Librul NYers ticked about fuel shortage, SUPPORT Obama's war on oil

Librul Zombies are pissing their panties all over this thread oozing venom ticked off and I'm over here laughing my ass off at all of you!

Manipulating brainrotted moron KOOKS, all in a days work!

You don't think we're laughing at you too? Between throwing up in our mouths over your tactics, that is. "Oozing venom" is more than a little bit of of projection, IMO. It's your M.O. in a nutshell.
RDD after going to gas station!


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Why East Coast Gas Shortages May Not End for a Week - US Business News Blog - CNBC

I love it.. It always goes this way.. TYPICAL LEFTISTS! It's always a great idea to tax someone to death so long as it's not a liberal's wallet.. Fast forward to the gas shortage in LIBERAL NYC.. It's being reported libs are pissed and even cops are being placed at gas stations because of tempers. LOL These same DUMB FUCKS, support this President's war on oil and refusal to allow refineries to be built, to allowing drilling on federal property, ALL which have SKY ROCKETED energy prices.. You libs asked for it.. :lol:

Yeah..funny thing, when Romney mentioned the Keystone pipeline that Obama has been blocking come hell or high water MSNBC, CNN etc quote Obama`s "smart remark"..."we already have enough pipelines to wrap around the earth". Meanwhile Canada has enough surplus Oil, Gas and Electrical Power to cover 100% of America`s energy needs. So far we cover 60%. I just came from a meeting where we have been briefed about "Dipole 3" which in addition to "Bipole" 1 and 2 will bring more from our surplus Nelson River electrical Power in Manitoba to the United States.


You should have seen how this meeting was swamped by the same America hating green peace, San Francisco, lawyers and activists as every one of our pipeline meetings:

[ame=""]Northern pipelines.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Well, no matter...we (Long Plain First Nations) are going to vote for "Bipole 3" on November the with an overwhelming majority.
Our tribal brothers to the North are doing the same. The only exceptions are 2 chiefs that have been ousted in our last elections...they were in Iran where to bash Canada and the United States on Iranian State television

Canadian ex-chiefs on Iranian TV - Yahoo! News

I know everybody in Dakota Tipi.

Ex-chief Dennis Pashe is under investigation for massive fraud and embezzlement...right now he`s better off not to be in Canada but abroad, making speeches in Iran and at the gullible United Nations, that Canada is a racist country and does "voter suppression" just like in the latest Michael Moore produced "" Obama booster video.
Michael Moore's Latest Hate Filled Video Rant | WaznmentobeWaznmentobe
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LMAO Neal BooortZ SKROOLS A GUMBINT dependent librul

[ame=]Neil Boortz Pisses Off Liberal Fool on Hannity, Almost Make Him Cry - YouTube[/ame]
I went to a few stores before the hurricane hit to look for candles just in case the power went out, and everywhere I went they were sold out. Damn you, Obama and your war on... wax.

Where do you think that wax comes from, can you say oil? BTW we use oil lamps not candles, they're safer and easier to handle and the oil for them can be stored long term.
Librul Zombies are pissing their panties all over this thread oozing venom ticked off and I'm over here laughing my ass off at all of you!

Manipulating brainrotted moron KOOKS, all in a days work!

No your not. You are the turd of the board now. Good job not even stepthanie is this dense...well she is really close, almost a tie really...
It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.
Why East Coast Gas Shortages May Not End for a Week - US Business News Blog - CNBC

I love it.. It always goes this way.. TYPICAL LEFTISTS! It's always a great idea to tax someone to death so long as it's not a liberal's wallet.. Fast forward to the gas shortage in LIBERAL NYC.. It's being reported libs are pissed and even cops are being placed at gas stations because of tempers. LOL These same DUMB FUCKS, support this President's war on oil and refusal to allow refineries to be built, to allowing drilling on federal property, ALL which have SKY ROCKETED energy prices.. You libs asked for it.. :lol:

Now is NOT the time to pick on New Yorkers.
What type of moron do you have to be to blame the lack of Gas caused by the Hurricane......on lack of drilling?

You have to be a really, really ignorant mow fakka, that's what type.
It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.

Learn to read Welfare mama.. I showed WHAT HYPOCRITES you librul brainrotted morons are by supporting policies that do exactly what has happened to NEW YORK right now.. Pissed off you dumbos and now you're all shitting yourselves in this thread!

It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.

