Major British Newspaper Promotes Bringing ‘Back Rationing’ to ‘Fix Global Warming’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Of course, there is no AGW and there is nothing we can do about any climate change.

And not to forget that the CO2 China, India, and Pakistan emit from their evergrowing number of coal-fired power plants is harmless CO2.

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers" is promoting.

British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest bits of climate change babble in a Feb. 20 story headlined: “How to fix global warming? Bring back rationing, say scientists.” The first sentence of the piece dripped with brain-melting nonsense: “Second World War-style rationing of petrol, household energy and meat could help to fight climate change, British scientists have recommended.”

The newspaper cited “researchers” – whom it does not name until the end of the article – from the University of Leeds who published climate propaganda disguised as analysis in the journal Ethics, Policy & Environment. The Times quoted the study, which also suggested giving citizens a “carbon allowance" and creating a “scarcity of fossil fuels.”

Apparently the elitist Times is itching for a déjà vu to satisfy the extremism of woke climate idealists. The Times currently has an estimated Monday-Saturday print readership of 843,766. founder Steve Milloy slammed the British newspaper in comments to MRC Business: “Climate alarm has always been about increasing government control of our lives. Climate is tyranny disguised as necessity.”


Of course, what The Times was selling was massive government intervention. “The researchers argue that, as a first step, governments would need to regulate sectors such as the oil industry, with the importing of fossil fuels ‘banned or restricted’ in certain areas.” In effect, said The Times, “[t]his would create a scarcity of fossil fuels, with rationing then introduced to ‘manage the scarcity’, they explain.”

The actual so-called “study” cited by The Times took the insanity a step farther: “‘Governments could limit the number of long-haul flights an individual could make in a year or they could limit the amount of petrol one can buy in a month.’”


Of course, there is no AGW and there is nothing we can do about any climate change.

And not to forget that the CO2 China, India, and Pakistan emit from their evergrowing number of coal-fired power plants is harmless CO2.

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers" is promoting.
British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest bits of climate change babble in a Feb. 20 story headlined: “How to fix global warming? Bring back rationing, say scientists.” The first sentence of the piece dripped with brain-melting nonsense: “Second World War-style rationing of petrol, household energy and meat could help to fight climate change, British scientists have recommended.”
The newspaper cited “researchers” – whom it does not name until the end of the article – from the University of Leeds who published climate propaganda disguised as analysis in the journal Ethics, Policy & Environment. The Times quoted the study, which also suggested giving citizens a “carbon allowance" and creating a “scarcity of fossil fuels.”
Apparently the elitist Times is itching for a déjà vu to satisfy the extremism of woke climate idealists. The Times currently has an estimated Monday-Saturday print readership of 843,766. founder Steve Milloy slammed the British newspaper in comments to MRC Business: “Climate alarm has always been about increasing government control of our lives. Climate is tyranny disguised as necessity.”
Of course, what The Times was selling was massive government intervention. “The researchers argue that, as a first step, governments would need to regulate sectors such as the oil industry, with the importing of fossil fuels ‘banned or restricted’ in certain areas.” In effect, said The Times, “[t]his would create a scarcity of fossil fuels, with rationing then introduced to ‘manage the scarcity’, they explain.”
The actual so-called “study” cited by The Times took the insanity a step farther: “‘Governments could limit the number of long-haul flights an individual could make in a year or they could limit the amount of petrol one can buy in a month.’”

Remember reading a story set in early cold war England, an American pilot had taken up with a British girl . there was a small bucket of coal next to the burner, feeling cold he tossed it all in. When she came down and discovered this she burst into tears. What have you done she said. Needless to say he spent the night roaming the town begging for coal to replenish her meager allotment.
Wonder how they will like rationing if it ever came about.

It's like when you talk about "yeah I'll quit smoking next month". It's easy to say when you have 4 more weeks left, but it's not so easy when the time comes to start doing what you said you would.

They should lead by example. Move to a smaller place, not drive a car, not best or cool their home as much, only eat environment friendly food, and all the other lovely ideas they think everyone should do and see how long it lasts.

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