Libs try to infiltrate tea party to feed liberal media

Proves my point about how stupid **** Mike is.

I've voted for Bush Sr., I'd voted for Bush Jr. the FIRST time and against him the second time.

Yeah......tell me again how much of a liberal I am.........I'm an independent, it's non observant morons such as yourself that view anything that doesn't line up exactly with their narrow view as "liberal".

Yeah yeah yeah. I wish I had that old Rush Limbaugh parody to post:

"Repeat after me: 'I love your show, and I always agree you, and I voted for Bush.'"

If I had a DIME for every liberal who told me that load of bull. :lol:

Your actions in attacking everyone around here with your vile language and your vile behavior, puts the lie to your claims without me having to say a word.


Do I believe in big government? No. People need to take as much responsibility for themselves as possible.

Do I believe in more taxes? No. People (and this includes the rich ass CEO's and Wall St. types) should pay 5 percent of what they make. Corporations included, because Exxon made a shitpot of money and paid zero cents to America.

Do I believe that cannabis should be legal? Yes. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe "don't ask, don't tell" should be repealed? Yes. I served in the military for 20 years and I think it's a stupid rule. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe gays should be allowed to marry? Yes. Yeshua said "love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender was NOT specified. I guess that makes me a liberal as well.

I served 20 years in 4 war zones in the defense of this country. What have YOU done for America Teabagger Shoo Fly?

Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Matthew 5:18 (King James Version)

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Romans 1:22-27 (King James Version)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

Leviticus 18:22 (King James Version)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.

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Raygun got the last laugh, because I distinctly remember him being laughed at by most outside the US because he came across as a buffoon. It's funny how time 'rehabilitates' him as the saviour of the GoP and people get all melancholic about him. When I heard that doctors believe that last couple of years of office might have been affected by Alzheimer's, I for one, wasn't sitting there going "Oh,my God! Really!". In fact it put me at ease. It was good to think that some of his actions were not that of a rational person....

Yeah, he came across as a buffoon. Riiiiiiiiiight!

That's why he ended the cold war without a single shot, because he came across as a buffoon.

I think we see the buffoon.

Nah, there were perceptions of Reagan being a buffoon outside the US. But I do find it interesting the way the opinions of "some people" become the opinions of "most people". How appropriate for a tea party thread.

Reagan, by his own admission, was not the sharpest knife in the block which is why he always said he surrounded himself with smart people.

In the US, whether you believe his advisers were smart probably depends largely on your political affiliation.

Outside the US, opinion of his legacy is largely positive. This is possibly due to the fact that it is, naturally, most heavily shaped by views of how he performed on the international stage, and less by domestic issues.

When you have that quote let me know.

However, those who are smart enough to have good people around them, show their own smarts.

For example look who Obama surrounds himself with. Tax cheats and thugs.
Yeah yeah yeah. I wish I had that old Rush Limbaugh parody to post:

"Repeat after me: 'I love your show, and I always agree you, and I voted for Bush.'"

If I had a DIME for every liberal who told me that load of bull. :lol:

Your actions in attacking everyone around here with your vile language and your vile behavior, puts the lie to your claims without me having to say a word.


Do I believe in big government? No. People need to take as much responsibility for themselves as possible.

Do I believe in more taxes? No. People (and this includes the rich ass CEO's and Wall St. types) should pay 5 percent of what they make. Corporations included, because Exxon made a shitpot of money and paid zero cents to America.

Do I believe that cannabis should be legal? Yes. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe "don't ask, don't tell" should be repealed? Yes. I served in the military for 20 years and I think it's a stupid rule. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe gays should be allowed to marry? Yes. Yeshua said "love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender was NOT specified. I guess that makes me a liberal as well.

I served 20 years in 4 war zones in the defense of this country. What have YOU done for America Teabagger Shoo Fly?

Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Romans 1:22-27 (King James Version)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

Leviticus 18:22 (King James Version)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.


Thank God there are theologians around to tell us what Jesus really meant.
Unless there is another California Girl on these boards, you're full of shit, because that GOP whore doesn't have ANYTHING nice to say to anyone that doesn't post Republican rhetoric.

Try again assholes.

Translation: "I'm gunning for YOU California Girl, and I can't think of anything else to say but to further illustrate the points of others in my loser rhetoric..."

AGaySailor has 'issues' with me. His obsession is noted, and for the most part, ignored. Little people are not worthy adversaries. They're too easy to make look foolish.

