"Low" religion vs "High" religion


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
This is the key difference:

"Low" religion - a legalistic and heathen substitute for uncivilized people who more or less need to be "told" not to rape or murder because they can't control their own impulses and/or have no genuine morality or Godliness of their own; uses pagan underworlds (e.x. hell, the Norse underworld) as mythical fear of punishment, devoid of rational morality, a devolved and degenerate form of religion only relevant in 3rd world countries or archaic legalistic sects and institutions.

"High" religion - based on higher intellectual philosophy or theology, like that of Martin Luther or John Calvin, or other writers, such as Augustine - uses higher moral principles than mere "fear" or punishment, such as free will and salvation through the grace of God, as opposed to primitive "rituals" or "sects".

Damnation is Eternal separation from God (e.x. Ghehenna or Hell), not a mere pagan or heathen underworld with a primary emphasis solely on instinctual fear of death (e.x. hell) nor "revenge", but rather a voluntary separation from God for eternity as the result of one's own free will or conscious decisions.


My current belief is that many, if not most people, even those professing to be "Christian" but primarily of a heathen lifestyle and persuasion, will go to Hell - perhaps not the same "level" of hell as a Hitler or a Ted Bundy, but they will not ascend to the same "Heaven" as someone, perhaps, like Calvin, Luther, St. Paul, or a true "disciple" who dedicated their entire life to the pursuit of God. Christ had only 12 disciples out of millions of followers, and he seemed to require a higher standard of self-sacrifice for his disciples than he did for his potentially millions of lay-followers.

While in contrast, one who professes "Christianity" but is primarily heathen, materialistic, legalistic, or archaic in their own ways or persuasions, adhering to a degenerate and archaic ritualized form of "salvation" dumbed down to the level of mass marketing, based on ritualism and ignorance rather than rational and conscious understanding, free will and whatnot.
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My take on religion is that if you are focusing on the destination as your motivation for doing good then you are missing the big picture.

Doing good is its own reward. The overwhelming message of religion is about how to live the right way not why to live the right way.
My take on religion is that if you are focusing on the destination as your motivation for doing good then you are missing the big picture.

Doing good is its own reward. The overwhelming message of religion is about how to live the right way not why to live the right way.
Even then though, that's a religious or faith-based belief or assertion.

An atheist, could just as well embrace nihilism, decide that "life is meaningless", so it doesn't matter what you do, whether that means raping, murdering, plundering, and so forth.

So even then, an atheist can't be or do "good" without culturally appropriating religious or Christian concepts, constructs, or morality, such as the "golden rule", upon which, for example, the philosophy of the Common Law in America and Britain is essentially founded, having developed from older systems, including "religious ones", such as Roman, Exodus, and other legal and moral systems of the past.

(As an example, some atheists, such as NAMBLA or "pedophile rights" activists argue that pedophilia or rape isn't inherently abominable as the philosophy of the law says it is, but merely "socially unaccepted", and that constructs such as "age of consent" laws should be abolished, and whatnot).
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Even then though, that's a religious or faith-based belief or assertion.
Not necessarily. It’s logical to live in the present. I am much much happier living in the present rather than worrying about the future or lamenting about the past. I use the past to learn lessons. I use the future for planning what I will do but I spend my time in the present. Besides the present is where I can experience God.
An atheist, could just as well embrace nihilism, decide that "life is meaningless", so it doesn't matter what you do, whether that means raping, murdering, plundering, and so forth.
Maybe. But I don’t think that is the rule. It’s more like the exception. Besides Christians aren’t immune from those risks either.

The way I see the rule is that meaning adds flavor and purpose to life. So if you don’t have that then your life won’t be as rich and full as it could be.
So even then, an atheist can't be or do "good" without culturally appropriating religious or Christian concepts, constructs, or morality, such as the "golden rule", upon which, for example, the philosophy of the Common Law in America and Britain is essentially founded, having developed from older systems, including "religious ones", such as Roman, Exodus, and other legal and moral systems of the past.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of militant atheists or anyone who attacks the faith of another. I will oppose them all.

But let me be clear, Christianity has not cornered the market on successful behaviors. Those are God’s behaviors. And they are written into the hearts of all men and they will know them if they die to self and confront reality.

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