Looks like CAT 4 Hurricane WILLA is going to POLEAX the "CARAVAN". Trump's fault?

Well, considering that the hurricane will be hitting the west side, and the caravan is on the east side of Mexico, as well as considering that it will cross northern Mexico and they are still way far south, I don't think the hurricane is gonna be much of a deterrent.

Mexicans digging out of landslides and mudpits will be very welcoming to these invaders. Don't you think so?
Is Trump so powerful that he controls THE WEATHER and can conjure up a HURRICANE to deal with the mobile mob on it's way to the United States?

Maybe these invaders should have waited until after Hurricane season....oopsies.



Yeah, and Russia's involved too somehow. I just know it. :mad-61:
The Caravan may be broad-sided by Hurricane Willa?

Time to prep a dozen C130s with droppable survival rations.

Right after we turn on the electrified border fence.

Sux to be them.

Best if they just head home now and avoid the Christmas Rush.

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