Man charged with multiple crimes on Jan 6th plans to run for public offic

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Youre still still talking about that one riot from 6 months ago? You do realize there have been plenty of riots since then, right?

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Youre still still talking about that one riot from 6 months ago? You do realize there have been plenty of riots since then, right?
But none of them were an attempted coup.

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Sorry....Democrats would vote for a coke snorting addict....but Republicans aren't without principles.
This guy can run all he wants.
Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Are Democrats?
Good enough to kick trump's ass.
Biden beating Trump was more about how disliked Trump was than how popular Biden was.

Neither Biden, Trump, nor Harris, (should) have a chance in 2024.

Our Choices have gone downhill since GHWB was elected.

(Unlike Biden and Hillary, he actually worked for the government.)

I always had to laugh about Hillary being the best qualified ever.

Next to GHWBs qualifications, she didn't qualify to be a Senate page.

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Youre still still talking about that one riot from 6 months ago? You do realize there have been plenty of riots since then, right?
But none of them were an attempted coup.
When has there been an attempted coup in the US? If you say a bunch of dudes taking selfies with cops in the capital building is a coup, im going to throw up. Please dont insult my intelligence with such a preposterous argument. At no point was our democracy ever in even the slightest bit of trouble, and it was BY FAR the tamest riot we had seen all year.

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Youre still still talking about that one riot from 6 months ago? You do realize there have been plenty of riots since then, right?
No.....those weren't riots....those were peaceful protests and reparations.
Are people who've been charged with a crime now ineligible for public office? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?
Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Are Democrats?
Good enough to kick trump's ass.
Biden beating Trump was more about how disliked Trump was than how popular Biden was.

Neither Biden, Trump, nor Harris, (should) have a chance in 2024.

Our Choices have gone downhill since GHWB was elected.

(Unlike Biden and Hillary, he actually worked for the government.)

I always had to laugh about Hillary being the best qualified ever.

Next to GHWBs qualifications, she didn't qualify to be a Senate page.
Yep.....Trump only got 75 million he was really unliked.

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Sorry....Democrats would vote for a coke snorting addict....but Republicans aren't without principles.
This guy can run all he wants.
Republicans don't even have a platform. Supporting Trump is their only goal. They are without principals.
Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Trumpism, circa 2021
It is like a cancer, creeping into the repub party. If the Dems hold the Senate and the House in 2022, due to the trumpism nuts that are running, will the repub party finally walk away from the twice impeached Loser? When the Former Guy starts his rallies, the obvious lies and misinformation he will spew will be devastating for congressional repub candidates. January 6th will never go away when he reminds people at each rally on how it happened in the first place.
and in the meantime Pelosi defends anti American and anti Semitic remarks the racist Omar made .

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Sorry....Democrats would vote for a coke snorting addict....but Republicans aren't without principles.
This guy can run all he wants.
Republicans don't even have a platform. Supporting Trump is their only goal. They are without principals.

You like to say stupid shit to make yourself feel better about your choices huh? To date all of your points just involve your feelings.
Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Are Democrats?
Good enough to kick trump's ass.
Biden beating Trump was more about how disliked Trump was than how popular Biden was.

Neither Biden, Trump, nor Harris, (should) have a chance in 2024.

Our Choices have gone downhill since GHWB was elected.

(Unlike Biden and Hillary, he actually worked for the government.)

I always had to laugh about Hillary being the best qualified ever.

Next to GHWBs qualifications, she didn't qualify to be a Senate page.
Republicans will destroy anyone who tries for what they consider to be trump's nomination. His popularity hasn't increased since the election.

Yup....this guy is typical of what the repub party has to run for office....a wine guzzling trump humper... Just what the repub party needs.
Sorry....Democrats would vote for a coke snorting addict....but Republicans aren't without principles.
This guy can run all he wants.
Republicans don't even have a platform. Supporting Trump is their only goal. They are without principals.
Democrat's platform is everything about America is racist. So.....American laws don't apply to them.
Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Are Democrats?
Good enough to kick trump's ass.
Biden beating Trump was more about how disliked Trump was than how popular Biden was.

Neither Biden, Trump, nor Harris, (should) have a chance in 2024.

Our Choices have gone downhill since GHWB was elected.

(Unlike Biden and Hillary, he actually worked for the government.)

I always had to laugh about Hillary being the best qualified ever.

Next to GHWBs qualifications, she didn't qualify to be a Senate page.
Republicans will destroy anyone who tries for what they consider to be trump's nomination. His popularity hasn't increased since the election.
I think we're seeing alot of buyer's remorse from Democrats.
Trump on the other hand keeps looking like a rock star.
Until someone better comes along......he's the man.
Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Republicans aren't sending their best people.

Are Democrats?
Good enough to kick trump's ass.
Biden beating Trump was more about how disliked Trump was than how popular Biden was.

Neither Biden, Trump, nor Harris, (should) have a chance in 2024.

Our Choices have gone downhill since GHWB was elected.

(Unlike Biden and Hillary, he actually worked for the government.)

I always had to laugh about Hillary being the best qualified ever.

Next to GHWBs qualifications, she didn't qualify to be a Senate page.
Republicans will destroy anyone who tries for what they consider to be trump's nomination. His popularity hasn't increased since the election.

Trump isn't going to be running.

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