Man Unable To Say "Muslim Terrorist Attack" Tells Israel No Ground Assault


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[S'funny. You'd think that if Hamas were so concerned at innocent civilian casulaties they wouldn't be launching three to five hundred rockets a day into Israel from in the middle of where all these innocent civilians live.
Barry telling Bibi "Just pretend you're Gulliver on Lilliput, those thousand cuts won't hurt so much and pretty soon you won't feel a thing" Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glenn Doherty, Tyrone Woods unavailable for comment.]

"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is increasingly concerned about the escalating violence in Gaza, believing that a ground incursion by Israel there could lead to increased civilian casualties, play into the hands of the militant Palestinian group Hamas and inflict further damage to Israel’s standing in the region at an already tumultuous time.

Though President Obama uttered immediate and firm public and private assurances that Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks emanating from Gaza, administration officials have been privately urging Israeli officials not to extend the conflict, a move that many American officials believe could benefit Hamas."

Report: Obama Telling Israel Not To Launch Ground Invasion Of Gaza… | Weasel Zippers
Obamination has no business telling Israel what to do.

They are being attacked by terrorists, so they have right to destroy the communities of those terrorists. Women and children living with their terrorist men need to suffer too.

In World War II we bombed the Nazi supporters, not just the Nazis. The war will never end when some of the enemy is protected from harm.
You're retarded.

Israel launched am offensive and blockades Gaza. This isn't no terror attack you fool.

This is Israel's aggression. They have struck hundreds of times in Gaza, killed 13 civilians and destroyed their electricity, medicine, and infrastructure.

Israel started this with their assassination. And further killing 8 Palestinians including two girls under 5.

Israel is an evil country and the world is standing up to them you scumbag!
Burn in hell with your buddy UBL, asswipe.

You're retarded.

Israel launched am offensive and blockades Gaza. This isn't no terror attack you fool.

This is Israel's aggression. They have struck hundreds of times in Gaza, killed 13 civilians and destroyed their electricity, medicine, and infrastructure.

Israel started this with their assassination. And further killing 8 Palestinians including two girls under 5.

Israel is an evil country and the world is standing up to them you scumbag!
You conservatives are by far the dumbest vermin in America.

Quit embarrassing this country. Learn some common sense you fucks.

Learn facts of the conflict. Be honest. You're painfully stupid and don't speak for Americans.

Whining Israeli pussy. He thinks America will fight Israel's wars and offensives.

Israel is leading its own destruction and losing ties in the region.

They are cowards who target a defenseless population for decades.

You're the last of the idiots left in the world. You support a criminal Occupier!
You conservatives are by far the dumbest vermin in America.

Quit embarrassing this country. Learn some common sense you fucks.

Learn facts of the conflict. Be honest. You're painfully stupid and don't speak for Americans.

The facts are that both Israel and Palestine both commit heinous acts against each other, and are both to blame for the current situation. Unfortunately, neither will ever give, so the conflict will most likely continue indefinitely.
America needs to mind its fucking business and allow what ever is going to happen in the Middle East to happen. 60 years of meddling in their affairs is what has made us a target.
Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.
You conservatives are by far the dumbest vermin in America.

Quit embarrassing this country. Learn some common sense you fucks.

Learn facts of the conflict. Be honest. You're painfully stupid and don't speak for Americans.

The facts are that both Israel and Palestine both commit heinous acts against each other, and are both to blame for the current situation. Unfortunately, neither will ever give, so the conflict will most likely continue indefinitely.

Hey, at least that wasn't bias, I think we should stay out. This will mess up our ties everywhere in the Middle East. We can't keep giving Israel green lights to launch offensives on Gaza. Turkey and Egypt are more valuable allies. All Israel does is bring us war and makes people hate us.
Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.

obama needs to put up or shut up.
Israel will turn the region into a glowing hole in the ground and it should. Palestine doesn't need a war, it needs sterilization as any other virus would. Meanwhile the Pallywood industry of fake injuries marches on.
Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.

You're full of shit.

Israel launched this offensive, by assassinating a military chief and killing 8 Palestinians and hitting dozens of other places in Gaza. Two of them were children under the age of 5.

Palestinians have every right to respond and fire rockets back at Israel.

You're a coward and criminal supporting scum.

Fuck off!
So what exactly has the US done???

Arm Israel going back to the Cold War after the Soviets armed their Arab enemies that actually attacked Israel first?

So if a gun shop owner sells weapons to a guy to protect his family....should the criminals attack the gun shop owner? Nice logic....:doubt:

America needs to mind its fucking business and allow what ever is going to happen in the Middle East to happen. 60 years of meddling in their affairs is what has made us a target.
All Israel does is bring war and destruction. Isn't it time we stop meddling with those affairs in the Middle East and military aid to Israel? Seriously.

Israel is a horrible ally. They ruin our relations in that region. Turkey is much more important.
You're retarded.

Israel launched am offensive and blockades Gaza. This isn't no terror attack you fool.

This is Israel's aggression. They have struck hundreds of times in Gaza, killed 13 civilians and destroyed their electricity, medicine, and infrastructure.

Israel started this with their assassination. And further killing 8 Palestinians including two girls under 5.

Israel is an evil country and the world is standing up to them you scumbag!

Actually, you're the tard. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel to the tune of over 800 since 1/1/2012 alone.

Enough already. Take you're Jew hating shit to some far left blog where it will be appreciated.
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So what exactly has the US done???

Arm Israel going back to the Cold War after the Soviets armed their Arab enemies that actually attacked Israel first?

So if a gun shop owner sells weapons to a guy to protect his family....should the criminals attack the gun shop owner? Nice logic....:doubt:

America needs to mind its fucking business and allow what ever is going to happen in the Middle East to happen. 60 years of meddling in their affairs is what has made us a target.

Fucking idiot. You use no logic at all. Can you not comprehend that Israel is the aggressor and the country that is going in and murdering a defenseless population?

Israel is a warmongering country. Until they make peace and listen to us, that's when we should support them. Not when they're wrecking havoc.
Terrorist....Israel could have killed everyone one of those terrorists and their supporters during the wars with the Arab world.

Israel gave them land to keep the peace, instead you scumbags kept lobbing missiles and rockets at them hiding behind the leftist supporters in the UN.

Israel could have solved this problem decades ago by just killing you terrorists off when they had the chance.

Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.

You're full of shit.

Israel launched this offensive, by assassinating a military chief and killing 8 Palestinians and hitting dozens of other places in Gaza. Two of them were children under the age of 5.

Palestinians have every right to respond and fire rockets back at Israel.

You're a coward and criminal supporting scum.

Fuck off!

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