Libya Debacle - someone needs to be held accountable


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Deteriorating security was no secret. On April 10, for example, an explosive device was thrown at a convoy carrying U.N. envoy Ian Martin. On June 6, an improvised explosive device exploded outside the U.S. consulate. In late August, State warned American citizens who were planning to travel to Libya about the threat of assassinations and car bombings.
Despite all this, U.S. diplomatic missions had minimal security."

"Imagine the uproar if, barely a month before Election Day, the Bush Administration had responded to a terrorist strike—on Sept. 11 no less—in this fashion. Obfuscating about what happened. Refusing to acknowledge that clear security warnings were apparently ignored. Then trying to shoot the messengers who bring these inconvenient truths to light in order to talk about anything but a stunning and deadly attack on U.S. sovereign territory.
Four Americans lost their lives in Benghazi in a terrorist attack that evidence suggests should have been anticipated and might have been stopped. Rather than accept responsibility, the Administration has tried to stonewall and blame others. Congress should call hearings to hold someone accountable for this debacle."

Review & Outlook: The Libya Debacle -
I say we blame you and hold you accountable.
Im fine with you in prison on some remore island
Those four people didn't have to die. Their families should not be grieving today. And this administration, having ALLOWED that to happen, can't even be bothered to apologize for it. Because if they did, they'd have to admit that people DIED because of their screw-up.

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