"Lordy, let there be tapes" Did Cohen record the Trump KIDS still trying to do the Moscow deal?

Well then, for sure you should be able to direct me to a single post from you stating that Hillary Clinton obviously is a criminal who belongs in jail because look at all the lies she told during her life.................

People who lied before Congress and/or the FBI:
- Hillary Clinton
- James Clapper
- James Comey
- John Brennan

For starters....
Another one who is weak and a coward for deflecting. Going to Hillary just proves your concession to me. You are being too obvious. Move along loser.

Pointing out your outright hypocrisy and proving that you don't give a damn about the law , you simply hate Trump , is not weak or cowardly.

In fact, it is you who is weak and cowardly, unable to defend your dual positions.

I'm happy to see any and all who break the law punished, including Trump and his family, if they broke the law punish them.

What I am NOT happy with is investigating a person until you find a crime, even if it takes trapping someone with perjury because they forgot about an email to do so.

You are pathetic if you think this is okay.
Whether I hate Trump or not, has zero to do with the law. The law has already proven wrong doing. Using the hatred card is a cop out to an argument. It doesn't have a meaning. The law is the only thing that has any continuity or meaning here.

And by the way, I have already defended my position through pointing out those exact statutes that confirm that I care about the law. The Trump Sheep have done him no favors, because they cannot produce any counter arguments or written law that gets him off the hook. So it's anyone's guess what you are talking about? You have to produce something in order to make an argument. You have done nothing of the sort. Your emotions aren't going to go anywhere in defending a criminal. That's just a fact.

If you think what is going on is Law Enforcement, you are sorely delusional.

The investigation is POLITICAL. POLITICAL PARTISAN OPERATIVES are engaged in a coup attempt against a lawfully elected President.
Except the law proved that it was not a lawful election. Using the "political" card is useless because the law itself has already proven otherwise. At the end of the day Trump and his Sheep can't work around that.

If what you say were true, you would have already offered up a lawful defense. You did not. You've offered nothing, therefore you've said nothing.
Yes its illegal. If neither party knew about it, it's illegal in all 50 states.
Except, it's not, since Cohen was a party.

That can still be wrong. If there was a reasonable expectation of privacy where this occurred, its still illegal.

Can I legally record a conversation between myself and another person?

The Wiretap Act (as well as each state law governing secret recording of conversations) protects only those communications that the individuals being secretly recorded reasonably expect to be private.
Yes its illegal. If neither party knew about it, it's illegal in all 50 states.
Except, it's not, since Cohen was a party.

That can still be wrong. If there was a reasonable expectation of privacy where this occurred, its still illegal.

Can I legally record a conversation between myself and another person?

The Wiretap Act (as well as each state law governing secret recording of conversations) protects only those communications that the individuals being secretly recorded reasonably expect to be private.
That would be what court hearings are for. And that's an uphill battle, in New york.
Perfectly legal, in New York, when one party consents. Cohen was a party to these conversations. And where did these conversations take place?

New York.

If one of the Clinton's lawyers had done something like this, they would have committed suicide by shotgun blast to the back of the head by now.
nice trolling newbie...

No doubt it is scummy to record someone who does not know they are being recorded when talking with you, and then releasing it....

but it is not against the law in New York or many other States, as long as the one person releasing the recording, was a party to the recording.

I didn't say it was illegal.

It also isn't illegal to pay a whore to keep her trap shut after having sex with her, but stupid Democrats sure have gone crazy over that bullshit.

Which is my overall point, stupid liberals have let Trump break them, crying wolf over EVERYTHING. EVERY single thing that breaks about him is illegal and millions will die. It's just ridiculous.

And the most pathetic thing is we all KNOW that had Trump ran as a Democrat you dummies would love him. We know this because back when he was a Democrat, you dummies loved him.
It was a crime, because he paid the whores to shut them up during an election campaign of which he did not want to hurt his chances of winning,

and did not claim it as a campaign donation....

normally this would be simply "breaking the campaign finance rules and laws''

and a fine would have to be paid....

but because it was intentional and not simply a mistake, and was proven it was intentional because of tapes cohen had with Trump on it,

and they illegally tried to hide it as a business expense by illegally using the Trump Foundation/Corporation to pay for it and hide it in the books,

and because it was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars....

it became a FELONY, in campaign finance law.

Wrong. Paying someone to sign a non-disclosure agreement is not a crime.

The women engaged in consensual relations with Trump and he wanted to keep these trysts private. And ANYHOO, as you LW Loons have been lecturing us for 20 years, Lying About Sex is not a crime, it's a private matter. So you can't change the rules you put in place now
It was used as a campaign expenditure, making it an illegal campaign. And the money was never reported. Are you that stupid as to not understand that? It isn't about lying over sex you idiot.
The investigation is POLITICAL. POLITICAL PARTISAN OPERATIVES are engaged in a coup attempt against a lawfully elected President.

If what you say were true, you would have already offered up a lawful defense. You did not. You've offered nothing, therefore you've said nothing.

