Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think what is REALLY stupid is a guy who ventures an opinion about a testimony he OBVIOUSLY never saw and a transcript he OBVIOUSLY never read as indicated by your opinion. DUH.

Yep...there's a whole bunch of them posting, thinking they are defending Limbaugh and all they are doing is making total fools of themselves.
The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

So who should be allowed to testify before Congress. What would NOT be considered a 'civilian?'

Here is the link. She wasn't talking about herself: [ame=]Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube[/ame]

Congressional hearings are a bit skewed since the left has been out of the majority but you don't pluck a poor coed "civilian" off the streets to make a fool out of herself unless you are willing to take the heat. Did Ms Fluke represent a coalition of sluts or was her testimony just a "fluke"?
I talked to one of my Republican friends today, and she said her 18 year old daughter got pregnant because she didn't have enough money to pay for birth control.

And she's a REPUBLICAN.

These are real life issues that women understand better than men.

Just because you said this................of course, we all believe it!!!:cuckoo:
Truth is, you (what a F'in high roller you are, too!) are just individually too cheap to pay for birth control for the women in your life.
Gawd, Chris, you are an ENTITLED one...............:lol:.
With everything going on in the world.
The media has spent 2 weeks on this.
And it all started at the WH when this
administration tried to get the Catholic church
to pay for birth control...

Like they had no idea the Church would respond as it did....

Paleeeeze... Give me a break.
This was designed by Axelrod and the rest running
the President's campaign.

and the Republicans walked right into the trap, didn't they?

And I said it was a trap two weeks ago, and no one on the right listened to me, did you?


I'm seriously considering making that my Avi, as it seems to be where the GOP is these days.
Here's the text of the so-called "apology" issued Saturday by the Fat Man. If this was any weaker, it would look like swiss cheese with all the holes in it. Of course, it'll appease his dittoloonies.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

"I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.

"My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

Still stronger than the apologies from the dolts who saddled this nation with the pretender in the White House.....
All this faux outrage from the Left, where the Hell were you when Maher, Letterman & Schultz were spewing their misogynistic bile at conservative women? Oh, that's right, you were cheering and laughing like a pack of rabid hyenas! Y'all are a bunch of hypocritical FAKES, and you've put yourselves on display in all your indignant glory.

Bunch of fucking losers, each and EVERY one of you.

And where's your supremely intelligent hero Sarah Palin these days? A REAL leader would be running for president.

"Where's Sarah?" is the adult equivalent of "Where's Waldo?".
Here's the text of the so-called "apology" issued Saturday by the Fat Man. If this was any weaker, it would look like swiss cheese with all the holes in it. Of course, it'll appease his dittoloonies.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

"I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.

"My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

Still stronger than the apologies from the dolts who saddled this nation with the pretender in the White House.....

A Birther. :lol:
All this faux outrage from the Left, where the Hell were you when Maher, Letterman & Schultz were spewing their misogynistic bile at conservative women? Oh, that's right, you were cheering and laughing like a pack of rabid hyenas! Y'all are a bunch of hypocritical FAKES, and you've put yourselves on display in all your indignant glory.

Bunch of fucking losers, each and EVERY one of you.

And where's your supremely intelligent hero Sarah Palin these days? A REAL leader would be running for president.

"Where's Sarah?" is the adult equivalent of "Where's Waldo?".

She was FOX last nite, just after Larry the Cable Guy was plugging his new movie "Toothfairy II".....I am NOT making that up.
I talked to one of my Republican friends today, and she said her 18 year old daughter got pregnant because she didn't have enough money to pay for birth control.

And she's a REPUBLICAN.

These are real life issues that women understand better than men.

I can't believe with all the government
agencies and a Duane Reade on every other corner
that this girl could not find or afford some method
of BC.... or how bout this... save the $1.50 by not buying
that Starbucks coffee and there you go....

Of course there are other ways to do "the deed" without any chance
of getting preggers....

I'm sure Princess Nancy has done that a few times..
I've seen her walk a little funny from time to time.... :lol:
The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

So who should be allowed to testify before Congress. What would NOT be considered a 'civilian?'

Here is the link. She wasn't talking about herself: [ame=]Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube[/ame]

Congressional hearings are a bit skewed since the left has been out of the majority but you don't pluck a poor coed "civilian" off the streets to make a fool out of herself unless you are willing to take the heat. Did Ms Fluke represent a coalition of sluts or was her testimony just a "fluke"?

