Many hunters use AR15s...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Do I carry a lightning rod in the field? No. I'm asking why you don't since you seem to have phobias of highly unlikely events. You're saying you're not willing to protect yourself from one unlikely event by doing something yourself, but you are willing to protect yourself from another unlikely event to the point of restricting everyone?

YOU are the one that mentioned lightening. Do you have short term memory loss?

With the frequency of mass shootings, it has been extrapolated that if you take people that have had firsthand experience of a mass shooting, and then those who are relatives of those people, and then get into secondary relationships... the number of people get into the millions.

Perhaps people hunting is a sport in America, and schools, churches, and outdoor concerts are simply to be considered target rich environments.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Do I carry a lightning rod in the field? No. I'm asking why you don't since you seem to have phobias of highly unlikely events. You're saying you're not willing to protect yourself from one unlikely event by doing something yourself, but you are willing to protect yourself from another unlikely event to the point of restricting everyone?

YOU are the one that mentioned lightening. Do you have short term memory loss?
Yes, I asked you a question about it. You implied carrying a lightning rod was stupid because lightning strikes are unavoidable, unlike mass shootings. You proved yourself to be retarded once again, since avoiding lightning strikes is precisely the purpose of lightning rods.
With the frequency of mass shootings, it has been extrapolated that if you take people that have had firsthand experience of a mass shooting, and then those who are relatives of those people, and then get into secondary relationships... the number of people get into the millions.
Instead of being vague, why don't you put your just money where your mouth is and post the stats of how often major mass shootings at events occur.
Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Do I carry a lightning rod in the field? No. I'm asking why you don't since you seem to have phobias of highly unlikely events. You're saying you're not willing to protect yourself from one unlikely event by doing something yourself, but you are willing to protect yourself from another unlikely event to the point of restricting everyone?

YOU are the one that mentioned lightening. Do you have short term memory loss?
Yes, I asked you a question about it. You implied carrying a lightning rod was stupid because lightning strikes are unavoidable, unlike mass shootings. You proved yourself to be retarded once again, since avoiding lightning strikes is precisely the purpose of lightning rods.
With the frequency of mass shootings, it has been extrapolated that if you take people that have had firsthand experience of a mass shooting, and then those who are relatives of those people, and then get into secondary relationships... the number of people get into the millions.
Instead of being vague, why don't you put your just money where your mouth is and post the stats of how often major mass shootings at events occur.

Most people struck by lightening aren't in places where you carry or have a lightening rod. How dense can you be?
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.
Civil war? I doubt there will ever be civil war here on a national scale. Although there are significant numbers of radical White males( RWM ) in most of the red states, I don't think there are enough of them to organize a successful coup d'état of the US government
even with Trump as president.
On Friday morning, 27 people were reportedly shot and killed at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT. According to sources, 18 of these casualties were children. This is the second mass shooting in the US this week, after a gunman opened fire in an Oregon shopping mall on Tuesday, killing 2. ABC News reports that there have been 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine in 1999, when 13 people were killed.

The rate of people killed by guns in the US is 19.5 times higher than similar high-income countries in the world. In the last 30 years since 1982, America has mourned at least 61 mass murders. Below is a timeline of mass shootings in the US since the Columbine High massacre:

A Timeline Of Mass Shootings In The US Since Columbine

Of the 23 shootings with 10 or more deaths, two took place during the National Government’s Assault Weapons Ban: Columbine and the shooting spree by an Atlanta day trader, both in 1999. Connecticut had an Assault Weapons Ban in place during the Sandy Hook Massacre in 2012. The San Bernardino shooters conducted their terror attack on an office party in 2015, long after California passed an Assault Weapons Ban (back in 1989). And Washington, D.C., had an Assault Weapons Ban as the Washington Naval Yard shooter went on his killing rampage in 2013.

That’s five cases. In the other 18 cases in which 10 or more people were killed in rampage shootings, there was no Assault Weapons Ban in that state, city, or nationwide. These include (1) the Las Vegas hotel and Country Western concert massacre, (2) the Orlando nightclub shooting in 2016, (3) the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, (4) the Sutherland Springs church shooting in 2017, (5) the 1991 Luby’s Cafeteria shooting in Texas, (6) the San Ysidro McDonald’s massacre of 1984 in California, (7) the University of Texas tower shooting, (8) the Douglas High School killing spree in Florida, (9) the Edmond Post Office shooting in Oklahoma in 1986, (10) the Binghamton shooting in 2009 in New York, (11) the Camden shootings of 1949, (12) the Wilkes-Barre shootings of 1982 in Pennsylvania, (13) the Ft. Hood shooting in Texas in 2009, (14) the Aurora Theater shooting in 2012 in Colorado, (15) the Geneva County massacre in Alabama in 2009, (16) the GMAC shooting in Jacksonville, Florida in 1990, (17) the Red Lake rampage in 2005 in Minnesota, and finally, (18) the Umpqua Community College shooting of 2015 in Oregon. That’s also 371 deaths from these 18 cases of no Assault Weapons Ban, and 82 deaths from the other five cases with an Assault Weapons Ban.

Mass shootings before, during and after the assault weapons ban

Do we have any need of these guns?
Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.
Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

Fuck.. The sense of self-preservation has bred completely out of the modern day leftist.. Bearspray?? With your kid in imminent danger? Go fuck with someone else...

