Looks Like Axelrod is up to his Old Tricks Again


May 23, 2014
This man is infamous. He destroyed Obama's 2004 Illinois Democratic Senate rival on charges he beat his wife during a domestic dispute (Blaire Hull) He destroyed his potential Republican rival who was going through a divorce with his Hollywood actress wife when it was brought out they went to sex clubs. Even though the proceedings were supposed to be sealed but his connections at the Chicago Tribune tipped him (Jack Ryan) He managed John Edwards in 2004, then when working for Obama in 2008 he leaked to National Enquirer that Edwards had a love child (backstabbing a former client) Now he may be bumping Biden for Coumo or somebody else. Don't know. But certainly fits his weasel ways. The man cannot be trusted. One of his ways is he finds out where an opposition candidate eats at restaurants or goes to bars, and then he gets people hired on as spies. This is no shit because he wanted me to spy on Rod Blagoavitch.
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This woman shows up right after the democrats start talking about drafting Cuomo at a brokered convention.

Exactly. Look I worked under this character Axelrod in 2004 in the Edwards campaign. I thought Senator Edwards would be the guy to stop the hemoraging of jobs from America. I talked on the phone from Iowa before the Caucasus one night to Axelrod. I said " I think I really believe in John Edwards." He replied "I believe in John Edwards MESSAGE." Stump speech that he had written. In other words "don't get wrapped up in the emotion, this guy is just a good product that will sell." He's a wormy bastard.
I want to see if this thread disappears. I listened to the womans interview and she sounded credible.
It's the ticking timebomb from every mans past now in 2020. And bullshit if women didn't expect that out of a man back then. The conventional sexual dance back then was that "the man takes the lead." Dose t mean rape, just women expected the man to make first move. Law of the jungle. Lioness puts it out there and male lion responds. I think it's a miscommunication thing for the time.
We have been told by LWNJ's that no matter what, we must, MUST "believe women"....

so looks like buh-bye Slow Joe....back to the memory unit for you.
We have been told by LWNJ's that no matter what, we must, MUST "believe women"....

so looks like buh-bye Slow Joe....back to the memory unit for you.
I don't know who they are promoting? Axelrod might push Raham Emmanuel ...Axelrod is a Chicago guy...I don't think he has inroads with NY political machine to get Coumo. Emmanuel is former Mayor of Chicago, former Chief of Staff under Obama , and former member of Israeli Army.
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We have been told by LWNJ's that no matter what, we must, MUST "believe women"....

so looks like buh-bye Slow Joe....back to the memory unit for you.
Because Axelrod specializes in black candidates...Trump was from left field when he won...don't think he wouldn't be egotistical enough to throw Stephanie Abrams in the mix.
Axelrod became interested in politics when he was 5 years old and was taken by his parents to a JFK speech in NY, 8 days before the 1960 election.

"i was hooked, i wanted a part of the action" - Axe bellowed

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