Liz Cheney for President 2024!

MY voting record isn’t the question here dimwit

So I can tell you who is a real Democrat and who isn't? Of course I can't you stupid schmuck, and you aren't a judge of who a real Republican is. Go fuck yourself.

You also didn't educate yourself of what Biden is doing on the southern border, did you? Be honest, you don't want to know
She is the only one in the Republican Party with the balls to tell the truth about the Orange Ape.

Further proof of an entrenched and near unanimous cult that calls itself the Republican Party.

The emperor has no clothes, and only Liz dare say so.
Oh puhleeze. That doesn't take any balls at all.
Hella response idiot

You're the douche who is fine with women and little girls being raped, sold into slavery or sex slavery, you're fine with Mexican drug cartels making millions and with drug lords having free access to send more and more fentanyl.

Oh, but you didn't know about any of that happening on the southern border. As I said, go fuck yourself. You also may want to start figuring out how to explain your distain for women at the pearly gates. They know you're lying when you claimed you didn't know. The truth is you don't care, racist
I keep coming back to the heading of this thread. It just makes me laugh and makes my day.

Yep, obviously neither party would vote for her. Maybe the Libertarian Party would do it since they stopped nominating libertarians and started attention whoring to pick their candidates instead.

I have a lot of respect for Bob Barr and holding Slick accountable, but the guy is not a libertarian. Neither is Gary Johnson

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