Washington Commanders Fine Their Head Coach For Comparing Jan 6th With The George Floyd Riots And BLM

'Comparing' seditiously fascist coup attempt 'with'
the international reaction to police state SNUFF FILM

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What exactly is wrong with pointing out the reality that the BLM/Antifa looted billions of dollars of items, destroyed thousands of stores, cop cars and trashed court houses that literally makes 1/6 look like a game of tag?

Oh'yess, because it makes the lefts chosen people look bad!
It's a CON-SPIRACY!!!!!!
There you go....doing your little broken record bit.

Why is it you can't actually participate in a discussion. I know you have the brains to communicate a rational discussion.....that is unless you've destroyed enough gray matter snorting white powder to render yourself a vegetable.
The team fined him. Get that through your feeble minds. The guy works for a team owner. Not for you.
No one questioned the spineless owners authority to muzzle his coaches

The question is why would they do so?
BS there muddy. I see idiots in trucks with huge Trump flags dwarfing US flags. I have seen Trump flags on flagpoles flying above US flags. Idiots have no idea how to fly the US flag properly. Such patriots.
Hey dummy, that isn't Trump's face on an American flag being flown. Since you clowns put the fag flag above Stars and Stripes you may want to shut up about how to fly the flag
ever since the NFL has endorsed the violent racist domestic terrorist group BLM, I don't watch them anymore

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