Maduro Exposes U.S Sabotage On Electric System


Nov 14, 2012
Trump supporters blame the blackouts on Socialism but the culprit is the Trump Regime itself.

"“The latest report showed new results of virus introduction into Venezuela’s electrical systems in the computerized system, which points to another type of attack … From Chile and Colombia, they carried out attacks supported by the United States government,” said Maduro during a demonstration in Caracas."
Maduro Exposes U.S Sabotage on Electric System Used Chile and Colombia - Fort Russ

Shortly after Guaido called on Venezuelans to protest against the "failing basic services", there was another big blackout in the night today - you can bet he knew it. However, thanks to the government´s effective measures, the electrical supply was re-established quickly.
Of course it was. A failed system could not possibly be it. The guy attempting to stay in power would take the blame if it was his failed system right.

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