Macron declares France 'under attack' after church beheading, bolsters security at schools, religious sites


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”
General de Gaulle himself said that he feared what would happen if a lot of ladies & gentlemen from northern Africa came to live in his beloved France. He specifically predicted that his French village would be renamed.

Source: London Review of Books (print edition), April 9, 2015.
Well they have been letting those Sharia Law mutants into their country for decades.

Can't say I feel sorry for them. They are now reaping what they have sown.

Hell a few years ago the "religion of peace" murdered over 100 people in Paris. The military raided their mosques and found weapons and explosives. It couldn't have been any clearer that the "religion" of peace is anything but.

Hope they enjoy.
This is what happens when you let your country become balkinized.

I agree and if the Govt had an ounce of brains they would boot every Muslim they can out of France. Of course none of them have any brains so that will never happen.

They would rather their French citizens be beheaded and murdered. Oh well. You can't fix stupid.
This is what happens when you let your country become balkinized.

I agree and if the Govt had an ounce of brains they would boot every Muslim they can out of France. Of course none of them have any brains so that will never happen.

They would rather their French citizens be beheaded and murdered. Oh well. You can't fix stupid.

It's hard to fix failed Gov't policy.
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”

Did they ever find out who set the fire in the rafters at Notre Dame?
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”

Did they ever find out who set the fire in the rafters at Notre Dame?
Probably the Pope.
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”

Did they ever find out who set the fire in the rafters at Notre Dame?
Probably the Pope.

The globalist POS Jesuit Pope secretly approves!
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”

Did they ever find out who set the fire in the rafters at Notre Dame?
Probably the Pope.

The globalist POS Jesuit Pope secretly approves!
Sure isn't saying anything about it. Joke
This might have been America if not for Trump choosing to defend his country. Nobody should be welcoming in any savage son of a dog who is so far gone that he will behead someone who they don't even know and who doesn't pose a threat to them.

What would open borders mean for Americans? Only a complete moron and traitor supports open borders as far as I am concerned.

Also, from the British people I have heard from, the biggest reason they wanted out of the E.U was the lack of control over their borders, and thus, sovereignty. You want the best, brightest and most driven in your nation, who love your country and values, not some riff raff whack job intent on terror.

The killings put France on its highest level of alert and come at a time of extreme tension over the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

“It’s very clear that it is France that is under attack,” Macron said during an address in Nice, adding that “France will not give up on our values" in what he described as an "Islamist terrorist attack.”

"If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: the freedom, for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror," Macron continued. "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything.”

Did they ever find out who set the fire in the rafters at Notre Dame?
Probably the Pope.

The globalist POS Jesuit Pope secretly approves!
Sure isn't saying anything about it. Joke

This Pope is Satan's emissary on earth.
The Church has had them before.
I can not feel sorry for France or Europe in general. Sorry but I can't.

The totalitarian Governments in Europe are doing this on purpose, in the name of Globalism, and in the name of the New World Order, they are letting more and more and more immigrants in .....until there is nothing left of the original population and the original traditions of the old continent.

They knew this sort of chaos is exactly what was going to happen. They expected it and frankly they wanted it.

Too late to stop it now. :confused:
"No greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy. " Dante

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