Zimmerman gives TV interview yesterday July 18. Media ignores it


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The corporate media has buried the whole trayvon-zimbo story since it no longer has any value as an anti-white male propaganda piece. When the story began the media said a 250 pound white man shot a 12 year old black kid. For weeks they showed that cute pic of trayvon in the red swweatshirt when he was 12. But the internet showed that tray was actually a 17 year old man well over 6 feet tall. And Zimbo was a 150 pound hispanic.

It's the Duke phony rape case all over. The press lies about everything.
If Zimmerman didn't do a great job, the media would have been all over it. Zimmerman did a great job.
If Zimmerman didn't do a great job, the media would have been all over it. Zimmerman did a great job.

Not really, the man proudly stated he wouldn't change anything. I thought the interview was kinda disturbing. The prosecutor agreed and earlier today admitted it as a states exhibit in their case. I'm no juror or judge and won't presume his guilt or innocence but he laughed and smiled too much.
Not really, the man proudly stated he wouldn't change anything.

Shithead, what should Zimmerman have said he would change?

I thought the interview was kinda disturbing. The prosecutor agreed and earlier today admitted it as a states exhibit in their case. I'm no juror or judge and won't presume his guilt or innocence but he laughed and smiled too much.

Without the nervous smile, you would argue that he looked like a psychopath.

I don't presume his guilty or innocence. I know he's innocent, based on the evidence. One advantage of the Prosecutor's public smear campaign against Zimmerman is that we have practically all the evidence to correctly judge that Zimmerman is innocent and that the Prosecution doesn't have a shred of evidence to support murder charges.

The Defense is fine with the Prosecutor bringing this interview into the trial. It lets Zimmerman tell his story, in a clearer way than before, without having to take the stand.
Not even going to waste my time if you don't know what he could have changed. His own actions prior to the shooting put his freedom at risk. That alone would drive a normal human being to regret. Since it isn't your ass on the line I understand your position.
Done by the hated Fox News.
Second, the Leftmedia has a vested interest in hanging George Zimmerman. Any news event that comes to the publics attention justifying George Zimmerman's actions will be either ignored, obfuscated, or spun wildly by the media to put George Zimmerman in the worst possible light. Mr Zimmerman's sitting there calmly, cooly, reasonably in measured voice recounting a less than incriminating sequence of events that led up to the shooting simply doesn't correspond to the story the media wants to relate.
Remember this is the same media that met with John Kerry in a clandestine manner in an upper WestSide Manhattan Apartment to maintain secrecy in December 2003 when it looked like Howard Dean was about to run away with the nomination. Shortly after the meeting we had the Dean Scream at the Iowa Caucuses, not because Dean had lost, but because Dean had just learned the media was going to nominate John Kerry instead of him as the Democratic nominee for President. Then we witnessed CNN's all day coverage at DNC Headquarters the day after Kerry won the New Hampshire primary where CNN interviewed everyone at DNC Headquarters from Chairman Terry McAuliffe on down to the janitors sweeping the floors, dusting the desks, and emptying the garbage pails, painstakingly recording every oooh! and ahhhh! uttered as they marveled over Kerry's win the day before.
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Zimmerman was supposed to die like all the other white victims. He didn't. Therefore he's a racist.
If Zimmerman didn't do a great job, the media would have been all over it. Zimmerman did a great job.

You're right

In interview, Zimmerman gives shooting account, expresses regret - CNN.com

The Title of the linked article is Zimmerman balks at ABC interview after network rejects demands. While it mentions the Fox interview, it's not about the Fox interview.

The media is mostly ignoring Zimmerman's interview, contrary to what you're trying to prove.

BTW, shithead, notice the bias just in the title of the article. "Zimmerman balks." Zimmerman "demands." Why not, "Zimmerman and ABC don't agree on terms for an interview." Such biased language is used because it works on shitheads like you.
The corporate media has buried the whole trayvon-zimbo story since it no longer has any value as an anti-white male propaganda piece. When the story began the media said a 250 pound white man shot a 12 year old black kid. For weeks they showed that cute pic of trayvon in the red swweatshirt when he was 12. But the internet showed that tray was actually a 17 year old man well over 6 feet tall. And Zimbo was a 150 pound hispanic.

It's the Duke phony rape case all over. The press lies about everything.

Zimmerman should be glad the media didn't pay much attention. He probably dug himself in deeper. Especially that idiot statement that his shooting Trayvon was "God's Will".
If Zimmerman didn't do a great job, the media would have been all over it. Zimmerman did a great job.

You're right

In interview, Zimmerman gives shooting account, expresses regret - CNN.com

The Title of the linked article is Zimmerman balks at ABC interview after network rejects demands. While it mentions the Fox interview, it's not about the Fox interview.

The media is mostly ignoring Zimmerman's interview, contrary to what you're trying to prove.

BTW, shithead, notice the bias just in the title of the article. "Zimmerman balks." Zimmerman "demands." Why not, "Zimmerman and ABC don't agree on terms for an interview." Such biased language is used because it works on shitheads like you.

Moving the goal posts already? I guess if it helps you claim to be a victim you'll change the standard from "ignore" to "mostly ignore". Nevermind I provided links from USA Today, CNN, Washington post and the Boston Herald.
I saw and heard a lot about it, giving interviews right now might not be best for his case, though with the money he has raked in, he is set for life.
I saw and heard a lot about it, giving interviews right now might not be best for his case, though with the money he has raked in, he is set for life.

Everyone with a TV with more than Fox News saw it all over. But hey Conservatives find victimization even when there is none.

Claim media ignores it and then whine about it...whether true or not. It's important to them to feel victimized
After Zimmerman crawled to the grass after getting his head pounded into the concrete countless times - Tayvon tried to suffocate him.................................
I saw and heard a lot about it, giving interviews right now might not be best for his case, though with the money he has raked in, he is set for life.

His big payday will be book sales after the acquittal. He is set for life.

The pundits say it's a bad idea for him to talk, because anything he says can and will be used against him. It was stupid for him to talk to the police the night of the shooting and the following day. That damage is already done. But, now he has everything to gain by talking and nothing to lose. Everything he said on Fox News was with hindsight and circumspection, and was near perfect. He gets to further put out his side of the story, to rehabilitate his image and raise more money without taking the stand.

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