LOL MSM calls Cantor-like Repugs "moderates"


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I don't want to hear the damn word "MODERATE" used by the MSM anymore. They describe these establishment Neocons in the House as "moderates" and the Tea Party as "Right wing extremeists"

Holy Dios, we don't believe in torturing prisoners - that's makes us extremists.
We don't believe in having the NSA monitor every chat, text and phone call - that's makes us extremists.
We don't believe in policing the entire world - that's makes us extremists.
We don't believe we should have the NDAA American Kidnapping program (Gulag style) - that makes us extremists.
We recognize that we spend the most money per pupil and get the worst results among 1st world countries - that makes us extremists.
We recognize that potential for violent usrupation and genocide when the Government disarms the people, based on the history of the 19th and 20th and 21 st Centuries of facist and communist empires around the globe - that makes us extremists.

No, the reason the Tea Party and Libertarians Candidates are SMOKING Establishment and Neocons, is because THE NEOCONS are the extremists.

The "Moderate" Republicans would bomb the entire globe, quadruple the ferocity of Obama's police state, retain Obamacare, make deals with Democrats to cancel/impede investigations into Obama/Dems about the IRS/AP scandals, and just keep printing more money and ballooning inflation --- just like the Progressives and Democrats.

Can someone even name 5 tangible differences between Obama and Romney? We can't even tell the difference between you anymore. Once you were two sides of the same coin, now it's just a double-sided coin, either side yields the exact same image.

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