List Containing Names of 1,300 Purported Illegals Mailed Around Utah

The businesses who employed people who signed prop 8 were harassed, as were the signers, which is why the list was published, just like this one. How did I fail again? Because I actually pay attention to the news and can think?

Where are the police reports and court cases? Not many (if any) were harassed in the way you imply. Stop being a sissy!

You do realize most adults in politics get heckled and harassed and move on? signing a public petition to the government is a public act. You do realize people enter the sphere and get spit on and yelled at and there families are trashed? yep, probably by the very people you cry croc tears for.

Sissies shoot people now? In that case, I am a sissy and proud of it.

It doesn't matter if it was only one person, it was still wrong, just like any harassment that results from the publication of this list is wrong. That is the difference between me and you, i can see the wrong on both sides, you only see wrong if you disagree with the aims of those who are doing it.

I have no clue what you are talking about. I am known for attacking those I agree with. :lol:

harassment is against the law. shooting people for harassing you is also against the law. so you would break the law because a law was broken?

I know people who were illegible for deportation, yet the court allowed them to stay.

Right. So we tie the courts hands and FORCE them to deport all illegals.

Poor Dante, dont you like it when someone has a different opinion that doesn't go along with your world order?

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did I forget to tell you to eat shit and die?


I know people who were illegible for deportation, yet the court allowed them to stay.

Right. So we tie the courts hands and FORCE them to deport all illegals.

Poor Dante, dont you like it when someone has a different opinion that doesn't go along with your world order?

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did I forget to tell you to eat shit and die?



Right. So we tie the courts hands and FORCE them to deport all illegals.

Poor Dante, dont you like it when someone has a different opinion that doesn't go along with your world order?

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did I forget to tell you to eat shit and die?




cloying too. :lol:
Wow mini - only 2 days for those social service workers to be caught and fired.

These illegals are living off the welfare of their anchor baby meal tickets while they get paid under the table and avoid taxes. Despicable. And who gets punished?

And the witch hunt continues. 2 have been caught and hammered as of today, but there MUST be more!

And the government will not rest until ALL are discovered, assimilated, and disposed of.

And then some :)
Yes, damn those conservatives in Utah that go after felons.
Now it seems that not only will these whistleblowers get fired, they may be ineligible for unemployment benefits because of "misconduct". Bizarro world.
Stealing things that belong to the state is a crime...why would they be eligible for unemployment when they get fired for their own actions?
I understand that some people on the list are legal immigrants. I sincerely hope they sue the perps for character defamation.

As riled up as people are over Mexicans there is no doubt in my mind that being labeled illegal is dangerous. See the thread where a handful think illegals should be shot.
As far as I can tell they haven't stolen anything.

As far as I can tell you never look at anything that might contradict your views. There were interviews with some people whose names were on that list who openly stated that they were worried about getting deported. I am pretty sure that ICE rarely deports people who are here legally, so that tells me they must be here illegally. Since illegal aliens are not eligible for federal benefits that would mean that by applying for, and accepting, those benefits they committed theft through fraud.
As far as I can tell they haven't stolen anything.

As far as I can tell you never look at anything that might contradict your views. There were interviews with some people whose names were on that list who openly stated that they were worried about getting deported. I am pretty sure that ICE rarely deports people who are here legally, so that tells me they must be here illegally. Since illegal aliens are not eligible for federal benefits that would mean that by applying for, and accepting, those benefits they committed theft through fraud.
Wrong. Their children, if American, are eligible for benefits. Of course they are worried about being deported. But if they met Utah's guidelines for accepting benefits they stole nothing.
As far as I can tell they haven't stolen anything.

As far as I can tell you never look at anything that might contradict your views. There were interviews with some people whose names were on that list who openly stated that they were worried about getting deported. I am pretty sure that ICE rarely deports people who are here legally, so that tells me they must be here illegally. Since illegal aliens are not eligible for federal benefits that would mean that by applying for, and accepting, those benefits they committed theft through fraud.
Wrong. Their children, if American, are eligible for benefits. Of course they are worried about being deported. But if they met Utah's guidelines for accepting benefits they stole nothing.

Can you prove that they only got benefits for their children? Even the ones who do not have children?
As far as I can tell you never look at anything that might contradict your views. There were interviews with some people whose names were on that list who openly stated that they were worried about getting deported. I am pretty sure that ICE rarely deports people who are here legally, so that tells me they must be here illegally. Since illegal aliens are not eligible for federal benefits that would mean that by applying for, and accepting, those benefits they committed theft through fraud.
Wrong. Their children, if American, are eligible for benefits. Of course they are worried about being deported. But if they met Utah's guidelines for accepting benefits they stole nothing.

Can you prove that they only got benefits for their children? Even the ones who do not have children?
Can you prove that Utah is involved in a conspiracy to give benefits to illegal immigrants and cover it up? :rolleyes:

Some of the people on the list, according to Utah officials, are legal immigrants. This is a violation of their privacy and possibly a danger to them...
No one can PROVE anything Ravi if NO ONE with the information is allowed to share. That's the way they like it. Bizarro world.

This is how the scam works here in NJ. Illegal alien mother has anchor baby (paid by Medicaid) and lists "father unknown". Because they cannot legally marry, there's no reason to list daddy's name if he too may be an illegal. Then they sign baby up for benefits (paid by welfare). All the while, mommy and daddy may have jobs (but probably paying no taxes), but because there is no paperwork, baby gets free shit (paid by us).

Of course none of this is PROVABLE because 1) hospital can't talk 2) social worker can't talk 3) and people like ravi and the power hungry Dems want to hang the people with the info

So have they stolen from the government? Simple yes or no?
No one can PROVE anything Ravi if NO ONE with the information is allowed to share. That's the way they like it. Bizarro world.

This is how the scam works here in NJ. Illegal alien mother has anchor baby (paid by Medicaid) and lists "father unknown". Because they cannot legally marry, there's no reason to list daddy's name if he too may be an illegal. Then they sign baby up for benefits (paid by welfare). All the while, mommy and daddy may have jobs (but probably paying no taxes), but because there is no paperwork, baby gets free shit (paid by us).

Of course none of this is PROVABLE because 1) hospital can't talk 2) social worker can't talk 3) and people like ravi and the power hungry Dems want to hang the people with the info

So have they stolen from the government? Simple yes or no?
I've no idea. I do know that it looks likely that a couple of state employees have committed a felony.
Oh it's a felony now?

Thanks for your non-answer. Ripping off government money by illegals - good Ripping off lists by people trying to do a good thing - bad.

Got it.
Oh it's a felony now?

Thanks for your non-answer. Ripping off government money by illegals - good Ripping off lists by people trying to do a good thing - bad.

Got it.
From what I've read, no one is ripping off the government. American children are eligible for welfare.

And yes I've read that stealing government files and violating the privacy of others can be a felony.

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