I think it's an attraction thing. He knows your unatainable, so he let's his frustration with that be known by his tirades.

Wouldn't be the first time a guy did that to me.
I posted a video of the event that exposed Malkin's denial as a lie and still the CON$ defended her.

The video you posted was filmed by left wingers to discredit the right. What part of that is hard for you to grasp?

To claim that as 'evidence' is just fucking laughable. Truly.

The Whore of Republican states that while she posts "facts" from links that are GOP blogs.


As opposed to YOU never posting ANY facts, just ranting?

Do I believe in big government? No. People need to take as much responsibility for themselves as possible.

Do I believe in more taxes? No. People (and this includes the rich ass CEO's and Wall St. types) should pay 5 percent of what they make. Corporations included, because Exxon made a shitpot of money and paid zero cents to America.

Do I believe that cannabis should be legal? Yes. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe "don't ask, don't tell" should be repealed? Yes. I served in the military for 20 years and I think it's a stupid rule. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe gays should be allowed to marry? Yes. Yeshua said "love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender was NOT specified. I guess that makes me a liberal as well.

I served 20 years in 4 war zones in the defense of this country. What have YOU done for America Teabagger Shoo Fly?

Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

Leviticus 18:22 (King James Version)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.


Thank God there are theologians around to tell us what Jesus really meant.

Excuse me, but I'm not the one that came into this thread pontificating on what Jesus meant, that was the nobrainer Biker.

I was simply correcting him on that, since his declaration of what Jesus meant was factually and historically wrong.

If you try to make an argument by the scriptures (which he did) and you aren't factual on it, you die by the scripture.

If people aren't going to bring up the Bible, and they obviously DON'T KNOW what they are talking about, I'm going to set them straight when I can. NO APOLOGIES WHATSOEVER IN THAT REGARD. :tongue:

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TeaPartySamurai clearly does not understand what the Lord taught in word and spirit.

I will leave it at the for you, fellow. Go to.

If there was ever a reason to question your sanity and ability, you gave it full credence. You are a loon.
Those jerk offs couldn't peacefully and/or respectfully protest if their lives depended on it. Their racism and bigotry get in the way too much.

Yea, we need to spit at Military people and burn some flags to be taken seriously as protesters, right? Fucking moron.

The left are organizing infiltration of the TEA Parties - trouble with the left, they aren't smart enough to keep it off public forums. Morons. So, the evidence is there to find for anyone who bothers to research it.

And you really have to love the HuffPo's call for 'citizen journalists' to join in. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic..... to deny it is laughable.

And the fact that the Tea Baggers are too stupid to stop the infiltration even when these "sneak" attacks are telegraphed, speaks volumes about the intellect of you and the rest of you "patriots".

How on God's green earth do you propose to stop the infiltrators?

The only possible thing that "Tea Partiers" could do is when they see it in their midst is point out the people who are perpetrating these "affronts" to the authorities and let the authorities deal with them.

It hasn't happened and until it does those who attend Tea Parties are going to have to live with the reputation of being racist bigots.

Right now there is neither proof that any one yelling the N-Word or spitting is either a right winger or a left wing infiltrator. Until people who attend the tea parties start weeding out the trash, they will be viewed as bigots.

However, back to my question, besides weeding them out by turning them over to the authorities, how would you propose they stop infiltrators. This is a free country for now and everyone has the right to attend those demonstrations.

And you really have to love the HuffPo's call for 'citizen journalists' to join in. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic..... to deny it is laughable.
The really funny thing is, arianna huffington was a conservative until she figured out you could make real money off the drooling barry worship crowd.

And when things change, she'll be conservative again. She wasn't worth listening to as a conservative and she is not worth listening to now.

Do I believe in big government? No. People need to take as much responsibility for themselves as possible.

Do I believe in more taxes? No. People (and this includes the rich ass CEO's and Wall St. types) should pay 5 percent of what they make. Corporations included, because Exxon made a shitpot of money and paid zero cents to America.

Do I believe that cannabis should be legal? Yes. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe "don't ask, don't tell" should be repealed? Yes. I served in the military for 20 years and I think it's a stupid rule. I guess that makes me a liberal.

Do I believe gays should be allowed to marry? Yes. Yeshua said "love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender was NOT specified. I guess that makes me a liberal as well.

I served 20 years in 4 war zones in the defense of this country. What have YOU done for America Teabagger Shoo Fly?

Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

Leviticus 18:22 (King James Version)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.


Thank God there are theologians around to tell us what Jesus really meant.

Hey, Tea Party Suckwad, do you understand what was meant by not one jot or tittle of the Law? The Law is a reference to the Torah, and a jot or a tittle is the punctuation and vowel marks around the letter. Remember you sucking moron, Yeshua is Jewish.

By the way, as far as Leviticus is concerned, a quick question............

Are you a Jewish Priest? If not, then why are you using a book for Jewish Priest?

Leviticus (Greek: Λευιτικός, "relating to the Levites") or Vayikra (Hebrew: ויקרא‎, literally "and He called") is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch.

Leviticus contains laws and priestly rituals, but in a wider sense is about the working out of God's covenant with Israel set out in Genesis and Exodus—what is seen in the Torah as the consequences of entering into a special relationship with God (specifically, Yahweh). These consequences are set out in terms of community relationships and behaviour.

The first 16 chapters and the last chapter make up the Priestly Code, with rules for ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision. Chapters 17–26 contain the Holiness Code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to "love one's neighbor as oneself" (the Great Commandment). The book is largely concerned with "abominations", largely dietary and sexual restrictions. The rules are generally addressed to the Israelites, except for several prohibitions which are applied equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel."

According to Jewish tradition, God dictated the Book of Leviticus to Moses, letter by letter, as He did the other books of the Bible.[1]

Book of Leviticus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Yeshua not saying anything about homosexuality? Try this on for size.....

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

Fundamentalist assholes like you are easy to figure out.
Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.


Thank God there are theologians around to tell us what Jesus really meant.

Hey, Tea Party Suckwad, do you understand what was meant by not one jot or tittle of the Law? The Law is a reference to the Torah, and a jot or a tittle is the punctuation and vowel marks around the letter. Remember you sucking moron, Yeshua is Jewish.

By the way, as far as Leviticus is concerned, a quick question............

Are you a Jewish Priest? If not, then why are you using a book for Jewish Priest?

Leviticus (Greek: Λευιτικός, "relating to the Levites") or Vayikra (Hebrew: ויקרא‎, literally "and He called") is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch.

Leviticus contains laws and priestly rituals, but in a wider sense is about the working out of God's covenant with Israel set out in Genesis and Exodus—what is seen in the Torah as the consequences of entering into a special relationship with God (specifically, Yahweh). These consequences are set out in terms of community relationships and behaviour.

The first 16 chapters and the last chapter make up the Priestly Code, with rules for ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision. Chapters 17–26 contain the Holiness Code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to "love one's neighbor as oneself" (the Great Commandment). The book is largely concerned with "abominations", largely dietary and sexual restrictions. The rules are generally addressed to the Israelites, except for several prohibitions which are applied equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel."

According to Jewish tradition, God dictated the Book of Leviticus to Moses, letter by letter, as He did the other books of the Bible.[1]

Book of Leviticus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Yeshua not saying anything about homosexuality? Try this on for size.....

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

Fundamentalist assholes like you are easy to figure out.

Suck my dick.

What does that have to do with being a Republican?

The Republican party exists at all levels of Government. Not all are tied to the radical right-wing imitation that now claims to be the national GOP

Sure! There are plenty of RINOs like Voinivich, McCain, and Snowe.


Interesting how the GOP eats its own

McCain was the best candidate the GOP had to run in 2008 and is still superior to anyone they have in 2012. Both Snowe and Voinivich represent the constituency where they were elected. If they don't meet the desires of red State Republicans...thats too bad

Best candidate? In who's opinion?

I for one would have voted for Obama over McCain if I had no other choices. I have disliked him since... hell, I can't remember ever having liked him. I respect the fact that he served his country, but I would never vote for him. Not in a million years.

TeaPartySamurai clearly does not understand what the Lord taught in word and spirit.

I will leave it at the for you, fellow. Go to.

If there was ever a reason to question your sanity and ability, you gave it full credence. You are a loon.

I don't understand this by QUOTING Christ's WORDS????????

And why is it those who claim to understand Christ and yet wish to refute me, CANNOT DO THE SAME AND QUOTE HIS WORDS?

No, we are supposed to understand this, simply because you say so.

Do we not understand what the Lord taught in spirit, OR YOU?

Yea, we need to spit at Military people and burn some flags to be taken seriously as protesters, right? Fucking moron.

