Little Green Men??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
This is a little offbeat, but it might be fun.

ABC news reported that in a new Discovery Channel documentary, which premiered Sunday night, British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said that communicating with aliens could be a threat to Earth. Hawking said it is likely that alien life exists, but a visit from extraterrestrials might be similar to Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas. "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said. "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

If an alien ship appeared hovering above Washington DC, tomorrow what actions would be taken by the president, congress, world and religious leaders?

Stephen Hawking, considered by many to be one of the most brilliant scientific minds of the day, is a British theoretical physicist, whose scientific career spans over forty years. His books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity. In 2009 was awarded the Presidential Metal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.

Stephen Hawking: Alien Contact Could Be Risky - ABC News
Consider the follow:
The current estimate for the number stars in the universe is about 3 septillion, that's 3 followed by 24 zeros.
In our galaxy there are 400 billion stars. So far radio telescopes have discovered 450 likely planets. Some estimate that a very high percentage of stars have planets. Over 450 have been discovered.
So are aliens spacecraft that far fetched? The military and various think tanks have come up with a plan of action for just about everything you can think of . Do you think they have one for this?

Extrasolar planet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikiAnswers - How many stars are in the universe
And what kind of wine do you serve with humans?

the cheap stuff in plastic bags in boxes?

they will likely destroy our planet as soon as the first TV broadcast of South Park reaches them.
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Thus far, no indication of how to go faster than the speed of light.

Such contact might not be something that you would want to do in person. Alien protein, theirs to ours and vice versa, would almost certainly be poisonous to both species.

Since we are assuming a technology that has already solved the Trans-C problem, and the inevitiable energy problem associated with such, has not killed itself by poisoning it's home planet, I don't believe we would have a snowballs chance were they be hostile.
"It's a cookbook, it's a cookbook!!"

Damn Straight! The Kanamits are not here to help us. There here to serve themselves a big ol' heaping helping of human helper!
Thus far, no indication of how to go faster than the speed of light.

Such contact might not be something that you would want to do in person. Alien protein, theirs to ours and vice versa, would almost certainly be poisonous to both species.

Since we are assuming a technology that has already solved the Trans-C problem, and the inevitiable energy problem associated with such, has not killed itself by poisoning it's home planet, I don't believe we would have a snowballs chance were they be hostile.
Maybe launching vehicles like Voyager that have directions to earth might not be such a good idea.
Thus far, no indication of how to go faster than the speed of light.

Such contact might not be something that you would want to do in person. Alien protein, theirs to ours and vice versa, would almost certainly be poisonous to both species.

Since we are assuming a technology that has already solved the Trans-C problem, and the inevitiable energy problem associated with such, has not killed itself by poisoning it's home planet, I don't believe we would have a snowballs chance were they be hostile.
Maybe launching vehicles like Voyager that have directions to earth might not be such a good idea.

True it did sort of contain a menu didn't it?
Little Green Man, to me, is a rule in President's and Asshole's. I usually make it my rule if I become President. :lol:
Little Green Man, to me, is a rule in President's and Asshole's. I usually make it my rule if I become President. :lol:

If you became president you would get the secret briefing.
I just knew we would finally get around to Obama. Have you notice the similarities between Obama and a Vulcan? Many in this country consider him an alien. He calls himself an outsider, and promises to bring change to this country. And still more evidence [ame=]YouTube - Obama On Aliens[/ame]
Little Green Man, to me, is a rule in President's and Asshole's. I usually make it my rule if I become President. :lol:

If you became president you would get the secret briefing.
I just knew we would finally get around to Obama. Have you notice the similarities between Obama and a Vulcan? Many in this country consider him an alien. He calls himself an outsider, and promises to bring change to this country. And still more evidence [ame=]YouTube - Obama On Aliens[/ame]

:lol: Wow!
EVen if a vastly superior race was benign, their visit would so dramatically change the zietgiest of mankind that we can't even begin to understand its effect.

Every human value we have is based on the presumption that we are the top species.

We have invented religions and gods based on the assumption that our place is on top of the heap just below GOD.

When that becomes obviously NOT true, everything we think about who we are, and what we're here for changes so dramatically that nobody knows how that will play out.

And bear in mind, that's if the alien species is benign, too.
EVen if a vastly superior race was benign, their visit would so dramatically change the zietgiest of mankind that we can't even begin to understand its effect.

Every human value we have is based on the presumption that we are the top species.

We have invented religions and gods based on the assumption that our place is on top of the heap just below GOD.

When that becomes obviously NOT true, everything we think about who we are, and what we're here for changes so dramatically that nobody knows how that will play out.

And bear in mind, that's if the alien species is benign, too.
Good point, but many scientist think the chance of an encounter with intelligent beings from another world is unlikely, not because they believe they do not exist, but because the factors of time and distance may make encounters unlikely. If a space ship traveling the speed of light left today from a planet on the edge of our galaxy, not the universe, it would take that ship about 50,000 earth years to reach us. By then we may not even be in existence. However if that ship left from the furtherest point in the known universe, we would definitely be toast because our sun would no longer exist.

So there is a good chance that we can continue with the belief that we are the center of the universe and the most important of God's creatures. Congress can continue to pass idiotic legislation. Hollywood can continue to make millions on dumb sci-fi flicks and I can try not to start any more dumb discussions like this in a political forum.
Alien protein, theirs to ours and vice versa, would almost certainly be poisonous to both species.


Since we are assuming a technology that has already solved the Trans-C problem, and the inevitiable energy problem associated with such, has not killed itself by poisoning it's home planet, I don't believe we would have a snowballs chance were they be hostile.
Huh? Maybe that's why they left?

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