Looks Like Trump Was Right About Voter Fraud. Vindicated Once Again!!

They have more evidence than they did before. There's already enough evidence to re-evaluate the election, but like wamose said, the Deep State will never do anything to reverse the fraudulent, ill-gotten “election” results. You and I both know what the Deep State is all about.
I was unable to get to the "peer-reviewed" study in the Journal of Information Warfare on which this article is purportedly based. The link on the word "study" simply take you to another article in uncoverDC.com. That article talks about the study but has no links to the study itself. Between the two articles, there are links to videos and even more articles, but none that I could find to the actual study that holds all your "evidence". Please show me differently if I've missed something.
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I was unable to get to the "peer-reviewed" study that on which this article is based. The link on the word "study" simply take you to another article in uncoverDC.com. That article talks about the study but has no links to the study itself. Between the two articles, there are links to videos and even more articles, but none that I could find to the actual study that holds all your "evidence". Please show me differently if I've missed something.

We all knew that voter fraud occurred in the last general, Presidential election. Both sides of the aisle were perfectly aware of the widespread election manipulation (even though the left refuses to admit it). But an independent group has revealed more damning evidence which will end up vindicating Trump and his claims.

"Trump Proven Right As New Bombshell Audit Uncovers Millions Of Invalid Voter Registrations"

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records,” Hornik wrote in a new letter.

“To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist,” Hornik added.

Nope. Trump is just a crybaby loser. This is just more lies.
I found the Journal of Information Warfare. There is a paywall of course but it does show the article and its abstract, which looks like this:


Voters in New York State are identified by two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information. One of the several algorithms discovered has been solved. It first utilizes a mechanism nearly identical to the simple ‘Caesar Cipher’ to change the order of a group of ID numbers. Then, it interlaces them the way a deck of cards is arranged to create a ‘stacked deck’. The algorithmic modifications create hidden structure within voter ID numbers. The structure can be used to covertly tag fraudulent records for later use.

Whether or not these records actually were manipulated I will leave to the experts, but I see no indication in this abstract that the author found any evidence whatsoever that fraudulent ballots were actually cast.
Nope. Trump is just a crybaby loser. This is just more lies.
Now they can take it to a court and show their evidence. 64th lawsuit. Will it stand?

Brandon Gill "provides strategic marketing direction for Conservative Brief," the right-wing website whose underhanded tactics were exposed in yesterday's Popular Information. But he is also the founder and editor of his own website, DC Enquirer.

The DC Enquirer website was registered on January 8, 2022. The first article was posted on January 19, 2022 — just 36 days ago. The site is so new that you can't find it by Googling its name.

The content is unremarkable, aggregated pieces designed to push the buttons of the right. Recent headlines include "Republican Party Ditches RINO Views in Favor Pro-Trump Populism, Now Starting to Win Over Hispanic Voters" and "Chilling New Meme Shows Us The Future The Left Wants and It’s Devastating."

But in just over a month, the DC Enquirer has become more popular on Facebook than the Washington Post. Its rapid success on Facebook is the result of an audacious scheme to manipulate the Facebook algorithm.


Brandon Gill is the husband of right-wing pundit and author Danielle D'Souza Gill and the son-in-law of conservative polemicist Dinesh D'Souza. Both D'Souza and D'Souza Gill frequently post content from DC Enquirer.


Brandon Gill "provides strategic marketing direction for Conservative Brief," the right-wing website whose underhanded tactics were exposed in yesterday's Popular Information. But he is also the founder and editor of his own website, DC Enquirer.

The DC Enquirer website was registered on January 8, 2022. The first article was posted on January 19, 2022 — just 36 days ago. The site is so new that you can't find it by Googling its name.

The content is unremarkable, aggregated pieces designed to push the buttons of the right. Recent headlines include "Republican Party Ditches RINO Views in Favor Pro-Trump Populism, Now Starting to Win Over Hispanic Voters" and "Chilling New Meme Shows Us The Future The Left Wants and It’s Devastating."

But in just over a month, the DC Enquirer has become more popular on Facebook than the Washington Post. Its rapid success on Facebook is the result of an audacious scheme to manipulate the Facebook algorithm.


Brandon Gill is the husband of right-wing pundit and author Danielle D'Souza Gill and the son-in-law of conservative polemicist Dinesh D'Souza. Both D'Souza and D'Souza Gill frequently post content from DC Enquirer.

But to them, it's The Truth, and there's nothing you can say to change their mind.

Doesn't matter any more. The GOP stood by and did less than nothing to stop the steal when it was going on, and they will do nothing the next time as well if Trump wins the Primaries. If Trump loses the Primaries, they can't win the White House anyway.
We all knew that voter fraud occurred in the last general, Presidential election. Both sides of the aisle were perfectly aware of the widespread election manipulation (even though the left refuses to admit it). But an independent group has revealed more damning evidence which will end up vindicating Trump and his claims.

"Trump Proven Right As New Bombshell Audit Uncovers Millions Of Invalid Voter Registrations"

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records,” Hornik wrote in a new letter.

“To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist,” Hornik added.
He lost. Move on. Jeez, this isn't even worthy of a "get lost".
Yes. Corrupt, or scared to carry out their duty as judges.
Scared by whom, in order for Republican Trump appointed judges to look at the evidence, which they did, and found no cause?

Afraid of the rule if law which all of them must follow or their courts will never be trusted to hear any case again?
Scared by whom, in order for Republican Trump appointed judges to look at the evidence, which they did, and found no cause?

Afraid of the rule if law which all of them must follow or their courts will never be trusted to hear any case again?
No....The leftist mob....Just look at what happens when judges give rulings you leftists don't like...They are hounded at their homes, attempted assassinations, torrents of hostile MSM pieces on everything to do with their lives...etc.

The left has corrupted the Judicial, therefore the plans to tear down this country is nearly complete...
No....The leftist mob....Just look at what happens when judges give rulings you leftists don't like...They are hounded at their homes, attempted assassinations, torrents of hostile MSM pieces on everything to do with their lives...etc.

The left has corrupted the Judicial, therefore the plans to tear down this country is nearly complete...
You mean all the Republican and Democratic election officials, judges, Governors, mayors etc who have had their, and their families hounded by MAGA, QANON, etc and have been forced out of their jobs.

I am against any and all threats to get a wanted resolution. Trump and his cult are not, and they continue to make threats even to the DA. Not smart.

The left has corrupted nothing. Trump is the corrupt one and all of those who applaud and defend his lies.
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