License to Kill: Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Remember the big stink a few years back that forced the use of a very effective DDT to come to a halt? Doesn't matter that millions have died from insect-born diseases that ccould've been stopped if it had been used.

Well, where's the outcry about this:

According to a study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin (@ Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects - Smallwood - 2013 - Wildlife Society Bulletin - Wiley Online Library ), every year 573,000 birds (including 83,000 raptors) and 888,000 bats are killed by wind turbines — 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009, due mainly to increasing wind power capacity across the nation.

Bats? Who cares about those ugly little critters that get into your hair and suck your blood? (Another thing only ignorant people claim.) Wait till they're not around and the skies are loaded with trillions of annoying flying insects.

Read more @ License to Kill Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats
Might as well ban power lines or cell phone towers, oh wait, you only attempt to care about wildlife because it involves renewable energy, and let's not forget that wind turbines are being constantly changed to adapt to safer structure for birds.
Might as well ban power lines or cell phone towers, oh wait, you only attempt to care about wildlife because it involves renewable energy, and let's not forget that wind turbines are being constantly changed to adapt to safer structure for birds.
Airplanes, cars, buses, trains and humans kill birds also, humans have made species extinct through hunting.. I would say that it is humans that are the greatest threat and should ban themselves, as the oil lovers reason.....
7 threads in 6 minutes? Post en masse' because you're old and worried you might kick off any moment? :)
No, because after reading all the new posts and not seeing any of these, I posted them before moving on.

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Real fucking stupid. Primary killer of birds are windows. And we have engineers working on creating ways to prevent the bird and bat problems with the mills. How much is being done concerning the windows?
Real fucking stupid. Primary killer of birds are windows. And we have engineers working on creating ways to prevent the bird and bat problems with the mills. How much is being done concerning the windows?

Then how come we don't see millions of birds laying dead below our windows? The study you reference was a farce. It had a "range" of between 3 million and 76 million! In other words they pulled the numbers completely out of their ass.
Remember the big stink a few years back that forced the use of a very effective DDT to come to a halt? Doesn't matter that millions have died from insect-born diseases that ccould've been stopped if it had been used.

Well, where's the outcry about this:

According to a study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin (@ Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects - Smallwood - 2013 - Wildlife Society Bulletin - Wiley Online Library ), every year 573,000 birds (including 83,000 raptors) and 888,000 bats are killed by wind turbines — 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009, due mainly to increasing wind power capacity across the nation.

Bats? Who cares about those ugly little critters that get into your hair and suck your blood? (Another thing only ignorant people claim.) Wait till they're not around and the skies are loaded with trillions of annoying flying insects.

Read more @ License to Kill Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats
Cats kill more birds

Want to ban cats?
Remember the big stink a few years back that forced the use of a very effective DDT to come to a halt? Doesn't matter that millions have died from insect-born diseases that ccould've been stopped if it had been used.

Well, where's the outcry about this:

According to a study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin (@ Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects - Smallwood - 2013 - Wildlife Society Bulletin - Wiley Online Library ), every year 573,000 birds (including 83,000 raptors) and 888,000 bats are killed by wind turbines — 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009, due mainly to increasing wind power capacity across the nation.

Bats? Who cares about those ugly little critters that get into your hair and suck your blood? (Another thing only ignorant people claim.) Wait till they're not around and the skies are loaded with trillions of annoying flying insects.

Read more @ License to Kill Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats
Cats kill more birds

Want to ban cats?

Not according to research. Cats are far more capable of catching rodents. Birds are a rare delicacy.
PLOS ONE A Comprehensive Analysis of Small-Passerine Fatalities from Collision with Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities
When adjusted for species composition, this indicates that about 368,000 fatalities for all bird species are caused annually by collisions with wind turbines.
Combining these findings indicates that about 6.6 million passerines are killed by communication towers per year.

Now, about the cats. My outdoor cats average killing one bird a year between the four of them. Cats don't eat feathers, so I will find the pile of feathers if one of them catches a bird. Stories of each outdoor cat grabbing hundreds of birds for a total kill in the billions are just insane.

