Looks Like Trump Was Right About Voter Fraud. Vindicated Once Again!!

We'd have to pull all the ballots that were cast at 3:00AM (give or take) the day after the election. You know ... when Biden miraculously passed Trump. You've seen the infamous graph:

There's no end to your bullshit.
We all knew that voter fraud occurred in the last general, Presidential election. Both sides of the aisle were perfectly aware of the widespread election manipulation (even though the left refuses to admit it). But an independent group has revealed more damning evidence which will end up vindicating Trump and his claims.

"Trump Proven Right As New Bombshell Audit Uncovers Millions Of Invalid Voter Registrations"

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records,” Hornik wrote in a new letter.

“To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist,” Hornik added.

trump naked melania crotch.jpg

We'd have to pull all the ballots that were cast at 3:00AM (give or take) the day after the election. You know ... when Biden miraculously passed Trump. You've seen the infamous graph:



You mean when a Demoratic county reported their mail-in ballot count?

What's so nefarious about that, rightwingnut?
I realize you hate being reminded of the facts, but it's a job that must be done.

By "facts," you mean where you utterly failed to show even ONE of those purported erroneous voter registrations was used to vote in the 2020 election?

By "facts," you mean where you utterly failed to show even ONE of those purported erroneous voter registrations was used to vote in the 2020 election?

We all know Biden lost miserably. Under normal circumstances, he would have lost by a landslide. He could hardly draw 100 stragglers to his “rallies” and he spent most of his time hiding in his basement. But thanks to the evidence revealed in the OP coupled with the documentary, “2000 Mules,” we all know the truth. I don't suspect you Tards to admit it, but I'm totally confident that you know the truth of the matter.
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First obvious 2020 Fraud is ATL room #604 video running secret ballot stash (repeatedly) over ~2hours resulting in a massive one way spike during a phony shutdown setup. Whistleblower statements about unfolded biden only ballots.

Ditto WI MI PA. Then boatloads of statistical analysis showing four counties far out of the norm. Almost so obvious its comical to watch the crooks run from the math.
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You understand that you have to credit the source you cut&pasted this garbage from, right?

I am the source, dickhead. I've been keeping a running list of everything that cocksucker Joe Biden has done.

Here: Print out some copies and pass them out to your friends and family...


  • spud.txt
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There was an allegation of Russian collusion with Trump. That was not proven. What WAS proven, by a Bipartisan committee, was that Russia DID interfere in the 2016 election in favor of Trump.

Maybe Trump asking Russia to find Hilary's emails can be considered a collusion, but it was not.

No 2020 fraud as Trump's endless teams of lawyers could not dig one tiny thing from their haystack. Because there was nothing in the haystack.

Keep spreading the election fraud conspiracy. It is so cute. Until people are threatened, lose their jobs. Or the idiots making the threats end up in prison like so many during 1/6.

Fear not. The belief that a "cover up" happened is what feeds this lunacy to its eventual end. Loss of more seats to Democrats.

FALSE. Allegedly $200K worth of phony facebook ads that no one can remember seeing. Was it Killary in blue glasses after she fell down in daytime 72deg and got tossed in the scooby van like a 50lb sack of onions?

You ignorant saps are so far gone you need to be chained and dragged to a compound for the safety of others.
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FALSE. Allegedly $200K worth of phony facebook ads that no one can remeber seeing.

You ignorant saps are so far gone you need to be chained and dragged to a compound for the safety of others.

Well actually, I was going to vote for Hillary. But when I read all those Russian ads on Facebook, I magically changed into a Republican.

Not one Ballot, machine, software or Signature has been looked into but the silly "recount" by dirty FANN gang.

In particular in ATL. Batch number boxes unfolded were identified but forbidden to look into. Tip of iceberg.

Black gater badmac dblack winco fitlthyFaun dont want to dig into 4 chocolate counties used like DEM slaves. Stupid fools might feel racist? Blacks too corrupted or stupid to realize.
I am the source, dickhead. I've been keeping a running list of everything that cocksucker Joe Biden has done.

Here: Print out some copies and pass them out to your friends and family...
If that is true, it isn't worth reading...

But I bet you're lying.
We all know Biden lost miserably. Under normal circumstances, he would have lost by a landslide. He could hardly draw 100 stragglers to his “rallies” and he spent most of his time hiding in his basement. But thanks to the evidence revealed in the OP coupled with the documentary, “2000 Mules,” we all know the truth. I don't suspect you Tards to admit it, but I'm totally confident that you know the truth of the matter.

If we really "know" that, how cone you can't actually show that? You started this thread about millions of erroneous voter registrations but you can't show even ONE vote was cast with any of those registrations.

And 2000 Mules was a complete flop...

54,000 "mules"...

240,000,000 seconds of video...

25,000,000,000,000 bytes of cell phone data...

ZERO people caught on video dropping off ballots more than once.

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