Man Fined $400 For Skipping Jury Selection In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

It's Obama's fault. That negro fucks everything up.
Seem to have managed to avoid jury duty all my adult life the legal way by never registering to vote or actually voting. If you do register to vote, and then vote, I think you're signing away some of your rights.

My brother got a jury notice before he registered to vote. In many places, they use DMV records.
I don't mind Jury duty. I get paid for the days off from my employer... Plus the state...along with mileage .

My mother had to basically put her life on hold because she was on a grand jury...for eighteen fucking MONTHS! One of her fellow jurors lost a promotion because of it. Another actually moved out of the county.

Honestly...I would be willing to pay $400 to not be on a jury.
I must be of a different "breed" or something... I've been called to jury duty only once in my 40+ years and it ended in settlement so I never got to go.

I /want/ to participate, am I really the only one? Maybe they should do a poll of folks who want to participate on a jury and lessen the "burden" on those who don't? I, for one, would happily take the place of someone who did not want to go.
I wouldn't mind.

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