Magnetic Poles shifting grand alignment

No, the magnetic poles aren't reversing. They shift about some, they have periods of shifting faster and slower, but nothing unusual is going on now.

It's another conspiracy theory. Meaning the denialists fell for it hard. They're consistent in their gullibility, and their obsessive desire to fit every lesser conspiracy into their uberfucktardconspiracy about how AGW theory is wrong.
Forget the geological record that shows the magnetic poles flipping on an average of every 450,000 years.

Forget that the last one occurred more than 780,000 years ago, meaning that -by the averages- we're overdue.

Forget the fact that the strength of the magnetosphere fluctuates.....All one big conspiracy!

But anthropogenic Goebbels warming?...SETTLED SCIENCE! :lmao:
When I point out you're falling for a conspiracy theory, you should probably refrain from working so hard to prove my point.

To prove my point further, are there any denialists here who don't also embrace the "CFCs didn't destroy ozone!" and "DDT was never harmful!" conspiracy theories? If you are an AGW denialist who rejects those conspiracies, please speak up.

My point is how there's a list of crazy right-wing conspiracy theories that the extremist conservative political cultists are required to believe. AGW denial is just one of them. It's all pure political nonsense on their part.
I'm falling for nothing.

I'm merely refusing to disparage people talking about physical phenomena, over which nobody has any control, as conspiracy theorists.

If the poles flip or if they don't, it's not a matter of a certain group of people getting together and engineering the event.

Your flimsy non sequitur diversion tactic, in trying to link the ozone with anthropogenic Goebbels warming, is irrelevant and nonwithstanding.
We have a very good record of a magnetic reversal in the basalt of the Steens Mountain in Oregon. But during this reversal, there is no record of an adverse effect on the life of that time. We have records of rapid increases in GHGs from prior periods in geological time, and when they occured, there were extinction periods. In fact, when there were rapid increases or decreases in the GHGs, there were extinction periods.
Experiencing the great platonic year. Precission of the earths equinox refers to the earth's axis wobble moving in an unconventional way. Time period event is a 25765 yrs wobble path.

Notice the ice cap weight shifting it is due to earths own inertia and the sun moon alignment.
This vid indicates inertia shifts in ice not to be due to global warming but due to physics of the earth, sun, moon system.
This inertia of the sun earth moon generates potential physical plate movements on earth, ie earthquakes.

This wobble didn't just start. It's an ongoing thing. So, I don't see how it could be having the effect claimed. :confused:
Experiencing means it's on going dumass.
Experiencing the great platonic year. Precission of the earths equinox refers to the earth's axis wobble moving in an unconventional way. Time period event is a 25765 yrs wobble path.

Notice the ice cap weight shifting it is due to earths own inertia and the sun moon alignment.
This vid indicates inertia shifts in ice not to be due to global warming but due to physics of the earth, sun, moon system.
This inertia of the sun earth moon generates potential physical plate movements on earth, ie earthquakes.

Magnetic Pole Shifting/Grand Alignment - YouTube
Very cool stuff.

...because of manmade global warming

Dammit Frank try reading comp...there is a not ...."not to be due to global warming but due to physics of the earth, sun, moon system. ".

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