Man who had sex with barak obama mad he doesn't get the same coverage as Daniels...

Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

Trump has had that reputation since he became a public figure.....and his sex was consensual......clinton's was rape, and obama is hiding his excursions...
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:
well you'd think if trump has a history of it, no news. he does it all the time.

but if barak only had one male lover, wouldn't that be newsworthy?

come on man - be fair!
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

Trump has had that reputation since he became a public figure.....and his sex was consensual......clinton's was rape, and obama is hiding his excursions...

Trump has had that reputation. He had to pay prostitutes. No self respecting woman would go to bed with that spoiled fat guy with such tiny hands.
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

Trump has had that reputation since he became a public figure.....and his sex was consensual......clinton's was rape, and obama is hiding his excursions...

Do you really think the media sees party? They see ratings. If they really believed Clinton was a rapist or Obama had a gay affair they'd be all over it. We heard about Monica Lewinsky way more than you're ever going to hear about Stormy Daniels. Hell, they gave Trump billions in free advertising during the primaries, because Trump equaled ratings.
The comments after this retarded story are positively hysterical.
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Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

Trump has had that reputation since he became a public figure.....and his sex was consensual......clinton's was rape, and obama is hiding his excursions...

Do you really think the media sees party? They see ratings. If they really believed Clinton was a rapist or Obama had a gay affair they'd be all over it. We heard about Monica Lewinsky way more than you're ever going to hear about Stormy Daniels. Hell, they gave Trump billions in free advertising during the primaries, because Trump equaled ratings.

Yes....they see party......they buried the Monica Lewinsky story, they buried the Juanita Broaderick story.....if you don't understand that, you really need to think a lot harder on this...
The comments after this retarded story are positively hysterical.

like this?

Humble Servant
4 hours ago

He should be thankful that he is still alive unlike Clintons' "friends." Better be careful; otherwise, he will get "robbed "without losing any belongs; gets send to hospital while perfectly alright; then cops shown up with a outside special Dr. related to Obama for a private treatment section; and then minutes later, died from unknown cause and no investigation is allowed while the MSM totally ignore the case.....
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

Are ya fucking stupid boi?

Oh wait....

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene.}

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost
Why is he bothering with anger. Why doesn't he just go to the same media outlets she went to? If he has proof - oh.

Never mind.
Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

But Obama does have a history of sleeping with men. And exchanging oral sexual favors for cocaine.

I thought everyone knew this by now.
from your link, buckwheat-

Unlike Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford), who's seen a wealth of media opportunities to tell her side of the story, Sinclair's allegations were quickly dismissed by the media. As noted by the Examiner, Mr. Sinclair has a record of crimes involving deceit and apparently did not provide corroborating evidence of the alleged affair.

hard to believe no one's chasing him with their checkbooks open

Maybe because Obama doesn't have a history of sleeping with men, but Trump has a history of cheating on his wives? Might have something to do with it. :dunno:

But Obama does have a history of sleeping with men. And exchanging oral sexual favors for cocaine.

I thought everyone knew this by now.

The next honest democrat you meet will be the first one.

The Stalinists know full well Barry is queer as a $3 bill - it's much of what they love about him.

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