Like A bowel Movement- Obama Speech is On


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good grief. When pointing to the history of abuse he points to the Civil War


Add- Mr Obama... Please define what 'ordinary' citizens are who do not have to worry about the NSA

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Good grief. When pointing to the history of abuse he points to the Civil War


Add- Mr Obama... Please define what 'ordinary' citizens are who do not have to worry about the NSA


You can't attempt to make sense of what the scumbag-in-chief says.

His followers are cultists and he is their cult leader.

Did Jonestown make sense? Did Koresh make sense?

Neither do dimocraps. They're a cult.
Guess you guys are against the Patriot Act.

Oh wait, you're not.

And you don't support an amendment to the Constitution which would guarantee, explicitly, the right of privacy to every American citizen.

I will say this about Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

These are things they are consistent about. And some of the few things that I agree with them about as well.
Good grief. When pointing to the history of abuse he points to the Civil War


Add- Mr Obama... Please define what 'ordinary' citizens are who do not have to worry about the NSA


You can't attempt to make sense of what the scumbag-in-chief says.

His followers are cultists and he is their cult leader.

Did Jonestown make sense? Did Koresh make sense?

Neither do dimocraps. They're a cult.

He used the word 'moreover' at least 4 times then I lost count

He said words that are as broad as the pacific ocean. Words don't mean chit without clear definitions.

Kind of like what the definition of is, is.

I can't listen to him...just shudder.

That is the first time I have listened to his whole speech since he spoke at the DNC back in 06

Now I know why I haven't listened to him since then :lol:

Guess you guys are against the Patriot Act.

Oh wait, you're not.

And you don't support an amendment to the Constitution which would guarantee, explicitly, the right of privacy to every American citizen.

I will say this about Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

These are things they are consistent about. And some of the few things that I agree with them about as well.

I am sure that Obama campaigned on repealing the Patriot Act and once he took office, he doubled down on enforcing it.
Guess you guys are against the Patriot Act.

Oh wait, you're not.

And you don't support an amendment to the Constitution which would guarantee, explicitly, the right of privacy to every American citizen.

I will say this about Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

These are things they are consistent about. And some of the few things that I agree with them about as well.

I am sure that Obama campaigned on repealing the Patriot Act and once he took office, he doubled down on enforcing it.

Except he didn't.

And the Patriot Act isn't the first instance of MetaData being collected as well.

The RICO act allows the FBI to do the same thing.

It's why so many gangsters were busted.

But this really isn't about's another "Obama is a bad guy" conservative bitch session.
Guess you guys are against the Patriot Act.

Oh wait, you're not.

And you don't support an amendment to the Constitution which would guarantee, explicitly, the right of privacy to every American citizen.

I will say this about Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

These are things they are consistent about. And some of the few things that I agree with them about as well.

I am sure that Obama campaigned on repealing the Patriot Act and once he took office, he doubled down on enforcing it.

Yep- In addition to closing Gitmo, public debate on bills, and overall transparency.

One of my problems trying to listen to Obama talk is whatever he could say in 10 minutes he takes 35 instead, and then delivers it in that sickening daddy-preacher style of his. Gag me with a shoehorn.

DVRing is best for me. Can take it in small doses if I want, speed thru the bullshit, and eventually have the pleasure of deleting the jerk.
good grief. When pointing to the history of abuse he points to the civil war

$only confederate flag that mattered.jpg
Wow that was a long-winded speech. I thought this guy was supposed to be articulate and well-spoken.

The empty suit doesn't know what's going on, what a great image to project as a leader. He lied through his teeth about ACA and Benghazi, nobody is buying his bullshit....except of course he knob-slobbering followers.
Guess you guys are against the Patriot Act.

Oh wait, you're not.

And you don't support an amendment to the Constitution which would guarantee, explicitly, the right of privacy to every American citizen.

I will say this about Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

These are things they are consistent about. And some of the few things that I agree with them about as well.

I am sure that Obama campaigned on repealing the Patriot Act and once he took office, he doubled down on enforcing it.

Except he didn't.

And the Patriot Act isn't the first instance of MetaData being collected as well.

The RICO act allows the FBI to do the same thing.

It's why so many gangsters were busted.

But this really isn't about's another "Obama is a bad guy" conservative bitch session.

It is about privacy, and it ran a thrill up the legs of you liberals when he made these promises. His exact words are in quotation marks.

How can you or anyone else believe a word Obama says. Lie of the year should have been LIES of the year.

The Promise: "Barack Obama opposed the Bush Administration's initial policy on warrantless wiretaps because it crossed the line between protecting our national security and eroding the civil liberties of American citizens."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.


Status:Under the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001," the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause as stipulated in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Roving (warrantless) wiretaps are those during which the government monitors telephone lines or Internet accounts that a terrorism suspect may be using, regardless of whether others who are not suspects also regularly use them. The PATRIOT Act stipulates that the government must provide the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court with specific information substantiating that a suspect is changing his/her means of communication to avoid detection.

On 05/26/11, the Senate and the House voted to approve a four-year extension of the PATRIOT Act (72-23 and 250-153 respectively). Stating "I think it is an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat," President Obama signed the four-year extension into law the same date, authorizing the continued conduct of roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists.

Thus the provision of the USA PATRIOT Act that then-candidate Obama repeatedly condemned has been extended, without significant modification to the roving (warrantless) wiretap provision. This provision must be renewed periodically due to concerns that it could be used to violate the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

This promise has not been fulfilled.

