Man Feeds Scores Of Abandoned Cats In War-torn Syria


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I'm really not a cat person, and prefer dogs. However, I think it is so kind of this fellow to spend so much of his own money to feed such an enormous number of hungry cats.

  1. 25 September 2014 at 7:54pm
Man feeds scores of abandoned cats in war-torn Syria
An ambulance driver has taken it upon himself to feed scores of cats abandoned by their owners in a war-torn part of Syria.


Cats flocks to be fed by Alaa Credit: REUTERS/Hosam Katan
Alaa spends around £2.50 on meat each day to feed a small army of hungry strays - an act of kindness he has kept up for the past two months.

Continue reading at:
Man feeds scores of abandoned cats in war-torn Syria - ITV News?
How nice....I am wondering if they are being converted to being







The Turkish kitties have a bad 'tude, cause they lost their empire...
I'm really not a cat person, and prefer dogs. However, I think it is so kind of this fellow to spend so much of his own money to feed such an enormous number of hungry cats.

  1. 25 September 2014 at 7:54pm
Man feeds scores of abandoned cats in war-torn Syria
An ambulance driver has taken it upon himself to feed scores of cats abandoned by their owners in a war-torn part of Syria.


Cats flocks to be fed by Alaa Credit: REUTERS/Hosam Katan
Alaa spends around £2.50 on meat each day to feed a small army of hungry strays - an act of kindness he has kept up for the past two months.

Continue reading at:
Man feeds scores of abandoned cats in war-torn Syria - ITV News?

It's small moments like this that reminds us of our common humanity....these people don't have much right now, yet this man does this :)

Stray animals - dogs and cats - have it really rough in many parts of the world where they are widely regarded as dirty and vermin. There is a shelter I try to support (Vafa) near Tehran that houses stray dogs - many of them street dogs that have been injured or hit by vehicles. It's an uphill battle for them, but they have made many contacts around the world who help them move dogs. They have a staff of dedicated and caring volunteers. It's amazing to see.
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a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America. I understand the basis of it - feral dogs carried rabies. But it's sad.

That's why I think what these people are doing is awesome. These are from Vafa (Iran)

a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch

This is not true at all. I know many Muslims who have dogs as pets. And I mean people in Muslim countries, not Americanized Muslims.
Originally posted by Coyote
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America.

South America?!?!

Where did you get that "information" from?

I can assure you from first-hand experience this is not true... if anything dogs are "worshipped" from Nogales (Mexico) to Ushuaia in the extreme south of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

You must be referring to some obscure tribe lost deep in the heart of the amazon jungle with about 200 people.

And even this would be extremely unlikely because South American Indians have been raising dogs for company and hunt since they arrived in the sub-continent thousands of years before the Spanish and the Portuguese introduced european breeds there...

I never saw a south american reservation without dozens of dogs roaming freely...
Originally posted by Coyote
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America.

South America?!?!

Where did you get that "information" from?

I can assure you from first-hand experience this is not true... if anything dogs are "worshipped" from Nogales (Mexico) to Ushuaia in the extreme south of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

You must be referring to some obscure tribe lost deep in the heart of the amazon jungle with about 200 people.

And even this would be extremely unlikely because South American Indians have been raising dogs for company and hunt since they arrived in the sub-continent thousands of years before the Spanish and the Portuguese introduced european breeds there...

I never saw a south american reservation without dozens of dogs roaming freely...

I could be wrong - I'm just going by what a cousin said who lived in Bolivia but - I think that in that place it was not dogs in general but street dogs which were ubiquitous.
Originally posted by Coyote
I could be wrong - I'm just going by what a cousin said who lived in Bolivia but - I think that in that place it was not dogs in general but street dogs which were ubiquitous.

Yep... lots of street dogs.

Mutts are called "third world dog" for a reason.

Low cost spaying - neutering of pets is still in its infancy in South America.

But the vast majority of people do not harm them in any way. they feel sorry for them being dog lovers themselves... : )
a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch

This is not true at all. I know many Muslims who have dogs as pets. And I mean people in Muslim countries, not Americanized Muslims.

no you don't Esmeralda I doubt that you have ever been in the home of a muslim ----I have been in many----I have known scores of muslims very well. Why do you lie?
Originally posted by Coyote
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America.

South America?!?!

Where did you get that "information" from?

I can assure you from first-hand experience this is not true... if anything dogs are "worshipped" from Nogales (Mexico) to Ushuaia in the extreme south of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

You must be referring to some obscure tribe lost deep in the heart of the amazon jungle with about 200 people.

And even this would be extremely unlikely because South American Indians have been raising dogs for company and hunt since they arrived in the sub-continent thousands of years before the Spanish and the Portuguese introduced european breeds there...

I never saw a south american reservation without dozens of dogs roaming freely...

I could be wrong - I'm just going by what a cousin said who lived in Bolivia but - I think that in that place it was not dogs in general but street dogs which were ubiquitous.

yes---you are finally right Coyote-----YOU ARE WRONG-----dogs are specifically disdained ----
even in the Koran. Do not bother to demand chapter and verse-----you nauseate me and annoy me. You know nothing but fart out baseless stupidity anyway,, INCESSANTLY.

I have the sense that you are jealous that I know so much more than do you----on the subject of islam and muslims
Originally posted by Coyote
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America.

South America?!?!

Where did you get that "information" from?

I can assure you from first-hand experience this is not true... if anything dogs are "worshipped" from Nogales (Mexico) to Ushuaia in the extreme south of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

You must be referring to some obscure tribe lost deep in the heart of the amazon jungle with about 200 people.

And even this would be extremely unlikely because South American Indians have been raising dogs for company and hunt since they arrived in the sub-continent thousands of years before the Spanish and the Portuguese introduced european breeds there...

