How Do You View The Tea Party Movement


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Tea Party Profile: Many Ways To Describe A Movement

The number of people who say they're part of the Tea Party Movement nationally has grown to 24%. That's up from 16% a month ago, but the movement still defies easy description. Some on the political left see nothing but hate, while some on the right see a threat to Republican prospects. Others see a grass roots movement that is challenging a corrupt Political Class and trying to save the nation from politicians.

I tend to see it in two ways, in which I have highlighted in bold.
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I see the Tea Party Patriots as an interesting movement.

On one hand I think they started as an extremist movement - birthers, truthers, etc. - HOWEVER - I think through true grass roots efforts, they've moved more into the mainstream, while not losing a lot of their message.

I can only attest to what I've seen personally here in Montgomery, Alabama, but I've attended at least 4 TeaParty events (Montgomery 2x, Wetumpka, Prattville, AL) and can say that for the most part, these are people who really care about these issues...not political shills.

Maybe it's just where I am, but there's only 2 black people for every 150 or so white people. That doesn't mean anything really...I just offer that for whatever it's worth.

Much like the Obama rallies I went to, there's a lot of populism going on. Simplistic, even erroneous messages that appeal to the heart and not the mind.

There is still a lot of disinformation spread about Obama being Muslim and not an American citizen at these things, even recently. And a lot of good people get caught emotionally into believing it.

It's great to see so many people finally becoming part of the political process, but the organizers are like any new person with power...they're kind of patting themselves on the back for being the only true defenders of truth and justice.

I'm in favor of fiscal responsibility so I like part of the platform...what I dont care for is the misinformation about socialism...and even worse the inability for a lot of these folks to look with a critical eye on conservatives like they do with liberals.

If they can make some changes, they could really be a force to be reckoned with...if they would distinguish themselves from the run-of-the-mill conservatives.
I am not a right winger, but I do see the Tea Party, or what I like to call "the right wing revolution", as a threat to the Republican party itself!!

Do I agree with the tea party? I do not know. All I know is the following.

1)they argued for tax cuts and we got tax cuts
2) they argued against health care and we got health care
3)They argued against Stimulus and we got stimulus
4)They argued against TARP and we got TARP

One out of four means they are not effective. This tends to suggest they will not be effective once they gain office! I do not want to give them the chance.
I am not a right winger, but I do see the Tea Party, or what I like to call "the right wing revolution", as a threat to the Republican party itself!!

Do I agree with the tea party? I do not know. All I know is the following.

1)they argued for tax cuts and we got tax cuts
2) they argued against health care and we got health care
3)They argued against Stimulus and we got stimulus
4)They argued against TARP and we got TARP

One out of four means they are not effective. This tends to suggest they will not be effective once they gain office! I do not want to give them the chance.
You seem to forget that the big government stooges have huge majorities, all the protesting in the world could not stop the last three on that list, as the Democratic party decreed it was the agenda and the foot soldiers went along with it.

Trying to say that is a failure of protestors just can't be considered realistic.
I see a lot of people who are genuinely angry but divided over exactly what they're angry about. I see and hear messages on fiscal conservatism, the plethora of social issues, so-called constitutionalism, religious nationalism, Libertarianism, and yes some hate from the extremists who show up. They have a common enemy for now, but I'm sure it makes for some interesting conversations - and an interesting future.
I still don't know about your first point, Where are my tax cuts? Can you post some information on it?
I haven't seen anything in the form of a Tax Cut that hasn't been repayed back to the Gov't on my tax forms this year.

Agreed, When the Democratic Party holds majority in both houses and the White House, there really is not much hope to have that with as much noise as we may make that we can stop much of anything. Especially with the Dem's having to bribe their own party to make it happen.
How Do You View The Tea Party Movement

From as far away as possible. I don't like getting spit on, thank you very much.

Didn't Harry Reid supporters throw Eggs at the bus that was carrying the Tea Party Express?

Come up with an itelligent answer to the conversation next time

Don't hold your breath waiting for intelligent conversation from Va. She's a whiner.
Looka.. most people get about their lives quietly, they go to work, they pay their taxes and grin and bear it. But there has been a movement in this country to shift the ever increasing tax burden onto the backs of these very same people, and most have been pretty quiet about it. Now we see record deficits, record spending with no decreases in sight.... all the while the tax burden moves more and more onto the middle class. People are fed up. And what happens when they become vocal in their opposition? They are called "racsist" or "homophobe".

What you are seeing is what you can expect when ordinary hard working Americans are handed an ever increasing bill for something they see we clearly cannot afford and are basically told to "sit down and shut up".

What'd you expect? It might help if someone could cogently explain why it is ok to take something that doesn't belong to you and give it to another. We all understand the need to pay taxes... but how does one decide that haveing 50% pay NO taxes while raping the other 50% to give to the former is fair?
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I still don't know about your first point, Where are my tax cuts? Can you post some information on it?
I haven't seen anything in the form of a Tax Cut that hasn't been repayed back to the Gov't on my tax forms this year.

Agreed, When the Democratic Party holds majority in both houses and the White House, there really is not much hope to have that with as much noise as we may make that we can stop much of anything. Especially with the Dem's having to bribe their own party to make it happen.

No tax cuts here.
I got $6000 back last year at tax time.
This year I am getting a little over $4000.
I still don't know about your first point, Where are my tax cuts? Can you post some information on it?
I haven't seen anything in the form of a Tax Cut that hasn't been repayed back to the Gov't on my tax forms this year.

Agreed, When the Democratic Party holds majority in both houses and the White House, there really is not much hope to have that with as much noise as we may make that we can stop much of anything. Especially with the Dem's having to bribe their own party to make it happen.

No tax cuts here.
I got $6000 back last year at tax time.
This year I am getting a little over $4000.

ANYONE who lets our government hold onto THAT much of their money until "tax time" needs a financial advisor....
The TPP's aren't the only ones who can claim moral authority or be morally outraged.

Big Business and the Healthcare industry have steamrolled the American population and people want and need the only group with enough leverage to fight back (the Government) to fix these problems.

That's part of what kills me about most of the TPP's...they think they're the only ones whose arguments have some credibility.
I am not a right winger, but I do see the Tea Party, or what I like to call "the right wing revolution", as a threat to the Republican party itself!!

Do I agree with the tea party? I do not know. All I know is the following.

1)they argued for tax cuts and we got tax cuts
2) they argued against health care and we got health care
3)They argued against Stimulus and we got stimulus
4)They argued against TARP and we got TARP

One out of four means they are not effective. This tends to suggest they will not be effective once they gain office! I do not want to give them the chance.

The second coming wouldn' have stopped 2-4
I still don't know about your first point, Where are my tax cuts? Can you post some information on it?
I haven't seen anything in the form of a Tax Cut that hasn't been repayed back to the Gov't on my tax forms this year.

Agreed, When the Democratic Party holds majority in both houses and the White House, there really is not much hope to have that with as much noise as we may make that we can stop much of anything. Especially with the Dem's having to bribe their own party to make it happen.

No tax cuts here.
I got $6000 back last year at tax time.
This year I am getting a little over $4000.

Wow... I haven't seen a refund, state or federal since 1992. And I wouldn't have it any other way... Haven't seen a "rebate" check yet either.
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