Librul NYers ticked about fuel shortage, SUPPORT Obama's war on oil


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Why East Coast Gas Shortages May Not End for a Week - US Business News Blog - CNBC

I love it.. It always goes this way.. TYPICAL LEFTISTS! It's always a great idea to tax someone to death so long as it's not a liberal's wallet.. Fast forward to the gas shortage in LIBERAL NYC.. It's being reported libs are pissed and even cops are being placed at gas stations because of tempers. LOL These same DUMB FUCKS, support this President's war on oil and refusal to allow refineries to be built, to allowing drilling on federal property, ALL which have SKY ROCKETED energy prices.. You libs asked for it.. :lol:
yeah I saw they are removing clean air regulations and lots of epa regulations to get this stuff moving......but we cant for everyday? huh?
yeah I saw they are removing clean air regulations and lots of epa regulations to get this stuff moving......but we cant for everyday? huh?

Disgusting isn't it? Like Obama sending his kids to private schools but doesn't support school choice.. LIBRULS- Do as we say, PERIOD.
Holy shit you've posted an article that contradicts yourself AGAIN. How do you manage to continually do that? I'm guessing dropping out of school in 9th grade would be one reason.

The shortages are due to this storm called Sandy that happened to roll through...maybe you've heard of it.

The very first line of YOUR link says -

Power outages at hundreds of gas stations and a distribution bottleneck due to flooding damage and power loss has caused a gasoline shortage in the New York metropolitan area

What does opening up drilling have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, but you're simply either too dumb or too dishonest to be able to tell the difference.

LOL, your posts make me weep for the future of this country.
They don't need no stinking oil, they got electric trains, oh wait, they're not submarines. Oh no!
Bwahahahahah.....another nugget from YOUR link.

The problem is not gasoline supplies, but the ability to distribute it

They should have used you as a human sandbag, at least then you would have been a functioning member of society. Now you're just a drain on resources and oxygen while you live out your meaningless existence.
Holy shit you've posted an article that contradicts yourself AGAIN. How do you manage to continually do that? I'm guessing dropping out of school in 9th grade would be one reason.

The shortages are due to this storm called Sandy that happened to roll through...maybe you've heard of it.

The very first line of YOUR link says -

Power outages at hundreds of gas stations and a distribution bottleneck due to flooding damage and power loss has caused a gasoline shortage in the New York metropolitan area

What does opening up drilling have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, but you're simply either too dumb or too dishonest to be able to tell the difference.

LOL, your posts make me weep for the future of this country.

But... but... BAYONETS and HORSES!
It's almost as if she didn't even read her own article. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened. How fucking lazy can you get? You don't even care about looking like an asshole do you? (this is where one of you pipe in with some sort of 'witty' comment about me never seeming to have a problem with it)
Wake up you DUMB FUCKING LIBERALS.. This is what it's like to have a FUEL SHORTAGE!! GET IT??!!
From the article: LOL
For now, the flow of precious fuel has slowed to a trickle and that has customers nerves frayed. Patch of Mendham-Chester, N.J., reported that a scuffle broke out Wednesday between two men bearing empty gas cans when one of the men filled his pick-up truck with gas after topping off his gas can. Shortly after he finished, the computer controlling the pump went dead, and a long line of hopeful customers was turned away.

Read more: State troopers deployed as tensions boil at gas stations in Sandy's wake | Fox News

Librul Zombies eating their own! Bwhahahaha.. OMG, it's too good!
You guys don't even read your own links.

The problem is not gasoline supplies, but the ability to distribute it

So how is it Obama's fault that the power is out, and gas stations can't pump gas?

Wasnt the stimulus supposed to improve "infastructure"? If so why does New Yawk have such a shitty one
Wake up you DUMB FUCKING LIBERALS.. This is what it's like to have a FUEL SHORTAGE!! GET IT??!!

Ohhhh, so this is a fantasy situation. LOL.

There's a reason you've never done anything with your life. And threads like this should be the first clue to you that you've made some awfully poor decisions in the past.
Kevin Beyer, president of the Long Island Gasoline Retailers Association in Smithtown, N.Y., said customers would be even more frustrated if they considered that the gas they need is underground – it just can’t be pumped.

Read more: State troopers deployed as tensions boil at gas stations in Sandy's wake | Fox News

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S IN THE GROUND DUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful what you wish for LIBROIDALS
You guys don't even read your own links.

The problem is not gasoline supplies, but the ability to distribute it

So how is it Obama's fault that the power is out, and gas stations can't pump gas?

Wasnt the stimulus supposed to improve "infastructure"? If so why does New Yawk have such a shitty one

Nope, nothing was ever promised for "infastructure". You know that the red squiggly line underneath a word means it's misspelled, right?

And that doesn't even get to the fact that this was a massive fucking storm. Show me some place with this many people that could handle a storm of this magnitude without a hiccup.

At this point, what do you even offer to this world besides exhaling carbon dioxide and complaining about everything that you don't understand.
You guys don't even read your own links.

The problem is not gasoline supplies, but the ability to distribute it

So how is it Obama's fault that the power is out, and gas stations can't pump gas?

Wasnt the stimulus supposed to improve "infastructure"? If so why does New Yawk have such a shitty one

First of all, the article is about New Jersey, not New York.

Secondly, New York has arguably the best infrastructure of any city in the country. But it's not invulnerable to a 12 foot storm surge.
Bwahahahahah.....another nugget from YOUR link.

The problem is not gasoline supplies, but the ability to distribute it

They should have used you as a human sandbag, at least then you would have been a functioning member of society. Now you're just a drain on resources and oxygen while you live out your meaningless existence.

It seems you contradicted yourself as well. In post #4 you stated there was a fuel shortage... In the quote from the link you contradicted your own post. But by all means... Accuse others of making contradictions. :lol:

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