Make 25% Standard Tip Rate....

Syrenn, let me ask you a question..

Let's say your server accidentally spills your glass of wine all over your lap. Does that automatically reduce their tip no matter what, or does sincere remorse and napkins brought swiftly for you redeem them and get your usual full tip assuming all other expectations were met?
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Syrenn, let me ask you a question..

Let's say your server accidentally spills your glass of wine all over your lap. Does that automatically reduce their tip no matter what, or does sincere remorse and napkins brought swiftly for you redeem them and get your usual full tip assuming all other expectations were met?

No, it would not effect their tip at all. Accidents happen.

However in that type of situation, i would expect the restaurant to offer to pay for the cleaning bill.
Syrenn, let me ask you a question..

Let's say your server accidentally spills your glass of wine all over your lap. Does that automatically reduce their tip no matter what, or does sincere remorse and napkins brought swiftly for you redeem them and get your usual full tip assuming all other expectations were met?

However in that type of situation, i would expect the restaurant to offer to pay for the cleaning bill.

LOL, unbelievable.

What is it with you and expectations? I expect this, and I expect that. You must be a really tough woman to be married to.
oooooooooo worst time i have seen my hubby go off.....a pizza hut waitress dumped a beer in his lap

she was just a kid and he lost it totally.....yelling at her....he had drank beer in every dive in the south and no one had dumped beer in his lap...

my first comment was ...'honey dont be so harsh"

my last comment was 'shut the fuck up and stop being a dick'

he wanted to stiff her ....i wouldnt let him.....


when i was about 16....i worked a soda foundation and dumped a milkshake in a guys lap...he was wearing suit....he was so kind over it.....
oooooooooo worst time i have seen my hubby go off.....a pizza hut waitress dumped a beer in his lap

she was just a kid and he lost it totally.....yelling at her....he had drank beer in every dive in the south and no one had dumped beer in his lap...

my first comment was ...'honey dont be so harsh"

my last comment was 'shut the fuck up and stop being a dick'

he wanted to stiff her ....i wouldnt let him.....


when i was about 16....i worked a soda foundation and dumped a milkshake in a guys lap...he was wearing suit....he was so kind over it.....

And in a karmic twist of fate, I used to be a carhop. A girl in my sister's grade (one up from me) ordered a chocolate malt. That was when windows stopped being straight up and down and started curving. Her window wasn't down far enough, and the malt spilled on her head and down. She was furious. I was in tears.

I got home, and told my sister. Hysterical gales of laughter ensues - she couldn't STAND the girl. I felt better. :)
Syrenn, let me ask you a question..

Let's say your server accidentally spills your glass of wine all over your lap. Does that automatically reduce their tip no matter what, or does sincere remorse and napkins brought swiftly for you redeem them and get your usual full tip assuming all other expectations were met?

However in that type of situation, i would expect the restaurant to offer to pay for the cleaning bill.

LOL, unbelievable.

What is it with you and expectations? I expect this, and I expect that. You must be a really tough woman to be married to.

Not at all. That is common restaurant practice. What planet do you live on? If I go into any good restaurant in the US or Europe and their server ruins or damages my clothing the restaurant will go out of their way to make it right. It's expected.

Now, if this were to happen in a fast food place like you obviously frequent, then no, they would not be expected to make the damage good.
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When is a tip not a tip? VERY good question. It would seem that waiters in San Francisco want a raise. They are pushing for a 25% mandatory tip to be placed on your restaurant bill. It will no longer be a reward for good service... but a given, an automatic gratuity.

Understand, they already make $9.92/hour as minimum wage. Restaurants are tacking on a health care surcharge at about 2% of the bill. As it stands... waiters only have to report 15% to the IRS, even if they make more then that.

Think about that. One table, one check of $50, they will make $12.50 in a tip. Are they wroth $22.42/hour?

Now increase the number of tables to 4. Is a waiter worth $59.92 per hour?

Would you pay a mandatory 25% tip in a restaurant?

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF/99.7 Now) – It’s a question many of us ask when we go out to a restaurant. “How much should I tip?” Whether your service is good or bad, some San Francisco restaurant workers want to implement a 25% standard tip onto your bill for you,

San Francisco Restaurant Workers Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

General Services Agency : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
In San Francisco, Health Care Shows Up on Restaurant Bills - Health Blog - WSJ

I (and i think most others) tip at least that much for adequate or better service, it shouldn't be mandatory.......
When is a tip not a tip? VERY good question. It would seem that waiters in San Francisco want a raise. They are pushing for a 25% mandatory tip to be placed on your restaurant bill. It will no longer be a reward for good service... but a given, an automatic gratuity.

