Likability??? -LBJ, Nixon


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Likability is overrated.

Nobody in their right minds would call LBJ or Nixon "likable."

Yet both won landslide wins for re-election.

Competence is more important than likabilty in most cases - except when it comes to Obama.

So WTF cares is Obama is more "likable" than Romney. (who btw I think Romney is sort of a genial person anyway)
The left-wing media totally blew Romneys Olympic comments out-of-porportioin.

I didnt know the Limeys were so thin-skinned.....
I gave Pat a respectable Republican coat - Checkers Speech

(coulnt afford a mink coat)
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I gave Pat a respectable Republican coat - Checkers Speech

(coulnt afford a mink coat)

When he was VP.

Didn't buy his wife a $6800 designer jacket.

Nixon was a man-of-the people - self made.
LBJ was very likable.

He would have won had he ran again.

Nixon? Not so much. But he did a great job of destroying his opponents.
The left-wing media totally blew Romneys Olympic comments out-of-porportioin.

illustrating Romney's total incompetence ...

I can't even begin to fully describe the irony of an Obama supporter complaining about someone else's incompetence.

Yeah no kidding, Obama's plan is working, we just need more money and time, like every liberal program, still waiting for that victory on the War on Poverty.
LBJ was very likable.

He would have won had he ran again.

Nixon? Not so much. But he did a great job of destroying his opponents.

LBJ was likable? Say it again, and Im making another gay joke, you seriously believe LBJ was likable? The only possible reason why is because he was married to Medusa
Have you guys listened to the LBJ tapes since they have been released?

The man was a political genius. Sheer genius.

The Nixon tapes, on the other hand...
LBJ was very likable.

He would have won had he ran again.

Nixon? Not so much. But he did a great job of destroying his opponents.

LBJ was likable? Say it again, and Im making another gay joke, you seriously believe LBJ was likable? The only possible reason why is because he was married to Medusa

Yeah..he was.

He was a big populist that was well liked by southern blacks and whites.

Neat trick..really.
LBJ was very likable.

He would have won had he ran again.

Nixon? Not so much. But he did a great job of destroying his opponents.

LBJ was likable? Say it again, and Im making another gay joke, you seriously believe LBJ was likable? The only possible reason why is because he was married to Medusa

Yeah..he was.

He was a big populist that was well liked by southern blacks and whites.

Neat trick..really.

NEver came across as liable to me, To me he always came across as kind of a dick you thought he should be President and not Kennedy....just an opinion....
"If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim.'" - Lyndon B. Johnson

My favorite Johnson quote.

True for every President.
Likability is overrated.

Nobody in their right minds would call LBJ or Nixon "likable."

Yet both won landslide wins for re-election.

Competence is more important than likabilty in most cases - except when it comes to Obama.

So WTF cares is Obama is more "likable" than Romney. (who btw I think Romney is sort of a genial person anyway)

The problem is, the less likable guy hasn't won SINCE Nixon. (And there's a question about whether Nixon was really less likable than Humphrey or McGovern.) LBJ was certainly more likable than Goldwater, whose phrase "Deep down you know he's right" was morphed into "Deep down, you know he's nuts!"

And to the point, they won landslides for RE-ELECTION. LBJ never won an election as a challenger (he took the job after JFK died and wore his mantle) and Nixon only barely beat Humphrey after George Wallace peeled away the Yellow Dog Democrats in the South.
Nixon was self-made.

LBJ was an accidental prez who won in 1964 on the coattails of JFK.

Copped -out (in the vernacular of the times) to run for re-election in 1968.

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