Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2015

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.

Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... she used to be a hottie...

... and a troubled one at dat...

... but now dat she's lost her looks...

... let her be a has-been."

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.


Lindsay Lohan is a Crackhead and a slut, so what does anyone expect, she's been out of her mind for years, it's natural that she'd convert to the 7th Century Death Cult and consider that some sort of progression.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... she used to be a hottie...

... and a troubled one at dat...

... but now dat she's lost her looks...

... let her be a has-been."

I have no sympathy for these ridiculous celebrities.

Maybe Charlie Sheen will convert to the 7th Century Death Cult next, although he has HIV so they might throw him off a rooftop, maybe he shouldn't convert to Islam....what about Rosie O'Donnell, she'd fit in with the 7th Century Death Cult.
Shows what she thinks of her salvation when she takes the mark of the beast.

She's a lost soul, she's searching for inner peace and Salvation and unfortunately she's chosen the wrong road to achieve these things.

One way ticket to Hell for her now unless she unconverts and repents of her sins and embraces Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Messiah and Saviour.
Granny says, "Jesus comin' back soon...

... not a good idea to put oneself...

... inna position of endin' up inna fire an' brimstone."
Shows what she thinks of her salvation when she takes the mark of the beast.

She's a lost soul, she's searching for inner peace and Salvation and unfortunately she's chosen the wrong road to achieve these things.

One way ticket to Hell for her now unless she unconverts and repents of her sins and embraces Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Messiah and Saviour.

She should spend a few weeks in Syria...she'll soon change her mind
Hard to believe...

what a turnaround for her


Lindsay Lohan used to be very attractive, then she became a Crackhead and then rapidly went downhill, it's not like people didn't attempt to help her with her problems, she must have been dragged off to Rehab about 20 times.

The situation with Rehab is, it's a complete waste of time and money IF the patient isn't willing to admit that they are an addict, you can't help someone who's in denial that they even have a problem, also see Amy Winehouse.

Now Lohan has gone from the extreme of being a Crackhead to another extreme of joining the 7th Century Death Cult, another incredibly fucked-up decision from Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.


Well, sometimes people with mental problems find peace with religion. It's their choice. I don't like Islam, or Christianity, but if it works for someone... .
Shows what she thinks of her salvation when she takes the mark of the beast.

She's a lost soul, she's searching for inner peace and Salvation and unfortunately she's chosen the wrong road to achieve these things.

One way ticket to Hell for her now unless she unconverts and repents of her sins and embraces Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Messiah and Saviour.

She should spend a few weeks in Syria...she'll soon change her mind

Well drug addicts, if on the heavy stuff like Smack, Crack or Meth, their mental capacity is very diminished, their minds will always be drug addled because of the crap that has seeped into their brains, once the brain is damaged through years of heavy drug abuse it cannot be returned to being a normal, healthy brain again, it remains damaged forever.

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.


Lindsay Lohan is a Crackhead and a slut, so what does anyone expect, she's been out of her mind for years, it's natural that she'd convert to the 7th Century Death Cult and consider that some sort of progression.

have some compassion------she is unmarried, childless and this year HIT THE
BIG 30. Everything is slipping away------she HAD to do something that
would get her a bit of public attention

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.


Lindsay Lohan is a Crackhead and a slut, so what does anyone expect, she's been out of her mind for years, it's natural that she'd convert to the 7th Century Death Cult and consider that some sort of progression.

have some compassion------the is unmarried, childless and this year HIT THE
BIG 30. Everything is slipping away------she HAD to do something that
would get her a bit of public attention

Oh okay, as it's you asking me to have some compassion, I will.

Lindsay Lohan May Have Converted to Islam. Because of Course.
The ā€˜Mean Girlsā€™ star has scrubbed all her social media accounts, leaving behind just an Arabic greeting. And rumor has it that sheā€™s converted to Islam after months of shilling for Erdogan.


01.17.17 9:38 AM ET

The worldā€™s second largest-religion is receiving a revolutionary rebranding, courtesy of the star of such films as Mean Girls, The Canyons, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Lindsay Lohan, already the celebrity face of overtanning, cautionary tales, and making a major humanitarian crisis about you, is allegedly adding Islam to her packed roster.

Over the weekend, the convert formally known as LiLo changed her Instagram bio to ā€œAlaikum salam,ā€ an Arabic greeting that translates to ā€œand unto you peace.ā€ This greeting falls under the umbrella of proper Islamic etiquette, leading many believers to assume that Lohan has embraced the faith. The actress also deleted all of her posts on the social media platform, possibly under the impression that sponsored content and bikini selfies arenā€™t halal.

On the surface, Lindsay Lohan may not seem like the most likely brand ambassador for the religion of Muhammad. However, what Lohan lacks in a typical religious background, she more than makes up for in sheer enthusiasm.


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