Learn to read Welfare mama.. I showed WHAT HYPOCRITES you librul brainrotted morons are by supporting policies that do exactly what has happened to NEW YORK right now.. Pissed off you dumbos and now you're all shitting yourselves in this thread!


Yeah, shitting ourselves laughing at you. My gawd you couldn't be any dumber.
Why East Coast Gas Shortages May Not End for a Week - US Business News Blog - CNBC

I love it.. It always goes this way.. TYPICAL LEFTISTS! It's always a great idea to tax someone to death so long as it's not a liberal's wallet.. Fast forward to the gas shortage in LIBERAL NYC.. It's being reported libs are pissed and even cops are being placed at gas stations because of tempers. LOL These same DUMB FUCKS, support this President's war on oil and refusal to allow refineries to be built, to allowing drilling on federal property, ALL which have SKY ROCKETED energy prices.. You libs asked for it.. :lol:

U.S. Poised To Become World's Top Oil Producer; May Soon Overtake Saudi Arabia

U.S. Poised To Become World's Top Oil Producer; May Soon Overtake Saudi Arabia

Contrary to popular belief there are many, spread all over. According to the EIA, 149. However, they are not all dedicated to refining oil into usable gasoline, and 149 still aren't enough. The real problem, however, is not that there aren't enough refineries (which, once again, there aren't,) but that the refineries we have are not working at maximum capacity. Regularly, their parent companies will shut them down or scale them back, dramatically reducing their output. The oil companies say its due to refinery age, reparis, etc. There is much debate, however, as to whether or not these actions are actually deliberate in order to boost prices at the pump. It could be argued that with problems occurring that increase expenses for oil companies that their increase in profits recently makes those same statements of high expenditures false. What adds further weight to the debate is the fact that dozens of refineries have been closed in the past 15 years, which doesn't add up during a supply shortage or price spike caused by the same, with increase in demand. It is also widely known that in the mid-1990's some refineries were closed as a direct result of refinery overproduction, during times of surplus, which was due to a loss of profits by the relevant companies. This further makes recent industry profit spikes quite coincidental, now that those refineries are closed and production is strickly controlled, shortage or surplus with every barrel with limited refineries, which can be slowed for any reason. Regardless, production of gasoline and related products is affected, and to be fair, 60% of U.S. oil is imported, and so conflicts in Iraq and problems with Iran, Venezuela, long shipping times/distances all can also dramatically affect the price of gasoline as well, and have been known to hamper it in the past.

How many oil refineries are there in the United States
It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.

It would bury his campaign just a few days before the election.
CALIFORNIA + NEW YORK = Failed KOOK policy and yet you dummies continue to vote back in these same losers..
It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.

Learn to read Welfare mama.. I showed WHAT HYPOCRITES you librul brainrotted morons are by supporting policies that do exactly what has happened to NEW YORK right now.. Pissed off you dumbos and now you're all shitting yourselves in this thread!


Yeah, shitting ourselves laughing at you. My gawd you couldn't be any dumber.

A welfare chick laughing at me? ;-) Good..
It'd be pretty awesome if Mitten tried to tie gas shortages in New York because of the hurricane to drilling for oil.

You should give him a call, LGS.

Learn to read Welfare mama.. I showed WHAT HYPOCRITES you librul brainrotted morons are by supporting policies that do exactly what has happened to NEW YORK right now.. Pissed off you dumbos and now you're all shitting yourselves in this thread!


Yeah, shitting ourselves laughing at you. My gawd you couldn't be any dumber.

Some people are not as talented as MS. LadyDungSlinger at sticking her foot in her own mouth.
Why East Coast Gas Shortages May Not End for a Week - US Business News Blog - CNBC

I love it.. It always goes this way.. TYPICAL LEFTISTS! It's always a great idea to tax someone to death so long as it's not a liberal's wallet.. Fast forward to the gas shortage in LIBERAL NYC.. It's being reported libs are pissed and even cops are being placed at gas stations because of tempers. LOL These same DUMB FUCKS, support this President's war on oil and refusal to allow refineries to be built, to allowing drilling on federal property, ALL which have SKY ROCKETED energy prices.. You libs asked for it.. :lol:

Now is NOT the time to pick on New Yorkers.

Willow..IT'S THE ENTIRE POINT.. These people are turning on each other literally physically fighting.. what the fuck they do think will happen if they continue supporting policies which will cripple America domestically and our energy policy?? It's IRONIC and something all of them need to think about..

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