Lol, This Video Will Make Your Skin Crawl; You Have Been Warned.

Well those are actually yellow jackets, also known as ground hornets.

Yeah. I call them sand hornets. They use to build nest in our fields after we cut hay. Walk along in a hay field and under the loose patches of hay not picked up by the baler, were nests for sand hornets.....and you got stung 3 or 4 times.

We use to use shotguns and slugs and shoot the ground up, or after dark it was a half a gallon of gas poured down the entrance; and a lit piece of wood thrown on top.....from a distance. The ground around the nest for 50 feet would rise up when we lit it. But no more sand hornets.

They are black and yellow in color and about as long as your pinky finger. AND THEY HURT when they sting.

I have plenty of experience with the aggressive insects. Gasoline is the best option for eradication.

Shadow 355
Well actual yellow jackets are very small. If what you had was as big as your pinky they weren't what I was talking about. Actual yellow jackets or ground hornets are no bigger than your index finger fingernail. But they hurt like hell when they sting. I had to go to the clinic after I got hit while mowing. My whole arm swole up so bad I couldn't drive.

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