So, my rigorous scientific study has determined a kill rate of 0.25 birds per cat per year. If we assume 100 million outdoor cats, that's a kill tally of 25 million birds. Total USA bird population is 10 - 20 billion. Cat predation isn't even cutting into the reproduction rates, unless they're in an especially ecologically sensitive area.

The point? Habitat destruction is the only thing that means anything in regards to numbers of bird kills that matter.
Real fucking stupid. Primary killer of birds are windows. And we have engineers working on creating ways to prevent the bird and bat problems with the mills. How much is being done concerning the windows?

Then how come we don't see millions of birds laying dead below our windows? The study you reference was a farce. It had a "range" of between 3 million and 76 million! In other words they pulled the numbers completely out of their ass.
Still way more than in the OP.
Remember the big stink a few years back that forced the use of a very effective DDT to come to a halt? Doesn't matter that millions have died from insect-born diseases that ccould've been stopped if it had been used.

Well, where's the outcry about this:

According to a study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin (@ Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects - Smallwood - 2013 - Wildlife Society Bulletin - Wiley Online Library ), every year 573,000 birds (including 83,000 raptors) and 888,000 bats are killed by wind turbines — 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009, due mainly to increasing wind power capacity across the nation.

Bats? Who cares about those ugly little critters that get into your hair and suck your blood? (Another thing only ignorant people claim.) Wait till they're not around and the skies are loaded with trillions of annoying flying insects.

Read more @ License to Kill Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats
Cats kill more birds

Want to ban cats?

Not according to research. Cats are far more capable of catching rodents. Birds are a rare delicacy.

Damn aren't able to actually provide that research are ya?

More Rabbi making shit up
Real fucking stupid. Primary killer of birds are windows. And we have engineers working on creating ways to prevent the bird and bat problems with the mills. How much is being done concerning the windows?

Then how come we don't see millions of birds laying dead below our windows? The study you reference was a farce. It had a "range" of between 3 million and 76 million! In other words they pulled the numbers completely out of their ass.
Goodness sakes, here we have ol' Walleyes demonstrating his continual lying one more time. To which study did I referance? However, since you want studies, here we are;

Causes of Bird Mortality - Sibley Guides

A chart showing estimated numbers of birds killed annually by each of several different causes. Data from various sources.

Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year – Millions of houses and buildings, with their billions of windows, pose a significant threat to birds. Birds see the natural habitat mirrored in the glass and fly directly into the window, causing injury and, in 50% or more of the cases, death.

Canadian scientists publish human-related bird mortality estimates BirdLife

Scientists with Environment Canada, the federal government ministry responsible for protecting the environment and conserving Canada’s natural heritage, have found that human-related activities destroy roughly 269 million birds and 2 million bird nests in Canada each year.

Most human-related bird deaths (about 99%) are caused by impacts of feral and pet cats, and collisions with buildings, vehicles, and electricity transmission and distribution lines. Over the last four years, a team of 20 Environment Canada scientists conducted extensive analyses that enabled them to release the first-ever estimates of annual direct bird mortality from human-related sources.

New Report from Gov t of Canada Echoes U.S. Finding Outdoor Cats are the Leading Human-Caused Source of Bird Mortality


(Washington, DC, October 1, 2013) A new study from the government of Canada that looked at more than 25 human-caused sources of bird mortality has found that domestic cats, both feral and owned, are the leading lethal threat to birds in the country.

The study found that the median estimate of cat-caused mortality—almost 200 million bird deaths per year—was about six times greater than the next leading mortality estimate of about 32 million attributed to car collisions. The third-leading cause was collisions with buildings or homes, with a rate of about 22 million bird deaths per year.

“We synthesized estimates of the magnitude of human-related mortality in Canada from major industrial sectors and non-industrial or public activities that we believe kill substantial numbers of birds,” the report says. Some of the bird-mortality sources in addition to the top three included: transmission line collisions, wind energy, mining, forestry, and pesticides used in agriculture.

Walleyes, your credibility is about the same as that of Billy Boob, your peer.

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