Loretta Lynch Plot Thickens As New Details Emerge Of Her Dealings With The Hillary Campaign


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I hope they bury the traitor Lynch


Last night we asked a very simple question about why the DNC has failed to cooperate with Russia investigators by handing over their infamous email server to either the FBI or Robert Mueller's team (see: DNC Server: Most Critical Evidence To Proving "Russian Hacking" Is Being Withheld From Mueller, Why?). Afterall, if Russia did "hack the election", as we've been told 24/7 by CNN going on 8 months now, then the evidence could very well be on that server. Which prompted us to ask this very simple question:

All of which brings us back to our original question: If the DNC is in possession of actual tangible evidence that could prove once and for all that Russians hacked their servers and attempted to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton, why not share that evidence with investigators and enjoy the blissful vindication that its public release would provide?

Loretta Lynch Plot Thickens As New Details Emerge Of Her Dealings With The Hillary Campaign | Zero Hedge
Isn't it amazing how true the axiom, "the outcome is always the opposite of the liberal's stated intent." is true in this situation.

They are so hell bent on trying to prove that even one vote was changed by the Russians they are forgetting it is they who are the real criminals. Now they are the one hiding evidence just like Nixon did during Watergate. They tried to get Trump, they are failing in getting him but as usual will implicate themselves. I can't wait.
Fake news is all the right can post as accomplishments are totally missing from this administration. "Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days - Since then, he has said something untrue on at least 74 of 113 days. On days without an untrue statement, he is often absent from Twitter, vacationing at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, or busy golfing."

And the righties still believe and follow along. Corporations know this and play the right like a banjo. See books below if you doubt that.

Strangers in Their Own Land

Dark Money
Fake news is all the right can post as accomplishments are totally missing from this administration. "Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days - Since then, he has said something untrue on at least 74 of 113 days. On days without an untrue statement, he is often absent from Twitter, vacationing at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, or busy golfing."

And the righties still believe and follow along. Corporations know this and play the right like a banjo. See books below if you doubt that.

Strangers in Their Own Land

Dark Money

lol......s0n.......nobody ascribes "fake news" to the right!! duh.......only in the nether-regions of the internet do you see the politically deluded going there. Outside of New York, LA and DC, nobody is reporting on Russia for example......the vast swath of the country gets it. Dummies like you think the coastal media bs is being projected everywhere..........which is why all of your heads exploded last November and the bumpy cucumbers from President Trump continue to create misery.

Bubble dwelling is ghey.
Fake news is all the right can post as accomplishments are totally missing from this administration. "Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days - Since then, he has said something untrue on at least 74 of 113 days. On days without an untrue statement, he is often absent from Twitter, vacationing at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, or busy golfing."

And the righties still believe and follow along. Corporations know this and play the right like a banjo. See books below if you doubt that.

Strangers in Their Own Land

Dark Money

LL is in deep kimchee

I hope they bury the traitor Lynch


Last night we asked a very simple question about why the DNC has failed to cooperate with Russia investigators by handing over their infamous email server to either the FBI or Robert Mueller's team (see: DNC Server: Most Critical Evidence To Proving "Russian Hacking" Is Being Withheld From Mueller, Why?). Afterall, if Russia did "hack the election", as we've been told 24/7 by CNN going on 8 months now, then the evidence could very well be on that server. Which prompted us to ask this very simple question:

All of which brings us back to our original question: If the DNC is in possession of actual tangible evidence that could prove once and for all that Russians hacked their servers and attempted to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton, why not share that evidence with investigators and enjoy the blissful vindication that its public release would provide?

Loretta Lynch Plot Thickens As New Details Emerge Of Her Dealings With The Hillary Campaign | Zero Hedge
I am willing to bet the house that most Americans have no idea that the DNC server has been purposely withheld from the FBI by the Dems. All thanks to a DNC fake media.

...and why has there been no subpoenas?
So, after this fake news story fades away, just like every other fraud that the Putin-sucking Trumpflakes have tried push, what will they do?

Oh, that's right. They'll simply push a new fraudulent story. They've got an endless supply of them.

By now, even all the Trumplickers know that everything they repeat is fake. They repeat it anyways, because their traitors' cult commands them, and none of the Trumptards have the courage to disobey cult orders.
^^^^^^ Lol ^^^^^^

Let me see if I got this right. America is suppose to believe the lefts 'Anonymous' sources but the Washington Times is auto fake news


You mean the same way you did when the fake news Russian collusion story faded away?

You mean the collusion story that is well-proven?

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton

That's cut-and-dry collusion.

You know, you could just renounce the Trump treason family. It wouldn't kill you. You wouldn't have to renounce conservatism. But you won't. Instead, all the Trumpflakes deliberately try to run cover for the treason by going off on these deflections. At this stage of the game, given what we know, anyone who is still backing Trump knows full well that they're backing a traitor.
Your post shows you know nothing about collusion and keep parroting the party line. At least you are an honest snowflake and use a pussy for an avatar.
If the DNC is in possession of actual tangible evidence that could prove once and for all that Russians hacked their servers and attempted to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton,
This still boggles my mind....

Every candidate uses smear tactics to undermine their opponents
and influence voters....WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
You mean the same way you did when the fake news Russian collusion story faded away?

You mean the collusion story that is well-proven?

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton

That's cut-and-dry collusion.

You know, you could just renounce the Trump treason family. It wouldn't kill you. You wouldn't have to renounce conservatism. But you won't. Instead, all the Trumpflakes deliberately try to run cover for the treason by going off on these deflections. At this stage of the game, given what we know, anyone who is still backing Trump knows full well that they're backing a traitor.

I am happy with our current President. Much more so than a transgender loving Obama.

So refreshing to see America again

I hope they bury the traitor Lynch


Last night we asked a very simple question about why the DNC has failed to cooperate with Russia investigators by handing over their infamous email server to either the FBI or Robert Mueller's team (see: DNC Server: Most Critical Evidence To Proving "Russian Hacking" Is Being Withheld From Mueller, Why?). Afterall, if Russia did "hack the election", as we've been told 24/7 by CNN going on 8 months now, then the evidence could very well be on that server. Which prompted us to ask this very simple question:

All of which brings us back to our original question: If the DNC is in possession of actual tangible evidence that could prove once and for all that Russians hacked their servers and attempted to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton, why not share that evidence with investigators and enjoy the blissful vindication that its public release would provide?

Loretta Lynch Plot Thickens As New Details Emerge Of Her Dealings With The Hillary Campaign | Zero Hedge

Those servers have been wiped.....and with more than "like with a towel or something." Their stealing the election from bernie, their collusion with every foreign government with a little cash to throw around....all of that evidence is long gone...

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