looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Forced to Early Social Security, Unemployed Pay a Steep Price. My goodness so the unemployment is going do yes we can see that those close enough to retire that are unemployed and nearing have exhausted the unemployment benefits are now forced to retire but barely make it on social security. Yes obama you are doing a brilliant job at bring those unemployment numbers down.
This retirement oasis in the desert has long beckoned those who want to spin out their golden years playing golf and sitting by the pool in the arid sunshine. But for Clare Keany, who turned 62 last fall and cannot find work, it feels more like a prison. Just a few miles from the gated estates of corporate chieftains and Hollywood stars, Ms. Keany lives in a tiny mobile home, barely getting by on little more than $1,082 a month from Social Security.

Forced to Early Social Security, Unemployed Pay a Steep Price. My goodness so the unemployment is going do yes we can see that those close enough to retire that are unemployed and nearing have exhausted the unemployment benefits are now forced to retire but barely make it on social security. Yes obama you are doing a brilliant job at bring those unemployment numbers down.
This retirement oasis in the desert has long beckoned those who want to spin out their golden years playing golf and sitting by the pool in the arid sunshine. But for Clare Keany, who turned 62 last fall and cannot find work, it feels more like a prison. Just a few miles from the gated estates of corporate chieftains and Hollywood stars, Ms. Keany lives in a tiny mobile home, barely getting by on little more than $1,082 a month from Social Security.


"Private sector is fine"~B H O
Forced to Early Social Security, Unemployed Pay a Steep Price. My goodness so the unemployment is going do yes we can see that those close enough to retire that are unemployed and nearing have exhausted the unemployment benefits are now forced to retire but barely make it on social security. Yes obama you are doing a brilliant job at bring those unemployment numbers down.
This retirement oasis in the desert has long beckoned those who want to spin out their golden years playing golf and sitting by the pool in the arid sunshine. But for Clare Keany, who turned 62 last fall and cannot find work, it feels more like a prison. Just a few miles from the gated estates of corporate chieftains and Hollywood stars, Ms. Keany lives in a tiny mobile home, barely getting by on little more than $1,082 a month from Social Security.


"Private sector is fine"~B H O

Yes in obama's mind it's doing exactly how he envisioned. And if this is how he envisioned the economy it is doing fine and as planed.:lol:
looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....

Too-many big words.....so, you moved-on to the comics, again, Goober??

I find it laughable that you posting nothing of substance and bump this thread that obama supporters have avoided. Thanks for the bump stupid
looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....

Too-many big words.....so, you moved-on to the comics, again, Goober??


Why is it the one who is always Posting in Cute Colors, and Making Childish Jokes with out any Real Bearing on the Issue being discussed. Is always the one attacking others Intelligence?

Why don't you try Posting with out Changing Font sizes, Color, or Adding Pics. Before you start throwing stones.
looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....

Too-many big words.....so, you moved-on to the comics, again, Goober??


Why is it the one who is always Posting in Cute Colors, and Making Childish Jokes with out any Real Bearing on the Issue being discussed. Is always the one attacking others Intelligence?

Why don't you try Posting with out Changing Font sizes, Color, or Adding Pics. Before you start throwing stones.

We know he's not the sharpest knife in the rack :lol:
looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....

Too-many big words.....so, you moved-on to the comics, again, Goober??


Cute! Your response is to post a comic from the "famous" leftist Gary Trudeau.

Brilliant, and typical, leftist tripe.

So what's next from the brilliant Shamanista? A passage from a "Bi-Curious George" book?
looking at the paper this morning and what do I see.....

Too-many big words.....so, you moved-on to the comics, again, Goober??


Cute! Your response is to post a comic from the "famous" leftist Gary Trudeau.

Brilliant, and typical, leftist tripe.

So what's next from the brilliant Shamanista? A passage from a "Bi-Curious George" book?

You notice how obama defenders have yet to respond to this thread? All but crayon boy have avoided it.
I just don't see the working people who have been under attack by the republicans since day one of the recession having too high a regard for executive golden parachute types that republicans are still trying to protect from their own widely destructive shortsightedness.
Obama offered a 4 trillion dollar cut and the Pubs ran for the hills. Romney would make the deficit worse AND screw the nonrich...Averting the SECOND Pub depression and keeping Pub victims from becoming homeless costs BIG MONEY!! Fer chrissake.Pubs should be out of power for years if there's any justice, but: PUB DUPES!! Arrrrrgh...
Looks like Obama is getting his money from Hollywood and Wall Street. Look where is gets his votes from. Do you really think the inner city poor are forking over the big bucks?

The middle class can't afford to pay for Obama any more.

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