Man leaving party is shot to death...can we stop the gun violence?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A man was leaving a party in Australia when he was ambushed and shot to death....Australian police believe it may have been a love triangle...

Mystery behind deadly Melbourne shooting

A YOUNG Melbourne man said goodbye to his friends after a party, opened a garage door and was gunned down, dying in the street as his killers fled.

As police hunt for the gunmen, mystery around the shooting has mounted, with police investigating whether a love triangle was the motive.

The Herald Sun reports police are investigating a possible fight at the home in Keysborough, in Melbourne’s southeast, after it was revealed one person started a relationship with another person’s ex-girlfriend. However, the man who died was not involved.

Two of his friends were also hit by bullets when the gunmen fired at them through the rear garage door of the house on Tuesday night.

A 23-year-old man received a gunshot wound to the arm and a 22-year-old man was hit in the leg. Both are in a stable condition.

Wait a minute....they banned and confiscated guns in Australia...right?
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

Quite a leap in logic there, prohibition of alcohol did create more of a problem than it solved but that doesn't mean gun control will fix a damn thing to do with gun violence. If you look at Australia, they tried some serious gun control but it made little difference compared to New Zealand, who didn't.
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

Quite a leap in logic there, prohibition of alcohol did create more of a problem than it solved but that doesn't mean gun control will fix a damn thing to do with gun violence. If you look at Australia, they tried some serious gun control but it made little difference compared to New Zealand, who didn't.

And they just ran a 3 part series in an Australian paper....Part 1. " Young, dumb and armed" where they reveal that Australia is experiencing an increase in gun much that they now nicknamed Melbourne, Australia, the City of the gun.....that wasn't supposed to happen after they banned and confiscated guns...
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.

And the fact you know why none of those things stop crime or mass shootings...and you know that each one is an infringement on the Right to own and carry a gun.

The only reason to license a gun owner is to charge a fee...since the people killing other people are not going to get a license...since they cannot legally buy, own or carry a gun.

Background checks...we already have them for gun dealers...and the criminals get their guns by stealing them or using a straw buyer who passes the background check. Universal background checks? They would be bypassed the same way....and the only reason the anti gun leadership wants them is to get universal gun registration...which you just pointed out. know by now that actual criminals do not have to register illegal guns....the Supreme Court decision in Haynes v. United States made it clear that requiring criminals to register illegal guns violates their 5th Amendment protection against self if actual criminals do not have to do is insane to require normal, law abiding citizens to do it....considering it would also be a violation of their 5th Amendment rights.....

insurance.....costs to much.....owning a gun is a Right....and imposing a Poll Tax on owning the gun is unConstitutional.

Demcorat States once put a poll tax and literacy tests on the Right to vote to keep blacks from voting.......those are unConstitutional.....allowing states like New York and California , democrat, anti gun states, to put restrictions on gun ownership is the same thing....

And again, nothing you suggested stops criminals from getting guns.....and they do not stop mass shooters. Criminals use straw buyers or steal guns....bypassing licensing and background checks, since they can't legally do or pass them......and they are not required to register illegal guns....

Thank you for posting your thoughts.
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.

We already have a "compact" it is called the Constitution of the United States....specifically the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights.....
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.

Here you go...the internet ruins your points....

This is how effective your background checks are.....notice......even if you had background checks on private gun sales.....these two convicted criminals would get these guns...because the sellers didn't care.....they knew they were breaking the law when they sold the guns to the bad guys.....

Oakland grand jury charges 8 in interstate gun trafficking scheme

Defendants Allec, Kemp, Kam, and Taufi allegedly purchased the guns from licensed dealers in Nevada, while Salevao and Straight acted as middlemen to sell the firearms to Winn and De La Cruz.

The indictment alleges Winn and De La Cruz, convicted criminals prohibited from possessing or receiving firearms, traveled to Reno to purchase the guns and then sold the firearms in the San Francisco Bay Area for cash and drugs. De La Cruz and Winn were also charged with drug dealing offenses, conspiracy to commit robbery and brandishing firearms while committing robbery.

Several illegal transactions are listed in the indictment that occurred from March 2015 to October 2016. Law enforcement officers have recovered a number of the firearms in Oakland and other places around the Bay Area.
Hey, 2aguy, do you really think,,,,err,,,, believe I read any of your crap? You need meds and a good therapist.