Understand, they already make $9.92/hour as minimum wage. Restaurants are tacking on a health care surcharge at about 2% of the bill. As it stands... waiters only have to report 15% to the IRS, even if they make more then that.

Think about that. One table, one check of $50, they will make $12.50 in a tip. Are they wroth $22.42/hour?

Now increase the number of tables to 4. Is a waiter worth $59.92 per hour?

Would you pay a mandatory 25% tip in a restaurant?

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF/99.7 Now) – It’s a question many of us ask when we go out to a restaurant. “How much should I tip?” Whether your service is good or bad, some San Francisco restaurant workers want to implement a 25% standard tip onto your bill for you,

San Francisco Restaurant Workers Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

General Services Agency : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
In San Francisco, Health Care Shows Up on Restaurant Bills - Health Blog - WSJ
It's bullshit!

It's up to the customer to reward good service, and deduct from bad service.....It's wrong for it to be mandated, and I detest restaurant owners who add it onto their tickets.

I would have NEVER added on gratuity in my restaurants.....My servers were held accountable, both by me, and the customers.

I'm known for being a generous tipper when we go out...If a server impressives me, I reward them dearly. I hand them the tip and let them know....I also hand the tip to bad servers, and let them know why their tip may be light.....I don't just leave it on the table and walk out.....I also tip the bussers. If they are keen on clearing the table when necessary, or filling water glasses when necessary etc. etc., I reward them before leaving.
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A lot os upscale restaurants charge the tip upfront. but you get better service.

Yes 15% generally when its charged upfront. I generally tip 20% when the level of service is good. This is a service industry. As such, the customer can only determine level of satisfaction. I always thought the idea was to WORK for the tip!


yeah but when you have pretentious clientele who is going to squabble over a few bucks.
You would be surprised.....My first restaurant was in Montecito, one of the wealthiest areas in the nation.....Just because they are filthy rich, does not mean they won't squabble over a buck.

Oprah was a frequent, she was an excellent tipper.....We had another filty rich megastar, who shall remain nameless, but is considered one of the queen Divas of the music industry, who was a tight ass bitch who absoluely could not be pleased. She got verbally abusive one night with one of my servers, after accusing the server of getting the order wrong, when that was absolutely not the case, and I ended up going out and asked her to leave, and that she was no longer welcome at my establishment.....Her husband, he too a celebrity, was thoroughly embarrassed by her actions, and came by the next day and handed the server 500 bucks, a dozen roses, and an apology card.

True story.
When is a tip not a tip? VERY good question. It would seem that waiters in San Francisco want a raise. They are pushing for a 25% mandatory tip to be placed on your restaurant bill. It will no longer be a reward for good service... but a given, an automatic gratuity.

Understand, they already make $9.92/hour as minimum wage. Restaurants are tacking on a health care surcharge at about 2% of the bill. As it stands... waiters only have to report 15% to the IRS, even if they make more then that.

Think about that. One table, one check of $50, they will make $12.50 in a tip. Are they wroth $22.42/hour?

Now increase the number of tables to 4. Is a waiter worth $59.92 per hour?

Would you pay a mandatory 25% tip in a restaurant?

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF/99.7 Now) – It’s a question many of us ask when we go out to a restaurant. “How much should I tip?” Whether your service is good or bad, some San Francisco restaurant workers want to implement a 25% standard tip onto your bill for you,

San Francisco Restaurant Workers Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

General Services Agency : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
In San Francisco, Health Care Shows Up on Restaurant Bills - Health Blog - WSJ
It's bullshit!

It's up to the customer to reward good service, and deduct from bad service.....It's wrong for it to be mandated, and I detest restaurant owners who add it onto their tickets.

I would have NEVER added on gratuity in my restaurants.....My servers were held accountable, both by me, and the customers.

I'm known for being a generous tipper when we go out...If a server impressives me, I reward them dearly. I hand them the tip and let them know....I also hand the tip to bad servers, and let them know why their tip may be light.....I don't just leave it on the table and walk out.....I also tip the bussers. If they are keen on clearing the table when necessary, or filling water glasses when necessary etc. etc., I reward them before leaving.

Hard to believe that bullshit isnt it? All i see in this is the servers who are lazy asses wanting something for nothing....
When is a tip not a tip? VERY good question. It would seem that waiters in San Francisco want a raise. They are pushing for a 25% mandatory tip to be placed on your restaurant bill. It will no longer be a reward for good service... but a given, an automatic gratuity.