I never saw a south american reservation without dozens of dogs roaming freely...

I could be wrong - I'm just going by what a cousin said who lived in Bolivia but - I think that in that place it was not dogs in general but street dogs which were ubiquitous.

yes---you are finally right Coyote-----YOU ARE WRONG-----dogs are specifically disdained ----
even in the Koran. Do not bother to demand chapter and verse-----you nauseate me and annoy me. You know nothing but fart out baseless stupidity anyway,, INCESSANTLY.

I have the sense that you are jealous that I know so much more than do you----on the subject of islam and muslims

You make me laugh. You tell such stories :)
Originally posted by Coyote
Many cultures in those areas think of dogs as filthy. Similar in Africa, India, South America.

South America?!?!

Where did you get that "information" from?

I can assure you from first-hand experience this is not true... if anything dogs are "worshipped" from Nogales (Mexico) to Ushuaia in the extreme south of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

You must be referring to some obscure tribe lost deep in the heart of the amazon jungle with about 200 people.

And even this would be extremely unlikely because South American Indians have been raising dogs for company and hunt since they arrived in the sub-continent thousands of years before the Spanish and the Portuguese introduced european breeds there...

I never saw a south american reservation without dozens of dogs roaming freely...

I could be wrong - I'm just going by what a cousin said who lived in Bolivia but - I think that in that place it was not dogs in general but street dogs which were ubiquitous.

yes---you are finally right Coyote-----YOU ARE WRONG-----dogs are specifically disdained ----
even in the Koran. Do not bother to demand chapter and verse-----you nauseate me and annoy me. You know nothing but fart out baseless stupidity anyway,, INCESSANTLY.

I have the sense that you are jealous that I know so much more than do you----on the subject of islam and muslims

You make me laugh. You tell such stories :)

really what "STORY"?

for my fellow posters------ask your muslim friends about their opinion of DOGS AS HOUSE PETS----for a reasonable sample----ask 20 muslim whom you know visit a mosque regularly
a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch

This is not true at all. I know many Muslims who have dogs as pets. And I mean people in Muslim countries, not Americanized Muslims.

no you don't Esmeralda I doubt that you have ever been in the home of a muslim ----I have been in many----I have known scores of muslims very well. Why do you lie?

I felt sorry for the dog of a Muslim neighbor. The dog was trained as a watchdog, but was never allowed in the house or even garage, even when it was raining. It would bark ferociously at anyone approaching, but if I started talking to it softly it would stop; and when I would sit down, Dovi would turn her body around so that I could stroke her neck through the chain-link fence. She had to have been a very lonely dog.
I haven't disagreed with you on the general; view towards dogs in Islamic societies Rosie.:cool-45:

Why do you think I support shelters like Vafa? They are Muslims working to change the status of dogs in Iran and the people who adopt dogs from them are most likely Muslim, as are their volunteers.
a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch

This is not true at all. I know many Muslims who have dogs as pets. And I mean people in Muslim countries, not Americanized Muslims.

no you don't Esmeralda I doubt that you have ever been in the home of a muslim ----I have been in many----I have known scores of muslims very well. Why do you lie?

I felt sorry for the dog of a Muslim neighbor. The dog was trained as a watchdog, but was never allowed in the house or even garage, even when it was raining. It would bark ferociously at anyone approaching, but if I started talking to it softly it would stop; and when I would sit down, Dovi would turn her body around so that I could stroke her neck through the chain-link fence. She had to have been a very lonely dog.

I live in a state where that is the general status of dogs in a large part of it. They live out their lives chained to dog houses. They aren't owned by Muslims. :(
I've deployed to the Middle East twice and I can tell you the Muslims I've encountered had no need for dogs and definently didn't want them around or in their houses, some of the Arabs in the desert the bedouins kept dogs but thats about all I've seen of it.
I live in a state where that is the general status of dogs in a large part of it. They live out their lives chained to dog houses. They aren't owned by Muslims. :([/QUOTE]

really? what state is that? Mecca? in my state treating a dog like that would get one a criminal charge of animal abuse. I am not a dog owner-----dogs make me itch------I am afraid of dogs but I have no desire to see them abused.
I cannot imagine why anyone would have a dog in order to keep it CHAINED to a dog house.
Dog owners I know are very very fond of their dogs
a tiny issue that might interest some......
dogs as pets are disdained by muslims.
Dogs are considered such FILTH---that
adherent muslims will not touch one or
even remain in the same room with one---
if a dog walks into a mosque---the entire
ongoing rituals become null and void---
he liked cats. A cat can walk in a mosque
etc etc. <<< just thought someone might
be interested. I doubt anyone in Syria is
worrying about starving dogs and would be
delighted to shoot them in the head. I have
no comment either way Both dogs and cats make me itch

This is not true at all. I know many Muslims who have dogs as pets. And I mean people in Muslim countries, not Americanized Muslims.

no you don't Esmeralda I doubt that you have ever been in the home of a muslim ----I have been in many----I have known scores of muslims very well. Why do you lie?

I felt sorry for the dog of a Muslim neighbor. The dog was trained as a watchdog, but was never allowed in the house or even garage, even when it was raining. It would bark ferociously at anyone approaching, but if I started talking to it softly it would stop; and when I would sit down, Dovi would turn her body around so that I could stroke her neck through the chain-link fence. She had to have been a very lonely dog.

I live in a state where that is the general status of dogs in a large part of it. They live out their lives chained to dog houses. They aren't owned by Muslims. :(

Naturally I don't live in the same state as you do. Where I live pets are generally part of the family and are allowed in the house. In fact, out here you see people even take their pets to pet-friendly stores where there is even a treat station and the dogs are smart enough to lead their owners to that treat station first before they begin shopping.

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