LOL...Palin Exposes Liberals For Their Ignorance: Snares Them In Trap This Afternoon

You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?

You were probably ready to jump all over Sarah Palin about this, and then suddenly realized "Oh crap".

Give me a break. Any number on anything that Sarah Palin gives, somebody wrote on her hand. She doesn't' read books. If she did, right wingers would call her an "elitist". Can the TV Guide be called a "book"?
You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?

You were probably ready to jump all over Sarah Palin about this, and then suddenly realized "Oh crap".

Give me a break. Any number on anything that Sarah Palin gives, somebody wrote on her hand. She doesn't' read books. If she did, right wingers would call her an "elitist". Can the TV Guide be called a "book"?

Yes more accusations with out any proof from Deano. Nothing new here.
You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?

You were probably ready to jump all over Sarah Palin about this, and then suddenly realized "Oh crap".

Give me a break. Any number on anything that Sarah Palin gives, somebody wrote on her hand. She doesn't' read books. If she did, right wingers would call her an "elitist". Can the TV Guide be called a "book"?

Care to prove your claims? Or are you just throwing more made up garbage out there?
This is how the liberal left treats strong conservative women. It isn't pretty:

How is she "strong," at all? Strong willed? LOL.... Doesn't make her a good leader. George Bush had "will", but he was also the most arrogant, corrupt, misinformed leader in 100 years.

You'd have a point if she was indeed strong as a candidate. But she's instead a caricature.

The woman can't even name a Supreme Court case.

Yeah that was among the leftist attack machine's accusations of Sarah as related by Continetti. And it was eagerly swallowed up by slow thinking liberals who can't stand a strong conservative woman and will believe any stupid thing anybody says about her.

How did Palin matamorphose from being the poster girl for 'a pragmaic, pospartisan approach' to being the 'popular, populist face on the coming police state'? The answer has partly to do with culture and partly to do with technology. If you had gone into a chemical laboratory to concoct a politician whose background and manner would sound liberal alarms, you probably would have come up with someone like Sarah Palin. For this reason, the response to Palin was similar to the reaction liberals had to George W. Bush. The left recoils at a certain swagger, a manner of speech, and a lack of cultural embarassment that the two share. Neither Bush nor Palin mind the fact that they are not part of this country's cognoscenti. But until Palin showed up, one could have written off the liberal reaction to Bush as simply ant-Texan bias. That wasn't it, however. Palin proved that at its root the reaction to these folksy Western politicians is a form of antiprovincialism; a distaste for those who hail from outside America's coastal metropolises; a revulsion toward people who do not aspire to adopt the norms, values, politics, and attitudes of the eastern cultural elite. . . .

. . . Lies became facts, the smarmest allegations jumped to Page One, and anybody who had something horrible to say about Sarah Palin was handed a megaphone and told to speak as loudly as possible. Wherever the Palin-haters gathered, they flaunted their contempt. Anything that complicated their prearranged story was shunted aside. Bias, inaccuracy, and self-obsession ruled the day. The Pack became frenzied. Rabid. they did not miss a single opportunity to slight Palin. They could not leave her alone--even after the election was over and their preferred candidate had won; even after Palin resigned her office in July 2009. . . .

Matthew Continetti - Pages 7 - 9.
Trouble is their mockery becomes sound bites, and factual truth only makes it on Fox News and circulates on the internet; but that has become sufficient.

Did you really just say "Factual truth only makes it on Fox"?


A larger proportion of the American public accepts that as fact than rejects it; you find yourself in the minority.

So what? Doesn't make what they publish and broadcast factual though does it?
In march of 2003, 70% of the American public beleived that Saddam was backing al Queda in the 9-11 attacks too.
Did you really just say "Factual truth only makes it on Fox"?


A larger proportion of the American public accepts that as fact than rejects it; you find yourself in the minority.

So what? Doesn't make what they publish and broadcast factual though does it?
In march of 2003, 70% of the American public beleived that Saddam was backing al Queda in the 9-11 attacks too.

If they had been watching Fox News they would have known better.
Since Echo is a Super Moderator.. does she have to wear a cape...?

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