It is obvious that you didn't...if you did you might not be as dumb as you are....especially when it comes to stupid gun laws that do nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......but keep posting....they are very funny.
Wait a minute....they banned and confiscated guns in Australia...right?

Actually ... they're not.

Australia, a country of 25 million people, has almost 4 million registered firearms and two to three times that many unregistered firearms. Even the famous 'buy back' in '96 netted fewer than 800,000 firearms (about a quarter of the number estimated to have been in circulation at the time).
Hey, 2aguy, do you really think,,,,err,,,, believe I read any of your crap? You need meds and a good therapist.

It is obvious that you didn't...if you did you might not be as dumb as you are....especially when it comes to stupid gun laws that do nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......but keep posting....they are very funny.

You're not only one sick puppy, you are an un or poorly educated fool. Go suck the barrel of your favorite gun, I'm sure someone so obsessed with a deadly weapon as are you, has some sexual hangups.
Hey, 2aguy, do you really think,,,,err,,,, believe I read any of your crap? You need meds and a good therapist.

It is obvious that you didn't...if you did you might not be as dumb as you are....especially when it comes to stupid gun laws that do nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......but keep posting....they are very funny.

You're not only one sick puppy, you are an un or poorly educated fool. Go suck the barrel of your favorite gun, I'm sure someone so obsessed with a deadly weapon as are you, has some sexual hangups.

And there you go.......we always get there with you anti gunners...your weird, sexual fetish for guns......get help....before you hurt yourself or someone else. Guns are not sex toys...use your blow up doll, it is a lot safer....and get help.....your sexual wiring is really messed up.
Wait a minute....they banned and confiscated guns in Australia...right?

Actually ... they're not.

Australia, a country of 25 million people, has almost 4 million registered firearms and two to three times that many unregistered firearms. Even the famous 'buy back' in '96 netted fewer than 800,000 firearms (about a quarter of the number estimated to have been in circulation at the time).

But don't tell that to anti gunners....they claim Australia is an anti gun paradise....
But don't tell that to anti gunners....they claim Australia is an anti gun paradise....

Yea ... that always cracks me up. I lived in Australia for years. There were five gun stores in a 20km radius of my home. Over 50 gun clubs in the state of Victoria. Dozens of ranges. I owned several handguns and longarms in Australia.
Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.

I'm sure you have a way to get criminals to follow your new laws,

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Stealing is banned, by law; so is rape, sexually battery, domestic violence and other behaviors penalized in penal codes around the world.

A law is not a panacea, prohibition does not fix a problem; it can sometimes exacerbate one. Thus, rational people believe gun control, rather than banishment is an inoculation against the disease of gun violation, not a cure.

Irrational people believe inoculations don't prevent disease they create other problems - sometimes one in a million is enough for them to disdain common and effective means of controlling disease. Thus we see ad nausea the obsessive posts by 2aguy and his irrational approach to a serious problem.

No....people like you think that banning guns for law abiding people will lower the crime rate.

We have shown you over and over again that this is not true, but in fact increases the crime rate in most countries.....and in all countries the criminals still get guns.

In fact, we have shown you over and over again that as more Americans bought, and actually carried guns.....our gun murder rate went down 42%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%.......

That means everything you believe about guns, and everything you say about guns is wrong.....

Britain banned guns...their gun crime rate has been going was up 42% last some areas of Britain their crime rate is up 90%....and across Britain their crime rate is up 25%..... brave....tell us which gun control options you think will work. Since I have asked this question over the last few months, none of you anti gunners have been willing to engage in the discussion...since you know that none of the gun control you want, or that Britain, Australia, or Europe actually have, has stopped their criminals and terrorists from getting guns......

I have posted my opinion on gun control often enough only the willfully ignorant have not retained it. In short: To own, possess or have custody or control of a gun, one should be
  • Licensed after proper training and a background check
  • All guns need to be registered and insured
  • Each state should have the right to impose or not impose these conditions, which cannot be extended to any other state without a compact.

I'm sure you have a way to get criminals to follow your new laws,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

His laws aren't meant for actual criminals....his laws are meant to punish law abiding gun owners for the sin of owning guns...
Why don't you libs ever complain about car violence?. It is far more common that gun violence and we could easily stop car violence too and save money in the process.

Incredibly stupid RWNJs like you want to ban cars now?

It has always been "libs" who have worked for safety in cars and have made the changes that have lowered auto-related deaths.

What have you RWNJs done?

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