Libertarianism Is A Joke


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Has this form of government been successfully practiced anywhere? If so, where?

Here's a conversation featuring a Libertarian that shows why it's such a failure...

Once you've seen this, let's discuss.
I never understood their anti abortion stance . I thought they were ANYTHING GOES !
All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies, except that they’re anarchists instead of collectivists. But of course, anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet they want to combine capitalism and anarchism. That is worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism, because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. The anarchist is the scum of the intellectual world of the left, which has given them up. So the right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the Libertarian movement.

~ Ayn Rand
I never understood their anti abortion stance .
There is no libertarian stance on abortion, some libertarians are "pro-choice", some are "pro life" and some don't give a flying fuck about the issue , it depends on how the individual libertarian interprets the application of the non-aggression principle to the question.

I thought they were ANYTHING GOES !
As usual Timmy you thought wrong.
LOL, libertarianism isn't a form a government, it's a philosophy based on the non-aggression principle. :rolleyes:
That's even worse!

It's a buncha school-boy academic mumbu-jumbo nonsense that's being peddled as serious policy.

Progressives like Marc live in a binary world. If you aren't one of them you are an enemy and an inferior.
Listen to the debate, then respond with where the Libertarian and the progressive were right and/or wrong.
I never understood their anti abortion stance .
There is no libertarian stance on abortion, some libertarians are "pro-choice", some are "pro life" and some don't give a flying fuck about the issue , it depends on how the individual libertarian interprets the application of the non-aggression principle to the question.

I thought they were ANYTHING GOES !
As usual Timmy you thought wrong.

Hey! “anything goes “ would be a great libertarian slogan!
LOL, libertarianism isn't a form a government, it's a philosophy based on the non-aggression principle. :rolleyes:
That's even worse!

It's a buncha school-boy academic mumbu-jumbo nonsense that's being peddled as serious policy.


Since you don't even understand what it is you probably should either

a.) keep your baseless opinions to yourself
b.) educate yourself and then formulate an opinion based on reason and evidence.

As it stands now you're just making yourself look like a complete trailer trash imbecile that formulates opinions based on what it reads in the grocery store checkout line tabloids.

Of course that assumes that your intent isn't to make yourself appear to be an imbecile in front of people that know far more about the subject than you do, if I'm wrong regarding your intentions, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on achieving your objective.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain
The libertarian movement used to be about smaller more efficient government but in the last ten years or so it has been taken over by the pot heads.
Since you don't even understand what it is you probably should either

a.) keep your baseless opinions to yourself
b.) educate yourself and then formulate an opinion based on reason and evidence.

As it stands now you're just making yourself look like a complete trailer trash imbecile that formulates opinions based on what it reads in the grocery store checkout line tabloids.

Of course that assumes that your intent isn't to make yourself appear to be an imbecile in front of people that know far more about the subject than you do, if I'm wrong regarding your intentions, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on achieving your objective.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain
What do you agree w/that the Libertarian in the video said?
I never understood their anti abortion stance .
There is no libertarian stance on abortion, some libertarians are "pro-choice", some are "pro life" and some don't give a flying fuck about the issue , it depends on how the individual libertarian interprets the application of the non-aggression principle to the question.

I thought they were ANYTHING GOES !
As usual Timmy you thought wrong.

Hey! “anything goes “ would be a great libertarian slogan!

No it wouldn't....:rolleyes:

.. but it would be a great slogan for ignorant, uniformed partisan drones that like to conjure shit out of thin air, perhaps you could have it printed on your forehead and spare everyone else the time and pain of having you demonstrate what you are every time you open your mouth.
LOL, libertarianism isn't a form a government, it's a philosophy based on the non-aggression principle. :rolleyes:
That's even worse!

It's a buncha school-boy academic mumbu-jumbo nonsense that's being peddled as serious policy.

A progressive making fun of someone being educated? This is awkward. But it fits. Libertarians are often the only adults in the room.

Of course Libertarianism isn't a form of government. "Republicanism" and "Democratism" isn't either. There's a Libertarian party and then there's libertarian school of thought. It's pretty simple too. No one should be able to apply force on anyone else to get what they want. Everything spawns off of that. It's a philosophy that informs small to no government principles since government is inherently "force."
The libertarian movement used to be about smaller more efficient government but in the last ten years or so it has been taken over by the pot heads.
So what, in your estimation, are the current Libertarians all about now?
A progressive making fun of someone being educated? This is awkward. But it fits. Libertarians are often the only adults in the room.

Of course Libertarianism isn't a form of government. "Republicanism" and "Democratism" isn't either. There's a Libertarian party and then there's libertarian school of thought. It's pretty simple too. No one should be able to apply force on anyone else to get what they want. Everything spawns off of that. It's a philosophy that informs small to no government principles since government is inherently "force."
That's cool, so what did the Libertarian in the video say that you agree with?
A progressive making fun of someone being educated? This is awkward. But it fits. Libertarians are often the only adults in the room.

Of course Libertarianism isn't a form of government. "Republicanism" and "Democratism" isn't either. There's a Libertarian party and then there's libertarian school of thought. It's pretty simple too. No one should be able to apply force on anyone else to get what they want. Everything spawns off of that. It's a philosophy that informs small to no government principles since government is inherently "force."
That's cool, so what did the Libertarian in the video say that you agree with?
I can't watch the video: YT is blocked at work.
Beavis and Butt head are smarter than both those guys.

Social Security is as of right now is going to be bankrupt by 2034, but Medicare will be by 2026. How they will find Medicare I don't know one solution will probably be pull from SS which means it will be bankrupt before then.

The easiest argument against Social Security: where is it mentioned specifically in the Constitution?

What do we do with those who "lose": that's an individual state issue

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