The left are organizing infiltration of the TEA Parties - trouble with the left, they aren't smart enough to keep it off public forums. Morons. So, the evidence is there to find for anyone who bothers to research it.

And you really have to love the HuffPo's call for 'citizen journalists' to join in. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic..... to deny it is laughable.

And the fact that the Tea Baggers are too stupid to stop the infiltration even when these "sneak" attacks are telegraphed, speaks volumes about the intellect of you and the rest of you "patriots".

How on God's green earth do you propose to stop the infiltrators?

The only possible thing that "Tea Partiers" could do is when they see it in their midst is point out the people who are perpetrating these "affronts" to the authorities and let the authorities deal with them.

It hasn't happened and until it does those who attend Tea Parties are going to have to live with the reputation of being racist bigots.

Right now there is neither proof that any one yelling the N-Word or spitting is either a right winger or a left wing infiltrator. Until people who attend the tea parties start weeding out the trash, they will be viewed as bigots.

However, back to my question, besides weeding them out by turning them over to the authorities, how would you propose they stop infiltrators. This is a free country for now and everyone has the right to attend those demonstrations.


We have a right to challenge them, as well.

They think they can just walk all over us and smear us with any sneaky tacticd they wish.

They think there is nothing we can do?

Wrong, we can ask those with racist banners to leave.
TeaPartySamurai clearly does not understand what the Lord taught in word and spirit.

I will leave it at the for you, fellow. Go to.

If there was ever a reason to question your sanity and ability, you gave it full credence. You are a loon.

I don't understand this by QUOTING Christ's WORDS????????

And why is it those who claim to understand Christ and yet wish to refute me, CANNOT DO THE SAME AND QUOTE HIS WORDS?

No, we are supposed to understand this, simply because you say so.

Do we not understand what the Lord taught in spirit, OR YOU?


I sincerely doubt the Christ is speaking through you or the Tea Party. :lol:
And the fact that the Tea Baggers are too stupid to stop the infiltration even when these "sneak" attacks are telegraphed, speaks volumes about the intellect of you and the rest of you "patriots".

How on God's green earth do you propose to stop the infiltrators?

The only possible thing that "Tea Partiers" could do is when they see it in their midst is point out the people who are perpetrating these "affronts" to the authorities and let the authorities deal with them.

It hasn't happened and until it does those who attend Tea Parties are going to have to live with the reputation of being racist bigots.

Right now there is neither proof that any one yelling the N-Word or spitting is either a right winger or a left wing infiltrator. Until people who attend the tea parties start weeding out the trash, they will be viewed as bigots.

However, back to my question, besides weeding them out by turning them over to the authorities, how would you propose they stop infiltrators. This is a free country for now and everyone has the right to attend those demonstrations.


We have a right to challenge them, as well.

They think they can just walk all over us and smear us with any sneaky tacticd they wish.

They think there is nothing we can do?

Wrong, we can ask those with racist banners to leave.

You can ask, but you have no right to make them leave and even if you do ask, if you don't take a public stand against them, then whatever they say and do before you do ask them to leave affects your movement.

Without taking a public stand against them, then and there, you are letting their actions speak for you. To go along with that, as long as you let them get away with it, they will be known as part of your group. If you don't call them out publicly then they will forever be known as part of you.

Which is exactly what you should have done from day one, TPS. Good thinking, though. Do it. Clear out all racist banners.
Gee you are for legalizing Marijuana.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooos shocked! Of all the crap you wrote, that's the one I believe. :lol:

As for your nonsense about what Jesus said: NEVER DEBATE THE BIBLE WITH ME. You will lose, LOSE BADLY, and be furious when you do.

Jesus also said this:

Remember what the Mosiac law had to say about homosexuality????????

That's the law Jesus is talking about.

But asside from the OT Mosaic Law, there is this:

Now, those who aren't that bright and don't know the Bible will always say "But, but but, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the Gospels."

Well there's a simple reason for that. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was preaching to JEWS. Jews who knew this:

There was NO QUESTION among the Jews that God said homosexuality was an abmination. Thus, it was never brought up by the Pharises, or by Jesus because this was a well established fact among them. No debate on the subject was needed.

But PAUL, who wrote Romans, was preaching to pagans, among whom homosexuality was common. The VERY CHAPTER OF HIS VERY EPISTLE. he makes it clear to those he is writing to that homosexuality is a sin.

Sorry, but you can't rationalize your way around that.

But it never did stop those who find the Bible gets in the way of their good time and their good weed.


