Liberty or Fascism

Would you break with the establishment and vote 3rd party for freedom if you KNEW vot

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I agree that George Bush is no conservative. He was an utter disaster for the country, and the Republican Party is full of "conservatives" like him. However, I think voting for third party candidates is futile. They will never get elected. what we need to do is work at taking over the Republican Party just as the commies have taken over the Democrat Party.
With "conservatives" like the Bushies, Juan McLouse and Vinnie Vitalis Romney, who needs democratics?

of course, nobody.

that's why we have obamoid government for the second 4 years. Enjoy :D

The point that you seem to be missing is that the democrat in office is not really different than the republican in office. That is the problem. You try and pin the second Obama term on those that did not vote Romney not realizing that if Romney had won we would have ended up with….

Another Obama term with a different name in office.
No, that is exactly on you, who either will choose "third party" unelectable guy/gal or ride the high horse - these elections are beyond me, I do not participate in this gubmint.

Yet you eat the shit you've delegated to someone else to choose for you nevertheless. Enjoy!
Your shitty product is not my fault.

If the best sales pitch it that you can come up with is that your product is less shitty than that of your shitty competitor, I'll not buy from either of you.

Besides that, blaming the customer is soooooo gauche.

You are NOT a customer. You are a participant in the party( not political), like it or not. You can check out anytime, but you can never leave :D
No matter your attitude you will eat shit full mouth together with others. And you do. Enjoying yet?
That you and your democrat bedfellows continue to force your shitty product onto me, as though I'm obliged to accept your shittiness, is a never ending source of consternation....But, whatever you need to tell yourself as you embrace the shit....
I wish more folks would get on board with a third party. Republican party is about shot. too many RINOs.
I wish more folks would get on board with a third party. Republican party is about shot. too many RINOs.

Many of us do but don’t confine yourself to the republicans. The really sad part is that the democrats are in the exact same boat – the ‘liberals’ that they elect barely fit the description. As dems are doing quite well atm, you don’t hear much about it. They still seem to think they ‘won’ when another Bush/Obama gets in office with a ‘D’ next to their name.
I wish more folks would get on board with a third party. Republican party is about shot. too many RINOs.

Its not about party, at least it shouldn't be. Its about hiring the person whom you believe will best represent the proper adjudication of the Constitution. That is the primary role of employees. Their secondary duty is representing the voice of the people, so long as said voice is congruent with their primary duty.

As long as people continue to settle for whatever they can get, they will continue to get a bastardized form of government, that is about enlarging its power, instead of living within the proper confines of the Constitution.
We've seen how far the left will drive toward a Fascist society. Are republicans willing to hand them that power for another election cycle? Will there be anything left of America which resembles a Republic were they to happen? This poll is for those who truly support LIBERTY.

Would you break with the establishment and vote 3rd party for freedom if you KNEW voting the same two party system would be the end of the Republic as we know it? ie freedom..

Yes, if I knew for certain that the next leftist administration would enforce Marxist ideology/ Fascism which would result in the Constitution (Bill of Rights- the 1st 10 amendments for you leftist dummies who haven't a clue) being suspended, aborted.

No, I will continue to vote for the two party system.

I would vote for anything that would educate facile internet wags on the differences between Marxism and Fascism.

Perhaps it could be worked into a discussion of the differences between apples and kumquats or between fish and bicycles. Or the difference between Glenn Beck and rational people. :cuckoo:

"As for a third party, we tried that in 1972. The People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't realized that to have a third party you must (first) have two other parties." -- Gore Vidal, The United States of Amnesia

Once more I never stated the two are one in the same.. secondly, I think Glen Beck is a loon..I love how some of you want to try and dice up the argument in order to avoid standing on the side of liberty or tyranny.. so for arguments sake, let's say everything you just stated is correct.. Which side do you stand on? Hmm?

Well for starters I stand on the side that doesn't type "hmm" into message boards.

I mentioned Glenn Beck only because he's the only other loon I can think of who doesn't know the distinction between fascism and socialism. Beyond that, you didn't frame a question here in terms of "liberty vs. tyranny" so I don't think you'd have the capacity to understand anything deeper. I'd vote for choice #3: this poll question is fricking stoopid.
I wish more folks would get on board with a third party. Republican party is about shot. too many RINOs.

Its not about party, at least it shouldn't be. Its about hiring the person whom you believe will best represent the proper adjudication of the Constitution. That is the primary role of employees. Their secondary duty is representing the voice of the people, so long as said voice is congruent with their primary duty.

As long as people continue to settle for whatever they can get, they will continue to get a bastardized form of government, that is about enlarging its power, instead of living within the proper confines of the Constitution.
See Washington's Farewell Address:

"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

Message? The Individual and his liberty is PARAMOUNT.

Parties are the bane to good Representative Government as set forth in the Constitution.
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