I wouldn't call her a 'poor civilian coed.' In order to be in graduate school she has an undergraduate degree. She is studying the law and has a pretty fair idea of the process. You obviously have not listened to her testimony. In no way did she make a fool of yourself. But people like you, posting without having all the facts, most assuredly have made fools of your own selves.

Just toggle the little arrow~ It's easy.
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The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think the issue is that she pays 30K for tuition that includes health insurance, and doesn't include this very basic bit of health care relevent to a woman her age.
These mouth breathing cons think that contraception is all about rubbers.

I will say that they "know better", they know it was most likely for a prescription to birth control pills, but they wanted to malign the lady so bad that they DISHONESTLY framed as being "condoms" so they can try to make her look like their version of a "slut". Add that putz Hannity to the frey as well.
<off topic> Hugs to you PheonixOps! Missed you!

Thank you!
The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think the issue is that she pays 30K for tuition that includes health insurance, and doesn't include this very basic bit of health care relevent to a woman her age.

The woman she was referring to if I have the story straight
lost an ovary because she couldn't afford the BC and her insurance didn't cover it.
First she goes to a religious university.
She could have checked this out before hand.
She could not find a way to pay for something
which everyone said she needed....C'mon
Are people really buying this crap...Birth control is readily available.
She could have gone to a clinic and gotten help there....
Socialist/Progressive wankers moving the goal posts i see? The man apologized. Case closed. Move on weirdos.
The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think the issue is that she pays 30K for tuition that includes health insurance, and doesn't include this very basic bit of health care relevent to a woman her age.

The woman she was referring to if I have the story straight
lost an ovary because she couldn't afford the BC and her insurance didn't cover it.
First she goes to a religious university.
She could have checked this out before hand.
She could not find a way to pay for something
which everyone said she needed....C'mon
Are people really buying this crap...Birth control is readily available.
She could have gone to a clinic and gotten help there....

Maybe, maybe not. A public health clinic would likely want her treated by a specialist. Also, you don't know that she wasn't there on scholarship or whether she did have the option. Vanderbilt was my only option for graduate school for the MSN. Not everyone is able to hop, skip, and jump from one state to another to go to school as you seem to think.
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The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think the issue is that she pays 30K for tuition that includes health insurance, and doesn't include this very basic bit of health care relevent to a woman her age.

The woman she was referring to if I have the story straight
lost an ovary because she couldn't afford the BC and her insurance didn't cover it.
First she goes to a religious university.
She could have checked this out before hand.
She could not find a way to pay for something
which everyone said she needed....C'mon
Are people really buying this crap...Birth control is readily available.
She could have gone to a clinic and gotten help there....

I'm sure the woman she was referring to was shopping universities with "now which college do I go to if I should risk losing an ovary?" in mind. :eusa_whistle:
The issue is ludicrous. The DNC should apologize for recruiting a stupid civilian to testify before congress that she didn't have enough money left in her 30,000 tuition fee to finance her escalating birth control issues. Webster defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What would you call her?

I think the issue is that she pays 30K for tuition that includes health insurance, and doesn't include this very basic bit of health care relevent to a woman her age.

The woman she was referring to if I have the story straight
lost an ovary because she couldn't afford the BC and her insurance didn't cover it.
First she goes to a religious university.
She could have checked this out before hand.
She could not find a way to pay for something
which everyone said she needed....C'mon
Are people really buying this crap...Birth control is readily available.
She could have gone to a clinic and gotten help there....

But that's the problem, isn't it?

Why is the university or the church or an insurance company or the government involved in this at all?

The only two people who should be involved in a discussion about a woman's health are

1) The Woman
2) Her Doctor.

Nobody else really needs to be kibbitzing here...
Socialist/Progressive wankers moving the goal posts i see? The man apologized. Case closed. Move on weirdos.

I never said Rush should apologize.

He has a first amendment right to say whatever he wants. No matter how ugly or assinine.

My complaint is that the GOP let itself get suckered into this trap. Which I guess is inevitable when you have a political strategy based on playing on people's religion to get them to vote against their own economic interests, sometimes you have to pretend you care about the silly religious shit.
Socialist/Progressive wankers moving the goal posts i see? The man apologized. Case closed. Move on weirdos.

Independents or Undecided Voters need to be reminded that what Rush says is how the right feels.

You can't take it back, or make us drop it. During an election year? What was Rush thinking? What was Santorum thinking? What was Romney thinking? My wife has 2 cadallacs? Kennedys speech made me want to puke? Women are whores? :clap2:

Don't expect this to go away.

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