Loading Mint 9


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Downloaded, burned (DVD) and am in the process of installing linux Mint 9 on my primary computer. Doing a clean install, I prefer that to upgrading. Install is almost done will get back with updates.
I liked linux mint. It Enemy Territory had worked for me and I weren't too lazy to learn where the hell all the files are stored, I'd never boot into Windows. But it didn't and I am, so yeah
I liked linux mint. It Enemy Territory had worked for me and I weren't too lazy to learn where the hell all the files are stored, I'd never boot into Windows. But it didn't and I am, so yeah

I was like that years ago. The new Mint 9 has a couple of changes I'll have to get used to but Windows did that to me with it's upgrades, only worse. :lol:

Once you get used to the menu drop down it's simple. Any app I use a lot I drag to the 'bar' after I open it. I also move the bar to the top of the screen, I like it there better. Even though they've added new backgrounds I don't really like their offerings, so I just hunt some hi-res free pics, set as background or copy to file for use later.
I'm still exploring the new version but I have to work later today so it's off to bed soon.
I gave up on Mint 8 and went back to Debian stable. That Pulse audio that Ucunt_u and Mint uses doesn't manage sound too well......especially in Skype.
Update. They changed some GUI source code which fucks up some of the programs I use. When and if they make said programs work with the new code I try it again so it's back to Mint 8. Oh well, it's too bad, the rest of the system looked and worked great though I would have to get used to their new software manager.
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I was using Crunchbang linux most recently, until I bought my new laptop. I'll have to wait to a version of Crunchbang with a newer kernel is released. Right now I am using Sabayon, with the fluxbox window manager (I prefer fluxbox or openbox to Gnome or KDE).

Linux Mint has proven to be a good distro for people new to linux, however. I've installed it for some people and they've had no problems with it. I think it is better than Ubuntu, personally.
Go Vector 6.0 Gold
Advanced install.
Eliminate the bs and do an XFCE base install. You can add open office and other things later with GSLAPT.Uncheck Opera, k office,KDE, and any other crap.
In partition mode do SDA1/ swap/ 1 gig
SDA2 /10 gig......this is where you install the O.S.
SDA3 / home.......the rest of the drive. Mine is 160 gig.Make sure you specify it as mounted.
After install.........
Go to SDA3, right click it, and create a link to the desktop.
If you want to try other flavors. Toss the disk in and install whatever on SDA2.
All of your data/music.movies etc/ should be on SDA3.
When formatting I always recommend reiserfs.Not Reis 4 !!!
Ext3 is good too but reiserfs is cleaner.
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Go Vector 6.0 Gold
Advanced install.
Eliminate the bs and do an XFCE base install. You can add open office and other things later with GSLAPT.Uncheck Opera, k office,KDE, and any other crap.
In partition mode do SDA1/ swap/ 1 gig
SDA2 /10 gig......this is where you install the O.S.
SDA3 / home.......the rest of the drive. Mine is 160 gig.Make sure you specify it as mounted.
After install.........
Go to SDA3, right click it, and create a link to the desktop.
If you want to try other flavors. Toss the disk in and install whatever on SDA2.
All of your data/music.movies etc/ should be on SDA3.
When formatting I always recommend reiserfs.Not Reis 4 !!!
Ext3 is good too but reiserfs is cleaner.

I'm not that big of a geek. Try it again in English.
I gave up on Mint 8 and went back to Debian stable. That Pulse audio that Ucunt_u and Mint uses doesn't manage sound too well......especially in Skype.

I also use mainly Debian. I've already switched to Squeeze from Lenny although it is not classified stable, but in reality it already is.
The only thing that irks me is the problematic ext4 file-system support of Debian.
All my external drives were formatted as ext4, so I had to google a bit how to gain write access to these drives.

I switched to Squeeze because the Firefox-Derivative Iceweasel is not up-to-date in Lenny. I needed at least Iceweasel/Firefox 3.5.

But apart that Debian is very very stable.
You almost face no issues with it. Everything functions as it should be.
I already played with other Distributions, where even mouse and keyboard support in gdm/kdm/xdm Login manager would not function with a wireless card plugged into motherboard.
With Debian everything works as it should be, also on my Notebook.

It is also no problem to switch window-managers in Debian.
Debian comes standard with GNOME. You can uninstall it and install XFCE. No problems. In other Distributions you almost always run into some minor issues when trying to switch the window manager.

For Server I still run Debian Lenny.
I switched to Debian from Pardus Linux.
I switched because Pardus only had 32-Bit support. Also from normal Webhosting I went to root Server, and on that Debian is installed. So, I thought I install Debian 64-Bit also on home-PC.

In 72 days comes Pardus 2011 with 64-Bit support. The development of the 64-Bit version was outsourced to Canakkale University.
I'm intending to switch back to Pardus. I was really happy with it.
It is no fork or Derivative of another Distribution:

Pardus is developed by TUBITAK, which is the Research Council of Turkey. The guys who develop it are from the National Cryptology Center, which also make micro-chips for the Army and produce cryptology devices on all NATO security classification levels.

The project manager has said in March edition of Turkish version Economist, that Pardus will also come as operateing system for mobile phones, like Android.
There also exists Pardus Corporate Version, which is to break the 100.000 user barrier in 2011 according to the Project Manager:
Pardus'tan ?ddial? Hedefler - Özgürlük için...


Project Manager of Pardus:
We are in talks with several government agencies and some private sector companies right now. We hope to sign deals for migration of more than 200.000 seats in the coming 12 months.
With more money coming from the government we are hiring new people. We plan to have more than 40 by the end of 2010 and at least 50 by the end of 2011. This is a sizable growth, considering we are 20 right now.
RadioTux GNU/Linux » LT’10: Interview with Erkan Tekman about Pardus

The rest of developers are all voluntarily or Students making their internship at TUBITAK.
I installed Mint on my laptop, but wasn't too impressed.
It boots up almost as slow as windows. It also inexplicably dropped the wireless connection a couple times an hour.
I gave it up.
Have you guys saw this...the possibilities are incredible.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWz1KbknIZk]YouTube - 10/GUI - 10 Finger Multitouch User Interface[/ame]
I finally gave up on Mint all together, I gave it a good 6+ months and I'm back to using Ubuntu. Tried Mint Fluxbox and absolutely hated it from the get go, loaded Ubuntu 10.04 on my test machine and it is wonderful. Replaced Mint with the new Ubuntu on my primary and other than some graphics driver tweeks I had to do for my ATI card it's running like a champ. Ubuntu community provides restricted driver downloads in a single package which can also be done by checking the appropriate box during install.

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