Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

California causes ALL of our premiums to increase. Thanks again California...fuckin assholes.


A bunch of people burned to death in those fires. It moved so quick and was so powerful that it caught swathes of people still in their cars trying to get away. There's some horrifying footage if you're into that shit. You must be a psychopath for real.
I am not into 'that shit' I am into my premiums remaining reasonable. However...if you care so much...Florence Nightingale may be you can offer up your space and money? won't do that...but you will talk a good game.
Straw Man on Fire.
Unless you have been in such a fire, fleeing for your life and losing all you have, I guess sympathy will always be beyond you.

California has become a symbol for leftist excess and that's why people have trouble sympathizing especially on this political forum where tensions are high. But yeah, I know you're one of the good ones and I'm sorry for all you've been through.
Unless you have been in such a fire, fleeing for your life and losing all you have, I guess sympathy will always be beyond you.

California has become a symbol for leftist excess and that's why people have trouble sympathizing especially on this political forum where tensions are high. But yeah, I know you're one of the good ones and I'm sorry for all you've been through.
Is that a pat on the back, or a swift kick in the ass? There's about two feet between the two.
Unless you have been in such a fire, fleeing for your life and losing all you have, I guess sympathy will always be beyond you.

California has become a symbol for leftist excess and that's why people have trouble sympathizing especially on this political forum where tensions are high. But yeah, I know you're one of the good ones and I'm sorry for all you've been through.
Is that a pat on the back, or a swift kick in the ass? There's about two feet between the two.

I'm not mocking her if that's what you're suggesting. Just being honest. We come here to sling mud at our political adversaries and sometimes forget those words on the screen are typed by actual human beings.
What California needs is a voter backlash referendum voting someone in with agendas to tame their state. Then they can start their eco green stuff again. Resoivours, water pipelines, upgraded power and energy plants and stations, common sense forestry management and some other agendas are needed. Upgraded highways and conventional railroads are needed also. Taxed so much as they are Californians should be living much better then people where I live with public resources and basic first world needs.
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Kentucky is actually a beautiful state, a tremendous place.

I'd rather be in the Blue Grass state with guys like Colonel Sanders than in California, no doubt about it.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


The fucking Cal. authorities forbid anyone from clearing any brush/undergrowth on Gov. lands. After all there might be the famous five peckered salamander somewhere in the undergrowth. In many cases the million dollar homes are built right on the edge of Gov. land.
California just has a dumb sense of priorities which is useless to question since they'll never listen. But you have to have sympathy for that cool little town of Geyserville.
It is clear that the OP has no idea about fire fighting. We all took fire training in the Navy.......and that Macho man I'd have used a 200 buck pump to stop it is laughable.

With Tropical Force Winds driving an'd be burned alive in seconds with that stupid 200 buck pump.

The policies of California over the decades have contributed greatly to this problem. As have the Federal Policies of the Roadless Acts passed by the Greens in Congress. The thinning of forests are now a higher priority in California as they are finally realizing that forest thinning, controlled burns, and building fire breaks are essential to minimizing fires.

In regards to PG & E............the requirements for right of way are ONLY 4 FOOT in California.......In 60 to 70 mph winds this is USELESS.............They are now proposing a 30 foot Right of Way to clear trees and limbs from hitting the lines in Santa Anna Winds. But low and behold they are being fought in court over it yet again. As an electrician..............NO GRID can NOT BE DAMAGED with limbs hitting it constantly in high winds.

Forest Management ...............and thinning is necessary...........the neglect of this for decades is exactly why we are having infernos today. Learn or burn California. And vote out the Greens who are fighting the fire prevention measures to protect the State.
It is clear that the OP has no idea about fire fighting. We all took fire training in the Navy.......and that Macho man I'd have used a 200 buck pump to stop it is laughable.

With Tropical Force Winds driving an'd be burned alive in seconds with that stupid 200 buck pump.

