Looks like we can put an end to the Sarah Palin threads.....


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
We can now do daily posts about stupid things Rand Paul said

Rachel Maddow demolishes Rand Paul - Joan Walsh - Salon.com

On Wednesday, an interview he gave to the Louisville Courier-Journal, in which he seemed to say he would have opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, hit the Internet and cable television. Wednesday night MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interviewed him and tried to get him to clarify his remarks, and Paul tried to talk his way out of siding with the terrible folks who wouldn't let black students sit at those Southern lunch counters in 1960.

But Paul basically sided with the terrible folks. The Tea Party hero said he thought the Civil Rights Act was fine when it came to desegregating public institutions, but not private businesses.

Its about time we got some new material on this board
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Based on the way things are looking, I can easily see Sarah Palin being paid her hefty sum to come and read from her hand at a Rand Paul rally at the next KKK meeting.
Okay, so now we know that Rand Paul believes that all-white lunch counters are a fitting symbol of what constitutes (pun intended) the principle of limited government that he and his followers hold dear above all.
LOL,Racheal Maddow demolished Rand Paul.

and the left accuse others of being goosestepping followers of Rush Limbaugh.

No matter what Maddow thinks she did, no one watches her show anyway.:lol:
LOL,Racheal Maddow demolished Rand Paul.

and the left accuse others of being goosestepping followers of Rush Limbaugh.

No matter what Maddow thinks she did, no one watches her show anyway.:lol:

Which if true, only exemplifies the beauty of the Internet. I cannot wait for Rand Paul to open his falppy jaws again...
Okay, so now we know that Rand Paul believes that all-white lunch counters are a fitting symbol of what constitutes (pun intended) the principle of limited government that he and his followers hold dear above all.

I was almost embarrassed for him...


It was actually a thing of beauty watching someone who thinks segregation is a personal choice get systematically destroyed.

The anti-randian ads this election cycle are going to be magnificent. I see an all white lunch counter with a door that says no blacks, no jews and no dogs with the voiceover 'this is the good old days of limited government that rand paul wants to return us to....."
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Commies-Liberals-Democrats-Progressives have nothing else if they can't play and divide people by race, gender, sexual orientation, etc etc.

that is the only they they can sell their hateful politics and install their Socialist Fascist agenda.

I think the American people are already fed up with all this crap of political division from the Obama and his Comrades in Arms and his goosestepping cult followers.
poor steffie... do you need one of those baby burp clothes to wipe up the spittle?

here, maybe this will help:

I saw it also.
Demolish is too kind.
Nuked him.
Who would want a milk weak dude like him as a leader or spokes person?
It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers
Commies-Liberals-Democrats-Progressives have nothing else if they can't play and divide people by race, gender, sexual orientation, etc etc.

that is the only they they can sell their hateful politics and install their Socialist Fascist agenda.

I think the American people are already fed up with all this crap of political division from the Obama and his Comrades in Arms and his goosestepping cult followers.

How does Rand Paul answering questions about his beliefs constitute a "Socialist/Fascist agenda"??
New controversy for Rand Paul | WHAS11.com | Politics, Election Results | WHAS11.com | News for Louisville, Kentucky

While calling for an increase in the Social Security retirement age, the abolishment of the Departments of Agriculture and Education, the elimination of farm subsidies, the elimination of earmarked funding for Kentucky infrastructure projects and cuts in almost every other government function, Paul opposes cuts in government payments to physicians – payments he relies on to make a living.

From the Wall Street Journal: “Physicians should be allowed to make a comfortable living,” he told a gathering of neighbors in the back yard of Chris and Linda Wakild, just behind the 10th hole of a golf course.

Hes all about cutting EVERYTHING except for his own pay
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It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers

LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.
It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers

LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.

And how long did it take him to stick his foot in his mouth???
It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers

LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.

Much like Sarah Palin....it is now obvious that Rand Paul will be good for a blunder a day.

With Palin, it was because she didn't know any better....With Paul, it is because he actually believes this shit
It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers

LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.

Much like Sarah Palin....it is now obvious that Rand Paul will be good for a blunder a day.

With Palin, it was because she didn't know any better....With Paul, it is because he actually believes this shit

And personally, I am not sure which scares me more....
LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.

Much like Sarah Palin....it is now obvious that Rand Paul will be good for a blunder a day.

With Palin, it was because she didn't know any better....With Paul, it is because he actually believes this shit

And personally, I am not sure which scares me more....

well Palin should for sure since she is in a position of power in our Federal Guberment.
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Judging by the attacks from the left.... Rand must be on to something.

I think what Rand was trying to say is that if a buisiness wanted to segrigate, they had that right. The gov't shouldnt step in and tell someone how to run their company.
Let capitalism do its part... There is no way in Hell I would give my money to a company that was racist and did such a thing.
Why does the gov't need to tell them otherwise..... lead by example.
I hated when they stepped in and forced buisinesses (mainly bars) to be non-smoking. If I dont want to go there b/c people smoke and more folks feel that way, then the bottom line of said company will start to feel the pain and do what is right for their buisiness.

and as a side note.... the dems were against the civil rights movements in the 60's, not the repub's, and Maddow is a disgrace to pretty women everywhere.
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It is only going to get worse for Rand Paul....the press smell blood in the water and will explore the extent of his extremist beliefs every day

It is not going to be pretty for Mr Paul....or the Teabaggers

LOL, yeah, Progressive like yourself and Maddow are already out for blood, the guy only won what, like yesterday.

Of course. They're on a definitive search and destroy mission which is their M.O. in the face of any positive news of any conservative.

At the same time they blow it off as insignifcant when those in their own ranks are identified as opposing the same act, give a pass for hateful, stupid. or provocative comments by anybody on their side, and dismiss damning information about their own pets and heroes as being so long ago it no longer counts.

Unfortunately, with a media so strongly biased to the left, there is little chance we'll get a fair and honest hearing from many sources there. So it's up to us on the internet and the very few conservative outlets to get the whole story out there.

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