"-ready, she's Kelly-and-Michael-ready.

A Palin "war against women"? Hah! Not only is she a woman, she's got a single-mom daughter, Bristol, to help with the swelling single-mom demographic. On social issues, Palin, unlike Romney, has been absolutely consistent. And let's remember that most Americans, whatever their view of choice, disapprove of most abortions.

Gay marriage? Palin opposes it. But she is also a strong advocate of states' rights, and I'm betting she'd be fine with letting states and their voters grapple with the issue on their own. Remember that all of America didn't swing toward approval of gay marriage on Nov. 6. Three reliably blue states and their voters did. If she were smart, Palin would recruit a member of her impressive gay fanboy base — yes, she has one — to help run her campaign. I nominate Kevin DuJan of the widely read gay conservative blog HillBuzz, a Palin stalwart since 2008.

Furthermore, looks count in politics, and Palin at age 48, has it all over her possible competition, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, who will be 69 by election day 2016 and who let someone talk her into adopting the flowing blond locks of a college student, making her look like Brunnhilde in a small-town Wagner production. Men love Sarah Palin, and she loves men.


Wow, her biggest "qualification" is she looks good. She's "hawt". That makes me want to vote for her.
She even wrote a book all by herself. It's called, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
I would be discombobulated... Why would they want to try to lose again?
Sarah Palin? Really? The Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil is gonna be effective?

Got news for you tea baggers, the GOP is starting to wake up to the fact that you're gonna kill the party.
how many is many? because most Republicans arent thinking about 2016 yet
If the GOP is thinking of the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil known as Palin, well, I can tell you one thing........................

Suicide for their past stupidity is becoming a big thing. If the GOP runs Palin in 2016, they're DEFINITELY running their last election.
I believe this country will be in such dire straights economically by 2016 that even Democrats will be willing to choose what's best for America over their own selfish special interests.

The country will need far more serious candidates from both Parties..
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