The policies of California over the decades have contributed greatly to this problem. As have the Federal Policies of the Roadless Acts passed by the Greens in Congress. The thinning of forests are now a higher priority in California as they are finally realizing that forest thinning, controlled burns, and building fire breaks are essential to minimizing fires.

In regards to PG & E............the requirements for right of way are ONLY 4 FOOT in California.......In 60 to 70 mph winds this is USELESS.............They are now proposing a 30 foot Right of Way to clear trees and limbs from hitting the lines in Santa Anna Winds. But low and behold they are being fought in court over it yet again. As an electrician..............NO GRID can NOT BE DAMAGED with limbs hitting it constantly in high winds.

Forest Management ...............and thinning is necessary...........the neglect of this for decades is exactly why we are having infernos today. Learn or burn California. And vote out the Greens who are fighting the fire prevention measures to protect the State.
Thinning these forests would take a lot of manpower. Who has money to employ a hundred thousand brush thinners at the very least? Ridiculous.
It is clear that the OP has no idea about fire fighting. We all took fire training in the Navy.......and that Macho man I'd have used a 200 buck pump to stop it is laughable.

With Tropical Force Winds driving an'd be burned alive in seconds with that stupid 200 buck pump.

The policies of California over the decades have contributed greatly to this problem. As have the Federal Policies of the Roadless Acts passed by the Greens in Congress. The thinning of forests are now a higher priority in California as they are finally realizing that forest thinning, controlled burns, and building fire breaks are essential to minimizing fires.

In regards to PG & E............the requirements for right of way are ONLY 4 FOOT in California.......In 60 to 70 mph winds this is USELESS.............They are now proposing a 30 foot Right of Way to clear trees and limbs from hitting the lines in Santa Anna Winds. But low and behold they are being fought in court over it yet again. As an electrician..............NO GRID can NOT BE DAMAGED with limbs hitting it constantly in high winds.

Forest Management ...............and thinning is necessary...........the neglect of this for decades is exactly why we are having infernos today. Learn or burn California. And vote out the Greens who are fighting the fire prevention measures to protect the State.
Thinning these forests would take a lot of manpower. Who has money to employ a hundred thousand brush thinners at the very least? Ridiculous.
California tried to run the loggers out of business.............What is ridiculous is that..........they did it without costing the taxpayers a dime............

And you don't have to thin thin in lines near population centers.

The Green Wackos made the problems in California 100 times worse by their policies. Period.
California causes ALL of our premiums to increase. Thanks again California...fuckin assholes.


A bunch of people burned to death in those fires. It moved so quick and was so powerful that it caught swathes of people still in their cars trying to get away. There's some horrifying footage if you're into that shit. You must be a psychopath for real.

Links please. Otherwise you are just fabricating "evidence" in your own mind.

It is like the people who keep telling me about all of the gruesome blood squirting photos and videos from (insert ANY fake ass mass shooting here) but NEVER provide and REAL LINKS to these "horrifying photos and videos." ALL I ever see are photos of ambulances parked in lots, people fake crying (no tears) and pouty faces of people who want to take all of the evil guns away.

I will watch for your REAL LINKS to the REAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS of the burning masses. I am not claiming they do not exist. I am saying I have not seen them, despite several searches.

Send them to me via a PM if you believe they are too horrible for general viewing. Don't worry. I can handle it. I once witness a body being cremated, start to finish through a glass window at a crematorium.
All homes built in California have sprinkler systems. In this kind of fire they are useless.

I am not talking about an interior sprinkler system. I am talking about a pump that sucks the water out of the pool at 1500 gallons per minute, DRENCHES the home's exterior, and returns the water to the pool via a channel system for reapplication.

To make the home even MORE fire resistant, a home could have a large tank (or two, or three) of liquid CO2 and a pipe system that runs through the home. When the fire reaches the actual home, a valve can be opened to INFLATE the home with CO2, thereby displacing oxygen. The home will not burn is there is no oxygen to feed the fire. The fire will burn past the home and leave it relatively unscathed.

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