Lisa Page said FBI discussed charging Hillary Clinton with 'gross negligence' in 2016, and DOJ ....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

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.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

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My God. And Trump hasn't figured out how to charge her over two years. Incompetence or Conspiracy?
My God. And Trump hasn't figured out how to charge her over two years. Incompetence or Conspiracy?

Hillary committed multiple felonies that would have landed you or I in prison. She skated. The Obama Administration and his DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA were totally corrupt. Their loyalty was to the DNC rather than to the rule of law and the American people.
My God. And Trump hasn't figured out how to charge her over two years. Incompetence or Conspiracy?

Hillary committed multiple felonies that would have landed you or I in prison. She skated. The Obama Administration and his DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA were totally corrupt. Their loyalty was to the DNC rather than to the rule of law and the American people.


What is Trump's problem? Is he an incapable or on the take?

There is a third option. Hillary is a similar slime bucket to Donald but like Donald has largely avoided prosecution through some level of skill.

What is Trump's problem? Is he an incapable or on the take?

There is a third option. Hillary is a similar slime bucket to Donald but like Donald has largely avoided prosecution through some level of skill.

Trump's first AG was, apparently, unwilling to take any action against Hillary for her crimes. Whether his new AG will be willing to do so remains unknown. As Trump is not the AG, he is not personally able to force legal action against Hillary.

I do know this. Hillary committed numerous felonies and skated. You or I would have gone to prison for what she did.

What is Trump's problem? Is he an incapable or on the take?

There is a third option. Hillary is a similar slime bucket to Donald but like Donald has largely avoided prosecution through some level of skill.

Trump's first AG was, apparently, unwilling to take any action against Hillary for her crimes. Whether his new AG will be willing to do so remains unknown. As Trump is not the AG, he is not personally able to force legal action against Hillary.

I do know this. Hillary committed numerous felonies and skated. You or I would have gone to prison for what she did.

No doubt, same for Trump.

BUT, Trump has had two years. Some woman have gotten pregnant, had a kid, and on purpose or on accident, gotten pregnant and had another kid at full term since then and Trump can't even get someone to investigate Hillary Clinton successfully?

The Patriots have won two Superbowls and lost one since Trump's inauguration.

What is Trump's problem? Is he an incapable or on the take?

There is a third option. Hillary is a similar slime bucket to Donald but like Donald has largely avoided prosecution through some level of skill.

Trump's first AG was, apparently, unwilling to take any action against Hillary for her crimes. Whether his new AG will be willing to do so remains unknown. As Trump is not the AG, he is not personally able to force legal action against Hillary.

I do know this. Hillary committed numerous felonies and skated. You or I would have gone to prison for what she did.

No doubt, same for Trump.

BUT, Trump has had two years. Some woman have gotten pregnant, had a kid, and on purpose or on accident, gotten pregnant and had another kid at full term since then and Trump can't even get someone to investigate Hillary Clinton successfully?

The Patriots have won two Superbowls and lost one since Trump's inauguration.

What do you mean by "same for Trump"?
She did nothing wrong, one can't make up a charge to attach to her.
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

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And there you have a case of inability to charge gross negligence. What did you want them to do,
Make it up?
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.
I can't remember and don't have the time to go look it up, but isn't it the legal term, "Gross Negligence" the one they changed in the report to get her out of legal jeapordy?
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.

Let see the law?
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.

Why Colin Powell did it and by the way do you have the law stating its illegal to use a private server? Also they need to look at Ivanka's emails.
The crazies have been accusing her of multiple felonies for nearly 3 decades. She must have some dirt on Republicans or Trump, both Bushes and Reagan wouldn`t have been protecting her for all of these years. Does anyone know a cure for HDS?

What is Trump's problem? Is he an incapable or on the take?

There is a third option. Hillary is a similar slime bucket to Donald but like Donald has largely avoided prosecution through some level of skill.

Trump's first AG was, apparently, unwilling to take any action against Hillary for her crimes. Whether his new AG will be willing to do so remains unknown. As Trump is not the AG, he is not personally able to force legal action against Hillary.

I do know this. Hillary committed numerous felonies and skated. You or I would have gone to prison for what she did.

No doubt, same for Trump.

BUT, Trump has had two years. Some woman have gotten pregnant, had a kid, and on purpose or on accident, gotten pregnant and had another kid at full term since then and Trump can't even get someone to investigate Hillary Clinton successfully?

The Patriots have won two Superbowls and lost one since Trump's inauguration.

What do you mean by "same for Trump"?

There are a ton of investigations on the Donald but no convictions. Same as we had with Hillary.

I'm not a cheerleader for either and I don't have a poster of either on my wall.
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Amazing scandal free administration!
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.

Let see the law?
.... (AKA Loretta Lynch) told them no!

So the talk between Bill and Loretta on the tarmac in Phoenix in June 2016 may have revolved around the fact that Hillary was going to get charged with gross negligence and what to do about it? Don’t know and we probably will never know what was discussed.

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing “gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony in front of a joint task force of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in July 2018 sheds new light on the internal discussions about an investigation into Clinton's emails. This goes back to the FBI’s "Midyear Exam" investigation, which looked into whether Clinton committed crimes when she sent and received classified information on her unauthorized private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Comey cleared Clinton of all charges in a press conference on July 5, 2016.

Page told the committee that the FBI "did not blow over gross negligence.” Responding to a question from Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, Page testified the FBI, including Comey, believed Clinton may have committed gross negligence. “We, in fact — and, in fact, the Director — because, on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there’s a potential here for this to be the charge. And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence," she said.

Page further testified the DOJ put a stop to that: “The Justice Department’s assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge.” The specific statute being referenced, 18 U.S. Code § 793, deals in part with “gross negligence” in the handling of national defense information, which Clinton came under...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Okay, so I have to play devil's advocate here.

If this is true, then why didn't the Republicans make a criminal referral to Justice when they finished with the hearing?

Unfortunately "Gross negligence" isn't a crime.

However, having top secret and classified e-mails on a personal server is.

I work with many ex military men. One of them was an Army Major. He told me that if he did what she did he'd be in Leavenworth.

Why Colin Powell did it and by the way do you have the law stating its illegal to use a private server? Also they need to look at Ivanka's emails.
Why? You just said it's not illegal.
There are a ton of investigations on the Donald but no convictions. Same as we had with Hillary. I'm not a cheerleader for either and I don't have a poster of either on my wall.

I just call it like I see it.

To my knowledge, there is ZERO evidence that Trump committed a crime. It's an indisputable FACT that Hillary transmitted and received classified materials via her private server. That is a felony. She did so multiple times, each one was a felony. She wasn't prosecuted. She was guilty as sin and she skated. I have the impression that you have great difficulty acknowledging these basic facts. You're trying to equate the nothing that Trump committed with the numerous felonies that Hillary committed. There is no comparison. Be honest.
The crazies have been accusing her of multiple felonies for nearly 3 decades. She must have some dirt on Republicans or Trump, both Bushes and Reagan wouldn`t have been protecting her for all of these years. Does anyone know a cure for HDS?

You or I would have been in prison for what Hillary did.

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