Get the govt to live up to the UNREAL impossible high esteem that you leftists imagine they operate in. And REALIZE that even the massive amount of current regulation and investigation are ALREADY beyond their ability to manage and operate.. THEY blew the chance to prevent those deaths. Just as THEY blew it in 7 out of 10 of the last mass shootings. They are inept and unmotivated to do better.

Too busy using the FBI and Intel resources to prank their political opposition and cover up their treason to worry about crap kids with obvious killing potential..
Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Do I carry a lightning rod in the field? No. I'm asking why you don't since you seem to have phobias of highly unlikely events. You're saying you're not willing to protect yourself from one unlikely event by doing something yourself, but you are willing to protect yourself from another unlikely event to the point of restricting everyone?

YOU are the one that mentioned lightening. Do you have short term memory loss?
Yes, I asked you a question about it. You implied carrying a lightning rod was stupid because lightning strikes are unavoidable, unlike mass shootings. You proved yourself to be retarded once again, since avoiding lightning strikes is precisely the purpose of lightning rods.
With the frequency of mass shootings, it has been extrapolated that if you take people that have had firsthand experience of a mass shooting, and then those who are relatives of those people, and then get into secondary relationships... the number of people get into the millions.
Instead of being vague, why don't you put your just money where your mouth is and post the stats of how often major mass shootings at events occur.

Most people struck by lightening aren't in places where you carry or have a lightening rod. How dense can you be?
Obviously. That's why they were struck by lightning. I'm glad you agree how much of a moron you are.
Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.
A bear with an AR 15? LOL I want nothing less than a 30.06. And, since I aim my shots, I don't need a semi and 30 rounds. The AR and those weapons like it were designed with one purpose, to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. And we have seen there efficiency in outdoor concerts, school rooms, churches, and Christmas parties. They are not hunting weapons.
Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

Fuck.. The sense of self-preservation has bred completely out of the modern day leftist.. Bearspray?? With your kid in imminent danger? Go fuck with someone else...

Get the govt to live up to the UNREAL impossible high esteem that you leftists imagine they operate in. And REALIZE that even the massive amount of current regulation and investigation are ALREADY beyond their ability to manage and operate.. THEY blew the chance to prevent those deaths. Just as THEY blew it in 7 out of 10 of the last mass shootings. They are inept and unmotivated to do better.

Too busy using the FBI and Intel resources to prank their political opposition and cover up their treason to worry about crap kids with obvious killing potential..
A double twelve is plenty effective for home protection. You don't need a weapon of war. And you and the NRA have blown multiple chance for reasonable gun laws. So, when the unreasonable gun laws are enacted, affecting even the guns I have, it is you that will be to blame.
Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.
A bear?
No, a mountain lion, idiot!
I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.
Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.
A bear with an AR 15? LOL I want nothing less than a 30.06. And, since I aim my shots, I don't need a semi and 30 rounds. The AR and those weapons like it were designed with one purpose, to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. And we have seen there efficiency in outdoor concerts, school rooms, churches, and Christmas parties. They are not hunting weapons.

They are great for hogs, even deer. Ask a bow hunter about one arrow kills. If i'm on a camping trip I'll take the lightweight all purpose tool. If a 4 round burst into the ground at a bears feet doesn't send him off -- there's 16 more in the clip...

Same math applies to the looters preparing to ram my strip mall store with a pick-up... You just didn't read the instruction manual for proper uses...
Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

Fuck.. The sense of self-preservation has bred completely out of the modern day leftist.. Bearspray?? With your kid in imminent danger? Go fuck with someone else...

Get the govt to live up to the UNREAL impossible high esteem that you leftists imagine they operate in. And REALIZE that even the massive amount of current regulation and investigation are ALREADY beyond their ability to manage and operate.. THEY blew the chance to prevent those deaths. Just as THEY blew it in 7 out of 10 of the last mass shootings. They are inept and unmotivated to do better.

Too busy using the FBI and Intel resources to prank their political opposition and cover up their treason to worry about crap kids with obvious killing potential..
A double twelve is plenty effective for home protection. You don't need a weapon of war. And you and the NRA have blown multiple chance for reasonable gun laws. So, when the unreasonable gun laws are enacted, affecting even the guns I have, it is you that will be to blame.
A double barreled shotgun can only have two rounds loaded at a time. An AR-15 typically can have 30. Gunfights typically reduce your chance to hit your enemy due to the adrenaline and stress:

According to a 2008 RAND Corporation study evaluating the New York Police Department’s firearm training, between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate during gunfights was just 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, police officers hit their targets 30 percent of the time.

Ready, Fire, Aim: The Science Behind Police Shooting Bystanders |

So with two rounds, you likely won't hit your enemy even once. Add to that the loudness/flash/disorientation the shotgun will cause (especially at night) and you may do little more than disorient yourself and give away your position.
Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

Fuck.. The sense of self-preservation has bred completely out of the modern day leftist.. Bearspray?? With your kid in imminent danger? Go fuck with someone else...

Get the govt to live up to the UNREAL impossible high esteem that you leftists imagine they operate in. And REALIZE that even the massive amount of current regulation and investigation are ALREADY beyond their ability to manage and operate.. THEY blew the chance to prevent those deaths. Just as THEY blew it in 7 out of 10 of the last mass shootings. They are inept and unmotivated to do better.

Too busy using the FBI and Intel resources to prank their political opposition and cover up their treason to worry about crap kids with obvious killing potential..

Now a kid is involved? Your story evolves more than a choose your own adventure book.


Holy shit...what's next? A damsel in distress?
Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..

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