

Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
The best sign from today's DC protest...

The best sign from today's DC protest...


Nice poster. Washington would be shocked. After all. Washington and all the founding fathers were LIBERALS

Yeah. Conservative, God-fearing liberals.

Not the leftist, marxist, pieces of shit liberals like todays' lib.

ie: you and the knuckle-draggers you support.

Washington was a liberal...conservatives supported the crown.

No denying it
Yeah. Conservative, God-fearing liberals.

Not the leftist, marxist, pieces of shit liberals like todays' lib.

ie: you and the knuckle-draggers you support.

They were not God-Fearing. :lol:

Jefferson even had a bible that he crossed out everything he disagreed with. Not exactly fearful if you ask me.

Besides, the USA was really the first "Modern Liberal state" at the time.
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The best sign from today's DC protest...


Nice poster. Washington would be shocked. After all. Washington and all the founding fathers were LIBERALS


I absolutely ADORE the abject ignorance you idiots demonstrate with this misnomer... they use the word "Liberal" ... which they long ago hijacked... despite their ideological aspirations being at diametric opposition with individual liberty...

Had the original GW been subjected to a population of you idiots, he would have recognized you as degenerates; probably found your humanist tendencies as some form of cultism; and would likely have marched his Army towards any population of such to eradicate you... as he would have any threat to the livestock on his farm... thinking no more of killing you than he would any other diseased varmint...

Pretty much how it's going to go down once you idiots flash off the looming US Civil war.
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Yeah. Conservative, God-fearing liberals.

Not the leftist, marxist, pieces of shit liberals like todays' lib.

ie: you and the knuckle-draggers you support.

They were not God-Fearing. :lol:

You are an absolute imbecile...

Jefferson was no where NEAR an anti-theist; as you've erronously implied...

Besides, the USA was really the first "Modern Liberal state" at the time.

Jefferson was a Diest, believing in a Natural force which he could not identify, but fully understood to exist. He did not believe that the Bible was to be read literally... and he had serious doubt of the miracles spoken to in the Bible; such as the earths rotation stopping and so on.

The absolute certainty is that were it possible for the modern anti-theist to debate Jefferson today, they'd soon find themselves smothered by his intellect and shocked to learn of his devout adherence to his belief in the Natural Order; not the least of which is his belief in creationism...

Keep in mind friends, that these same moonbats often trot out Jefferson's Letter to the Church of Danburry; projecting that this instrument is where Jefferson was warning the Church that the Constutition precludes their membership from influencing US Governance because of the "Wall of Separation" in the 1st Amendment...

When in truth Jefferson was stating precisely the opposite... that the Government cannot influence the Church's activity, their existance or discourage their beliefs through any means of governance... due to the immutable principles he spoke to in the US Charter; the Declaration of Independence and the rules which respect those principles in the US Constitution.

They're liars... and liars of the damnable variety; and its just no more complex than that.
The best sign from today's DC protest...


Nice poster. Washington would be shocked. After all. Washington and all the founding fathers were LIBERALS

Yeah. Conservative, God-fearing liberals.

Not the leftist, marxist, pieces of shit liberals like todays' lib.

ie: you and the knuckle-draggers you support.

...who owned slaves and didn't think women should be able to vote. Two more battles that conservatives eventually lost.

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