Thank God there are theologians around to tell us what Jesus really meant.

Hey, Tea Party Suckwad, do you understand what was meant by not one jot or tittle of the Law? The Law is a reference to the Torah, and a jot or a tittle is the punctuation and vowel marks around the letter. Remember you sucking moron, Yeshua is Jewish.

By the way, as far as Leviticus is concerned, a quick question............

Are you a Jewish Priest? If not, then why are you using a book for Jewish Priest?

Leviticus (Greek: Λευιτικός, "relating to the Levites") or Vayikra (Hebrew: ויקרא‎, literally "and He called") is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch.

Leviticus contains laws and priestly rituals, but in a wider sense is about the working out of God's covenant with Israel set out in Genesis and Exodus—what is seen in the Torah as the consequences of entering into a special relationship with God (specifically, Yahweh). These consequences are set out in terms of community relationships and behaviour.

The first 16 chapters and the last chapter make up the Priestly Code, with rules for ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision. Chapters 17–26 contain the Holiness Code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to "love one's neighbor as oneself" (the Great Commandment). The book is largely concerned with "abominations", largely dietary and sexual restrictions. The rules are generally addressed to the Israelites, except for several prohibitions which are applied equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel."

According to Jewish tradition, God dictated the Book of Leviticus to Moses, letter by letter, as He did the other books of the Bible.[1]

Book of Leviticus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Yeshua not saying anything about homosexuality? Try this on for size.....

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

Fundamentalist assholes like you are easy to figure out.

The 10 Commandments are only repeated twice in the OT but that doesn't mean they aren't to be obeyed.

Homosexuality only being mentioned so many times is a loophole to you or something? :lol:

What does how many times they are mentioned have to do with HOW THEY ARE MENTIONED?

You want Jewish? Try this:

Vayikra Chapter 18 22 (Tanakh)
וְאֶת-זָכָר--לֹא תִשְׁכַּב, מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה: תּוֹעֵבָה, הִוא

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination.

Vayikra Chapter 20 (Tanakh)

אִישׁ, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכַּב אֶת-זָכָר מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה--תּוֹעֵבָה עָשׂוּ, שְׁנֵיהֶם; מוֹת יוּמָתוּ, דְּמֵיהֶם בָּם

13 And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Vayikra - Leviticus Table of Contents

Now that is about as Jewish as you can get.

Like I said. The reason Jesus NEVER mentioned homosexuality in all his debates with the Pharises and teaching the Jewish people is, HE DIND'T HAVE TO.

There was NO question in the Jewish Law that homosexuality was an abomination.

Paul, however, who taught Pagans, right from the get go teaches pagans that homosexuality is a no no in Christianity, because, he did need to. Homosexuality was rampant in pagan culture.

Romans 1:22-32 (King James Version)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Now, I don't care how many PC Bible "experts" you bring up, (and Wikipedia is a joke) you aren't going to get arounds those scriptures, and calling me a "fundamentalist" won't help you either.

All fundamentalist really means in liberal speak is "you follow the Bible, and not me. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!" :lol:

So, that's fine if you don't want to follow the Bible. But don't insult everyone's intelligence by pretending you do. Thus showing what a fraud that is, by having a melt down tantrum the minute that lie was challenged.

That's the problem with weed smokers. They are not rational. They are always over emotional, and they always go into a profanity laced tiradeS the minute you challenge their fantasies.

Why didn't I ever start smoking marijuana?

Because thank God my Mamma read me the Bible every day and gave me a strong upbringing in right and wrong.

And I saw the results of too many people that did. I never wanted that to be me, and so far, Thank God, it hasn't.
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TeaPartySamurai clearly does not understand what the Lord taught in word and spirit.

I will leave it at the for you, fellow. Go to.

If there was ever a reason to question your sanity and ability, you gave it full credence. You are a loon.

I don't understand this by QUOTING Christ's WORDS????????

And why is it those who claim to understand Christ and yet wish to refute me, CANNOT DO THE SAME AND QUOTE HIS WORDS?

No, we are supposed to understand this, simply because you say so.

Do we not understand what the Lord taught in spirit, OR YOU?


I sincerely doubt the Christ is speaking through you or the Tea Party. :lol:

Which says far more about you than me or the Tea Party.

Apparently God speaks through YOU, thus you are an expert on whom God speaks through.

(Liberals, no matter how humble they pretend to be their arrgance comes through.)


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