The Promise: "As president, Barack Obama would revisit the PATRIOT Act to ensure that there is real and robust oversight of tools like National Security Letters, sneak-and-peek searches, and the use of the material witness provision."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.

Status:National Security Letters (NSLs) are administrative subpoenas used by the FBI, CIA, DIA and other intelligence agencies. They require no probable cause or judicial oversight and are used to request transactional records, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
As no NSL or "sneak and peak" oversight improvements can be attributed directly to President Obama, and as there is still no specific "material witness" provision in the PATRIOT Act, this promise is not considered to have been fulfilled.

Obama Campaign Promises
I am sure that Obama campaigned on repealing the Patriot Act and once he took office, he doubled down on enforcing it.

Except he didn't.

And the Patriot Act isn't the first instance of MetaData being collected as well.

The RICO act allows the FBI to do the same thing.

It's why so many gangsters were busted.

But this really isn't about's another "Obama is a bad guy" conservative bitch session.

It is about privacy, and it ran a thrill up the legs of you liberals when he made these promises. His exact words are in quotation marks.

How can you or anyone else believe a word Obama says. Lie of the year should have been LIES of the year.

The Promise: "Barack Obama opposed the Bush Administration's initial policy on warrantless wiretaps because it crossed the line between protecting our national security and eroding the civil liberties of American citizens."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.


Status:Under the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001," the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause as stipulated in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Roving (warrantless) wiretaps are those during which the government monitors telephone lines or Internet accounts that a terrorism suspect may be using, regardless of whether others who are not suspects also regularly use them. The PATRIOT Act stipulates that the government must provide the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court with specific information substantiating that a suspect is changing his/her means of communication to avoid detection.

On 05/26/11, the Senate and the House voted to approve a four-year extension of the PATRIOT Act (72-23 and 250-153 respectively). Stating "I think it is an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat," President Obama signed the four-year extension into law the same date, authorizing the continued conduct of roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists.

Thus the provision of the USA PATRIOT Act that then-candidate Obama repeatedly condemned has been extended, without significant modification to the roving (warrantless) wiretap provision. This provision must be renewed periodically due to concerns that it could be used to violate the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

This promise has not been fulfilled.

The Promise: "As president, Barack Obama would revisit the PATRIOT Act to ensure that there is real and robust oversight of tools like National Security Letters, sneak-and-peek searches, and the use of the material witness provision."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.

Status:National Security Letters (NSLs) are administrative subpoenas used by the FBI, CIA, DIA and other intelligence agencies. They require no probable cause or judicial oversight and are used to request transactional records, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
As no NSL or "sneak and peak" oversight improvements can be attributed directly to President Obama, and as there is still no specific "material witness" provision in the PATRIOT Act, this promise is not considered to have been fulfilled.

Obama Campaign Promises


You folks are something else.

Here's an issue where you might actually build some consensus.

Instead you chose to act like assholes.

Good luck with your circle jerk.
Except he didn't.

And the Patriot Act isn't the first instance of MetaData being collected as well.

The RICO act allows the FBI to do the same thing.

It's why so many gangsters were busted.

But this really isn't about's another "Obama is a bad guy" conservative bitch session.

It is about privacy, and it ran a thrill up the legs of you liberals when he made these promises. His exact words are in quotation marks.

How can you or anyone else believe a word Obama says. Lie of the year should have been LIES of the year.

The Promise: "Barack Obama opposed the Bush Administration's initial policy on warrantless wiretaps because it crossed the line between protecting our national security and eroding the civil liberties of American citizens."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.


Status:Under the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001," the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause as stipulated in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Roving (warrantless) wiretaps are those during which the government monitors telephone lines or Internet accounts that a terrorism suspect may be using, regardless of whether others who are not suspects also regularly use them. The PATRIOT Act stipulates that the government must provide the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court with specific information substantiating that a suspect is changing his/her means of communication to avoid detection.

On 05/26/11, the Senate and the House voted to approve a four-year extension of the PATRIOT Act (72-23 and 250-153 respectively). Stating "I think it is an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat," President Obama signed the four-year extension into law the same date, authorizing the continued conduct of roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists.

Thus the provision of the USA PATRIOT Act that then-candidate Obama repeatedly condemned has been extended, without significant modification to the roving (warrantless) wiretap provision. This provision must be renewed periodically due to concerns that it could be used to violate the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

This promise has not been fulfilled.

The Promise: "As president, Barack Obama would revisit the PATRIOT Act to ensure that there is real and robust oversight of tools like National Security Letters, sneak-and-peek searches, and the use of the material witness provision."

When/Where: Obama Plan: "The War We Need to Win" dated 07/31/07.

Status:National Security Letters (NSLs) are administrative subpoenas used by the FBI, CIA, DIA and other intelligence agencies. They require no probable cause or judicial oversight and are used to request transactional records, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
As no NSL or "sneak and peak" oversight improvements can be attributed directly to President Obama, and as there is still no specific "material witness" provision in the PATRIOT Act, this promise is not considered to have been fulfilled.

Obama Campaign Promises


You folks are something else.

Here's an issue where you might actually build some consensus.

Instead you chose to act like assholes.

Good luck with your circle jerk.

You can't build a consensus with a liar.

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