Limbaugh Bizarre Batman Conspiracy Theory


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town


On his radio show Tuesday, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh believes that the Batman villain Bane is a dig at Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.

Specifically Limbaugh believes that the character is a reference to Bain Capital, the financial services company which Romney previously headed and which has been featured in President Obama’s campaign ads.

"Do you think it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire-breathing, four-eyed whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane?" Limbaugh lamented on his syndicated radio show today.

Of course, the character of Bane has been in Batman comics since 1993, and this is the second time they've had the character appear in a film. (The first being the awful "Batman and Robin".) But shhhhh... don't tell Limbaugh. He thinks they planned this out years ago when they started filming in 2009.


On his radio show Tuesday, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh believes that the Batman villain Bane is a dig at Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.

Specifically Limbaugh believes that the character is a reference to Bain Capital, the financial services company which Romney previously headed and which has been featured in President Obama’s campaign ads.

"Do you think it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire-breathing, four-eyed whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane?" Limbaugh lamented on his syndicated radio show today.

Of course, the character of Bane has been in Batman comics since 1993, and this is the second time they've had the character appear in a film. (The first being the awful "Batman and Robin".) But shhhhh... don't tell Limbaugh. He thinks they planned this out years ago when they started filming in 2009.

Opioids can do permanent damage, yes.
Another tax exempt Media Matters scoop? My wife wanted to watch an inane movie starring Bette Midler and Dennis Farina last night and I sat through it and noted that Hollywood never misses a chance to bring politics into movies including grade B comedies. The Midler character noted that the stodgy character her daughter was marrying was ...gasp....a republican and as it turned out the republican and his republican senator father character were made to be hated. It's simple logic. Anything hollywood comes out with is left wing politics. Media Matters (tax exempt) might cherry pick a Rush comment about the new Batman movie but who really cares except the salivating lefties who are desperate to be insulted by a radio personality?
Another tax exempt Media Matters scoop? My wife wanted to watch an inane movie starring Bette Midler and Dennis Farina last night and I sat through it and noted that Hollywood never misses a chance to bring politics into movies including grade B comedies. The Midler character noted that the stodgy character her daughter was marrying was ...gasp....a republican and as it turned out the republican and his republican senator father character were made to be hated. It's simple logic. Anything hollywood comes out with is left wing politics. Media Matters (tax exempt) might cherry pick a Rush comment about the new Batman movie but who really cares except the salivating lefties who are desperate to be insulted by a radio personality?

More than Media Matters noticed this bit of stupidity.

The funny part is that Limbaugh didn't know enough about what he was talking about to know

1) Bane has been a major villian in the Batman Franchise since 1993.

2) HE's already made an appearence in a Batman movie.
A day later Rush attacked the "Liberal" media for lying about what he said.
They showed the video of him saying exactly what he said.
A day later Rush attacked the "Liberal" media for lying about what he said.
They showed the video of him saying exactly what he said.
the pathological liar always does that, say something one day and deny he ever said the next day when the media calls him on it. It doesn't matter to him that his own transcripts prove he is a liar, even after being exposed to the truth, his DittoNutzis will believe his proven lies, and he knows it.

August 18, 2010
RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque.* The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it.* Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm.* I want to be fair, too.* He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had.* So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic.* Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS:* The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH:* No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama.* I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.*
Wait, Rush was talking about something he knows nothing about? Thats normal..he knows jack shit and seeks to be the victim of Hollywood, the Media, Cholesterol, Elitist etc.

Playing the Victim is very important to much so that if they arent attacked they make it up and proclaim they survived said attacks. From the ashes and all that stuff
Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush

anyone notice it's the liberals here who listen and post about him the most, yet accuse Conservatives of the ones that listen to him..

you got to laugh at that one
Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush

anyone notice it's the liberals here who listen and post about him the most, yet accuse Conservatives of the ones that listen to him..

you got to laugh at that one

ummmm...Did that make sense to you when you typed it?
Batman Hates Fiscal Responsibility! Rabble rabble! Comic books hate conservative values!! Rabble Rabble!
Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush

anyone notice it's the liberals here who listen and post about him the most, yet accuse Conservatives of the ones that listen to him..

you got to laugh at that one

Like all liberals.. If they hear something on MSNBC then they say it to.. I'd like to hear what they would have to say if they really knew the truth. They should at least looked for it. Its not camped out in the main stream media that's a given. Cheerleaders for fundamentally changing a Nation.
Lefties are good at playing dumb so let's lay our cards on the table instead of playing dumb and feigning outrage. . It should be obvious by now that Hollywood is biased against republicans. The bias extends to corporations and successful businesses as long as they can make money off it. Hollywood has skilled writers and access to experts in the field of propaganda so it isn't surprising that there is an anti-corporate and anti-republican theme in stuff like this. I would be surprised if there wasn't. Rush ain't your enemy lefties. The truth is.
Lefties are good at playing dumb so let's lay our cards on the table instead of playing dumb and feigning outrage. . It should be obvious by now that Hollywood is biased against republicans. The bias extends to corporations and successful businesses as long as they can make money off it. Hollywood has skilled writers and access to experts in the field of propaganda so it isn't surprising that there is an anti-corporate and anti-republican theme in stuff like this. I would be surprised if there wasn't. Rush ain't your enemy lefties. The truth is.

See? Play the victim while not officially standing by or standing against the comments by Rush. That way he can say use the "I didnt say" line without saying what he IS saying
Here is the timeline:

Rush says Batman is a conspiracy against Republicans
Rush finds out that the Batman character has been in previous movies and comics
Rush and Conservatives blame the left for Rush's ignorance

See how the party of personal responsibility takes responsibility for their actions? neither
You guys all realize dems are the ones making the comparison right?

Democrats, who believe they have Romney on the ropes over the president’s assault on his leadership at Bain Capital, said the comparisons are too rich to ignore.
“It has been observed that movies can reflect the national mood,” said Democratic advisor and former Clinton aide Christopher Lehane. “Whether it is spelled Bain and being put out by the Obama campaign or Bane and being out by Hollywood, the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society,” he added.

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