List of 9 pieces of hate "art" that the people condemning Pam Geller love...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a great little the left and the other castrated western male politicians and journalists and their leftwing female allies attack Pamela Geller......while sort of condemning the two monsters who were going to slaughter dozens of people or more for drawing cartoons.....
here is a list of similar religious hate "art" that these same people love........and actually spend money supporting.........

the difference...the people who make this "art" don't have to worry about chrisitans, jews or other religions murdering them over it....

9 Attacks On Religion The Hypocritical Pamela Geller-Hating Media Love - Breitbart

The media-result of a strong, brave woman defiantly standing up for her rights in the face of racist, sexist, gay-hating, theocratic barbarians…? Blaming the victim. Attacking her for “inciting” violence. Blasting her for “offending” Muslims. Condemning her for “baiting” her attackers. Hammering her for “provocative” speech.

In short, the media looked at the speech-clothes Pam Geller was wearing and concluded, “The bitch was begging for it.”

But let’s look at the media’s arguments against the cartoon contest, shall we:

Does CNN’s Alisyn Camerota really oppose “provocative” speech?

Does Fox News’s Martha MacCallum really oppose “insulting someone’s religion.”

Does NBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin really oppose “hate speech” against religion?

Does the LA Times really oppose “verbal attacks” against religion?

Does the San Francisco Examiner really oppose “igniting a culture war along religious lines?”

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point: almost all of the media is premising its Hate Campaign against Geller based on what they advertise as their own principled opposition to religious bigotry, offending the religious, and sensitivity towards others.

But they are hypocrites. All of them. Every single one of them.

Read the rest if you want to see the 9 pieces of art these same people love....

Provocative criticism, withering satire, in-your-face defiance… All nine of the items listed above are nothing more than Draw Muhammad Cartoon Contests in a difference format. The ONLY difference is how the media and the religious groups targeted respond to them.

When “The Book of Mormon” hit Broadway, a biting satire of the Mormon religion and a runaway hit, no one in the media attacked its creators as bigots. In fact, the media promoted the hell out of the show, and my guess is that many of them attended and howled with laughter.

"...racist, sexist, gay-hating, theocratic barbarians..."

Thought this was about Islam? When did it become about Christianity? ;)
This post confirms that this is an extremist right wing forum for hate mongers.
I just wish somebody would publish a list of other murderers or other predators who fuck children who are also off limits.

I was planning on having a "draw John Wayne Gacy day", and I didn't want to run afoul of the champions of all things true and just in this world.
The Book of Mormon; which I might add is hysterical and brilliant, is so hated by the Mormon Church that they advertise in their playbills.
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Was she imprisoned or something? If not, who gives a fuck?
A couple of years ago the left wing was horrified and outraged over the (unfounded) rumor that the Koran had been mishandled at Gitmo by Marines but the same hypocrites would kick a kid out of school for carrying a Bible. It would be refreshing if evangelical Christians were shown half as much consideration and respect as followers of Mohammed.
A couple of years ago the left wing was horrified and outraged over the (unfounded) rumor that the Koran had been mishandled at Gitmo by Marines but the same hypocrites would kick a kid out of school for carrying a Bible. It would be refreshing if evangelical Christians were shown half as much consideration and respect as followers of Mohammed.
I agree that evangelical Christians and their Muslim equivalents deserve the same amount of respect.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is clearly "hate art" b/c it portrays Egyptians in a poor, albeit musically whimsical, light. lol
A couple of years ago the left wing was horrified and outraged over the (unfounded) rumor that the Koran had been mishandled at Gitmo by Marines but the same hypocrites would kick a kid out of school for carrying a Bible. It would be refreshing if evangelical Christians were shown half as much consideration and respect as followers of Mohammed.
The only problem I, as a leftie, had...was the waste of time in unplugging said toilets.

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