Understand, they already make $9.92/hour as minimum wage. Restaurants are tacking on a health care surcharge at about 2% of the bill. As it stands... waiters only have to report 15% to the IRS, even if they make more then that.

Think about that. One table, one check of $50, they will make $12.50 in a tip. Are they wroth $22.42/hour?

Now increase the number of tables to 4. Is a waiter worth $59.92 per hour?

Would you pay a mandatory 25% tip in a restaurant?

San Francisco Restaurant Workers Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

General Services Agency : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
In San Francisco, Health Care Shows Up on Restaurant Bills - Health Blog - WSJ
It's bullshit!

It's up to the customer to reward good service, and deduct from bad service.....It's wrong for it to be mandated, and I detest restaurant owners who add it onto their tickets.

I would have NEVER added on gratuity in my restaurants.....My servers were held accountable, both by me, and the customers.

I'm known for being a generous tipper when we go out...If a server impressives me, I reward them dearly. I hand them the tip and let them know....I also hand the tip to bad servers, and let them know why their tip may be light.....I don't just leave it on the table and walk out.....I also tip the bussers. If they are keen on clearing the table when necessary, or filling water glasses when necessary etc. etc., I reward them before leaving.

Hard to believe that bullshit isnt it? All i see in this is the servers who are lazy asses wanting something for nothing....
It's ridiculous....Good servers are hard to find. I went through quite a few in all those years, and took good care of the excellent ones.
It's bullshit!

It's up to the customer to reward good service, and deduct from bad service.....It's wrong for it to be mandated, and I detest restaurant owners who add it onto their tickets.

I would have NEVER added on gratuity in my restaurants.....My servers were held accountable, both by me, and the customers.

I'm known for being a generous tipper when we go out...If a server impressives me, I reward them dearly. I hand them the tip and let them know....I also hand the tip to bad servers, and let them know why their tip may be light.....I don't just leave it on the table and walk out.....I also tip the bussers. If they are keen on clearing the table when necessary, or filling water glasses when necessary etc. etc., I reward them before leaving.

Hard to believe that bullshit isnt it? All i see in this is the servers who are lazy asses wanting something for nothing....
It's ridiculous....Good servers are hard to find. I went through quite a few in all those years, and took good care of the excellent ones.

and on a normal night.... about how much cash would they walk out with?
When is a tip not a tip? VERY good question. It would seem that waiters in San Francisco want a raise. They are pushing for a 25% mandatory tip to be placed on your restaurant bill. It will no longer be a reward for good service... but a given, an automatic gratuity.

Understand, they already make $9.92/hour as minimum wage. Restaurants are tacking on a health care surcharge at about 2% of the bill. As it stands... waiters only have to report 15% to the IRS, even if they make more then that.

Think about that. One table, one check of $50, they will make $12.50 in a tip. Are they wroth $22.42/hour?

Now increase the number of tables to 4. Is a waiter worth $59.92 per hour?

Would you pay a mandatory 25% tip in a restaurant?

San Francisco Restaurant Workers Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

General Services Agency : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
In San Francisco, Health Care Shows Up on Restaurant Bills - Health Blog - WSJ
It's bullshit!

It's up to the customer to reward good service, and deduct from bad service.....It's wrong for it to be mandated, and I detest restaurant owners who add it onto their tickets.

I would have NEVER added on gratuity in my restaurants.....My servers were held accountable, both by me, and the customers.

I'm known for being a generous tipper when we go out...If a server impressives me, I reward them dearly. I hand them the tip and let them know....I also hand the tip to bad servers, and let them know why their tip may be light.....I don't just leave it on the table and walk out.....I also tip the bussers. If they are keen on clearing the table when necessary, or filling water glasses when necessary etc. etc., I reward them before leaving.

Hard to believe that bullshit isnt it? All i see in this is the servers who are lazy asses wanting something for nothing....

The next thing you know they will be occupying the restaurants and demanding the customers serve them. :cuckoo:
Hard to believe that bullshit isnt it? All i see in this is the servers who are lazy asses wanting something for nothing....
It's ridiculous....Good servers are hard to find. I went through quite a few in all those years, and took good care of the excellent ones.

and on a normal night.... about how much cash would they walk out with?
On a normal weekday night, the excellent ones could walk out with 300-500 bucks in tips.....On weekend nights when the room, bar, and patio were rocking, a grand or more was not unusual.

On occasion, you would get a really high roller in who would send a grand back to the kitchen staff.......Oprah would hand the bussers a hundred.

You know how it is...There are servers, and then there are pro servers can make a damn nice living in the right establishment, and make a career of it....Those are the ones I coveted.

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