You have to prove it was unlawful. Nobody has to prove a negative. You say it wasn't lawful, present evidence, back it up with links and proof. Otherwise WHAT YOU SAY is bullshit.

Apparently you have to be told like that crazy whackadoodle woman making accusations against Kav, the defense doesn't go first.
Perfectly legal, in New York, when one party consents. Cohen was a party to these conversations. And where did these conversations take place?

New York.

If one of the Clinton's lawyers had done something like this, they would have committed suicide by shotgun blast to the back of the head by now.
nice trolling newbie...

No doubt it is scummy to record someone who does not know they are being recorded when talking with you, and then releasing it....

but it is not against the law in New York or many other States, as long as the one person releasing the recording, was a party to the recording.

I didn't say it was illegal.

It also isn't illegal to pay a whore to keep her trap shut after having sex with her, but stupid Democrats sure have gone crazy over that bullshit.

Which is my overall point, stupid liberals have let Trump break them, crying wolf over EVERYTHING. EVERY single thing that breaks about him is illegal and millions will die. It's just ridiculous.

And the most pathetic thing is we all KNOW that had Trump ran as a Democrat you dummies would love him. We know this because back when he was a Democrat, you dummies loved him.
It was a crime, because he paid the whores to shut them up during an election campaign of which he did not want to hurt his chances of winning,

and did not claim it as a campaign donation....

normally this would be simply "breaking the campaign finance rules and laws''

and a fine would have to be paid....

but because it was intentional and not simply a mistake, and was proven it was intentional because of tapes cohen had with Trump on it,

and they illegally tried to hide it as a business expense by illegally using the Trump Foundation/Corporation to pay for it and hide it in the books,

and because it was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars....

it became a FELONY, in campaign finance law.

Wrong. Paying someone to sign a non-disclosure agreement is not a crime.

The women engaged in consensual relations with Trump and he wanted to keep these trysts private. And ANYHOO, as you LW Loons have been lecturing us for 20 years, Lying About Sex is not a crime, it's a private matter. So you can't change the rules you put in place now
He wanted to keep it quiet. 11 years after it happened and for the sole purpose of keeping it from the public, because it would hurt him in his election bid..... which there are tapes stating such.... it would have been fine and dandy, if it were claimed as an election contribution of his own money....

but he chose to hide it, by claiming it was a legal work expense and phony purchase, that Cohen did for the Trump Foundation and Corporation.... which is also a crime that they took a tax write off from.... so, because they committed a crime coupled with the campaign finance law/rule breaking, it became a felony....

look it up Boe....
The investigation is POLITICAL. POLITICAL PARTISAN OPERATIVES are engaged in a coup attempt against a lawfully elected President.

If what you say were true, you would have already offered up a lawful defense. You did not. You've offered nothing, therefore you've said nothing.

You have to prove it was unlawful. Nobody has to prove a negative. You say it wasn't lawful, present evidence, back it up with links and proof. Otherwise WHAT YOU SAY is bullshit.

Apparently you have to be told like that crazy whackadoodle woman making accusations against Kav, the defense doesn't go first.
Was the money reported? No! See how easy that was. Next!
It's illegal in all 50 states to record a conversation between two people who don't know about it.

Inadmissible evidence even if it does exist = nothing burger.
It does exist, and we don't need tapes. There is a mountain of evidence against Trump in so many other areas that it doesn't change anything. A lot of folks are going to jail. Lock them all up for mounting an illegal election.

What is "mounting an illegal election?"

They don't know. When the pussy grabbing and IRS returns didn't work they went insane.

i don't believe there is any hope for them. When you think getting two scoops of ice cream is an impeachable offense, you have gone off the deep end.
It's illegal in all 50 states to record a conversation between two people who don't know about it.

Inadmissible evidence even if it does exist = nothing burger.
It does exist, and we don't need tapes. There is a mountain of evidence against Trump in so many other areas that it doesn't change anything. A lot of folks are going to jail. Lock them all up for mounting an illegal election.

What is "mounting an illegal election?"

They don't know. When the pussy grabbing and IRS returns didn't work they went insane.

i don't believe there is any hope for them. When you think getting two scoops of ice cream is an impeachable offense, you have gone off the deep end.
This is an idiotic post that tells us nothing.
Did it need to be reported? No. Because his lawyer paid her not him, and it was his own personal funds.
That seems to be incorrect, as it can be taken as a campaign contribution. And when the person who paid was directed by the nominee to skirt campaign law, it's a serious matter. You haven't even really heard the beginning of this, now that Dems will control the House committee.
Yes its illegal. If neither party knew about it, it's illegal in all 50 states.

He would have had to have been there for it to be legal. If he planted a recorder it's illegal.
he was there, and part of the conversation.... what part about him, (Cohen) being a party to the conversation, do you not understand?
Was the money reported? No! See how easy that was. Next!

Did it need to be reported? No. Because his lawyer paid her not him, and it was his own personal funds anyway.

then cohen committed the finance campaign law breaking if as you claim...

BUT that was not the case.... Trump is on tape with Cohen, telling him to take care of it and discussion of how Trump would illegally pay Cohen back for it!

It's not illegal. They can waste all the time they want to.

If anything, if she was paid 130,000 to sign a nondisclosure agreement and she breached it she can be sued to hell and back.
It's not illegal. They can waste all the time they want to.

If anything, if she was paid 130,000 to sign a nondisclosure agreement and she breached it she can be sued to hell and back.
there was the Karen McDoogle pay off as well to their friend David at the National Enquirer...

It's not illegal. They can waste all the time they want to.

If anything, if she was paid 130,000 to sign a nondisclosure agreement and she breached it she can be sued to hell and back.
there was the Karen McDoogle pay off as well to their friend David at the National Enquirer...

These Trump Sheep are done. There is a mountain of evidence and criminal liability associated with Trump and Cohen, and there is nothing they can say that is going to challenge that. And how do we know that? Because all they have offered is splattered spaghetti up against the wall. And that's not going to work.
If one of the Clinton's lawyers had done something like this, they would have committed suicide by shotgun blast to the back of the head by now.
nice trolling newbie...

No doubt it is scummy to record someone who does not know they are being recorded when talking with you, and then releasing it....

but it is not against the law in New York or many other States, as long as the one person releasing the recording, was a party to the recording.

I didn't say it was illegal.

It also isn't illegal to pay a whore to keep her trap shut after having sex with her, but stupid Democrats sure have gone crazy over that bullshit.

Which is my overall point, stupid liberals have let Trump break them, crying wolf over EVERYTHING. EVERY single thing that breaks about him is illegal and millions will die. It's just ridiculous.

And the most pathetic thing is we all KNOW that had Trump ran as a Democrat you dummies would love him. We know this because back when he was a Democrat, you dummies loved him.
It was a crime, because he paid the whores to shut them up during an election campaign of which he did not want to hurt his chances of winning,

and did not claim it as a campaign donation....

normally this would be simply "breaking the campaign finance rules and laws''

and a fine would have to be paid....

but because it was intentional and not simply a mistake, and was proven it was intentional because of tapes cohen had with Trump on it,

and they illegally tried to hide it as a business expense by illegally using the Trump Foundation/Corporation to pay for it and hide it in the books,

and because it was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars....

it became a FELONY, in campaign finance law.

Shut the fuck up

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

and what about dip shits like Rosie Odonnel who purposely donated to Hillary Clinton and other candidates under false names to give more money than the law allows?

Let's just face it, you do NOT care about the law, all you care about is using the law against Trump. It's obvious and pathetic.
You are such a troll, dribbling all the trolling What 'bout-isms....

Why don't you spend a few minutes and research the differences between what the Obama campaign did to get the fine and what Rosie O'donnell did,

verses what Cohen and Trump did....

You'd be a tad smarter than you are coming off.... and less emotional...perhaps...

I already stated the difference. Dip shits like you care about one, but not the other.

Seriously, you're a dumb fuck.
nice trolling newbie...

No doubt it is scummy to record someone who does not know they are being recorded when talking with you, and then releasing it....

but it is not against the law in New York or many other States, as long as the one person releasing the recording, was a party to the recording.

I didn't say it was illegal.

It also isn't illegal to pay a whore to keep her trap shut after having sex with her, but stupid Democrats sure have gone crazy over that bullshit.

Which is my overall point, stupid liberals have let Trump break them, crying wolf over EVERYTHING. EVERY single thing that breaks about him is illegal and millions will die. It's just ridiculous.

And the most pathetic thing is we all KNOW that had Trump ran as a Democrat you dummies would love him. We know this because back when he was a Democrat, you dummies loved him.
It was a crime, because he paid the whores to shut them up during an election campaign of which he did not want to hurt his chances of winning,

and did not claim it as a campaign donation....

normally this would be simply "breaking the campaign finance rules and laws''

and a fine would have to be paid....

but because it was intentional and not simply a mistake, and was proven it was intentional because of tapes cohen had with Trump on it,

and they illegally tried to hide it as a business expense by illegally using the Trump Foundation/Corporation to pay for it and hide it in the books,

and because it was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars....

it became a FELONY, in campaign finance law.

Shut the fuck up

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

and what about dip shits like Rosie Odonnel who purposely donated to Hillary Clinton and other candidates under false names to give more money than the law allows?

Let's just face it, you do NOT care about the law, all you care about is using the law against Trump. It's obvious and pathetic.
You are such a troll, dribbling all the trolling What 'bout-isms....

Why don't you spend a few minutes and research the differences between what the Obama campaign did to get the fine and what Rosie O'donnell did,

verses what Cohen and Trump did....

You'd be a tad smarter than you are coming off.... and less emotional...perhaps...

I already stated the difference. Dip shits like you care about one, but not the other.

Seriously, you're a dumb fuck.
You're too stupid to know what the definition of "difference" means. The "difference" between the Obama campaign violation and Trump's, is that it was not hidden. It was clerical, not criminal. That is what is meant by "difference". But you are too stupid to know that.

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